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Is it right to quit? 10 times it's ok #author #entrepreneur @kayelleallen

The question, “Is it right to quit?” seems to require a “No!” in response. But does it? Not if you are quitting for the right reasons. Here are ten times it’s okay (and perhaps advisable) to quit.

When is it right to quit?

  1. When you realize what you’re doing is wrong. You’ve gone about it the hard way, for example, or you realize your information was incorrect.
  2. When it’s harmful or dangerous to yourself, others, or the environment.
  3. When it’s wasteful and not a good use of resources. Is it right to quit if you can fix the issue? Perhaps not.
  4. When someone else can do it better for less. This is an iffy one — quality and quantity are market related. If you can make a widget for a dollar and someone else has a means to make ten of them for that price and they outperform yours, give serious thought to moving on.Is it right to quit? 10 times it's ok #author #entrepreneur @kayelleallen
  5. When it’s not going in the right direction for your purposes.
  6. When you can’t control what you’re doing and how you’re doing it, this is a good time to step back and reconsider how and why. Is it right to quit if you can’t control the outcome? This is probably one of the best times, depending on what you are trying to do in the first place.
  7. When it’s no longer necessary. At some point, when no one needs this product or service, set it aside and move on.
  8. When it’s time to hand it over to a new person. Perhaps someone you know needs a chance to succeed and this project would be ideal for them. Step back and coach, but let it go. Is it right to quit when it means enabling others? Yes.
  9. When you’ve lost your enthusiasm. Perhaps a different approach to the issue is needed, but if you’ve tried different things and you still don’t care, quit. I know, that flies in the face of contemporary advice, but don’t beat a dead horse. Ride a live one.
  10. When you no longer love it. You might be enthusiastic about the concept or the product, but you’re tired of it. You don’t want to do this anymore. Then by all means, step back and move on.

The point of knowing when to quit is knowing what to do afterward. Is it right to quit just because you feel like it? Well, why do you feel like it? Is it because one of the reasons above?

Let me share some things I decided to quit doing recently. I unsubscribed from a few online services I no longer used and from a few newsletters I never read. I stopped wasting time opening email and then filing it and instead, set up a filter in email to automatically file many emails from my target people (friends, family, and businesses). Now I can see the folders have unread mail, read it, and then either delete it or go on to the next thing. It cut down on time filing quite a bit.

I am a graphic designer and love creating fanart, plus book covers, banners, and more. I created a company, The Author’s Secret, for that purpose. However, after five years, I realized I was spending so much time maintaining social media, websites, blog posts, and more for both myself and the company that I had little time left to do what I want to do most. Write. So after a long soul-searching period, I decided to close the company.

Instead, I will offer a few of the same services from my own website. That way, I’m promoting only one site and one set of social media. It’s a win-win.

Is it right to quit? I think so, yes, when the reasons are sound. What do you think? Is it right to quit or should you slug it out no matter what? Share your thoughts in the comments. I’d love to hear from you, yea or nay.

It’s Mother’s Day and I’m only online for a little bit. Have plans to hang out with family, chill, and take it easy today.

My ROW80 update is short this time. I had a week planning for Outlantacon, which went uber well. I had a wonderful time at the con. I then had a week of work catching up with things I missed the previous week, and posting updates on various spots.

This week, I’ve focused back on my writing. I ripped out two chapters that — while well done and interesting — didn’t take my characters where I wanted them to go. The equivalent of ripping out about 30 rows of crochet stitches. Painful, but necessary to move forward. Those two chapters were holding me back. Someone once said cutting chapters was akin to killing. Well… I can maybe agree. Although I’ve never killed anyone, it was painful enough to do that it took me three days to get up the nerve to do it. I’m still working on the rewrites. Set me back about two weeks.

On the other hand, I went to see the Avengers yesterday with my son and his son. It was a treat getting to see my kind of movie. I love scifi, and any movie where stuff blows up. ^_^ Favorite line… wow. There were many great parts. Probably the best is a scene in which Captain America is delivering orders to two NY cops, and they give him a cold stare. One says “Why should we listen to you?” About then, the invading force (not a spoiler – it’s in the previews) shows up and the good captain takes on about half a dozen baddies single handedly. The questioning cop gets an eyeful. He grabs his mic and repeats the orders without hesitation. Abit later in the film, Capt America is again giving orders to the other Avengers, who up to now, hadn’t been that crazy about taking orders from anyone. This time, they all bounce off to obey. That’s where my favorite line comes in. Last to receive an order is the Hulk, who’s been running amok all day. The captain says, “Hulk?” and the green monster turns and gives him a critical eye. The order? “Smash!!” With an evil grin and a nod, the Hulk sets off to do just that.

The two-and-a-half hour movie was over far too fast. Great pacing, excellent dialogue, wonderful imagery. I want to write like that.

Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable–or hide it forever. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.
Goals = Growth
I’m reblogging this post, which I shared with Dariel Raye on her blog, Musings of an Independent Artist. Click the link to visit her blog, where there is a giveaway, and info on goals by a dozen other writers.
Dariel asked me, “On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how would you rate the attainment of your writing goals in 2012? Did you have goals? What will you change for 2013?”
My answer: Looking back, I set five specific goals for 2012, and met only one of them. However, I give myself a 5. I met the first because I made it a top priority and worked at it daily. I set aside the second goal for other priorities. I abandoned the third and fourth because I found better plans to follow. I completely forgot about the fifth one because I didn’t go over my goals periodically, the way I have in previous years. I won’t make that mistake in 2013. I set a new set of objectives for 2013 back in December 2012, and have already accomplished two of them. I am tweaking the list, and will be adding back the item I had forgotten.
2013 is shaping up to be a successful year for me as a writer, a person, and as a wife, mother, and grandmother. For example, my husband and I are working through a workbook by Dr. Gary Chapman called The Five Love Languages, and together, we’re reading Life Code: New Rules for Winning in the Real World by Dr. Phil McGraw. Both of these are making a difference in our personal and professional relationships.
I have short stories scheduled in two anthologies so far, and expect to complete a long awaited sequel. I’m excited by the future I see.
Okay, shoe on the other foot. What are some of your goals this year?

Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable–or hide it forever. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.
remember back to the future

“You made a time machine out of a DeLorean?”

Remember this day in movie lore? Wednesday, October 21, 2015 — that’s the day set into the Flux Capacitor in the movie “Back to the Future” starring Christopher Lloyd and Michael J Fox. The flick had Doc Brown (Lloyd) and Marty McFly (Fox) jumping through time. Because Marty accidentally went back in time, Doc had to get him back to the future in order to set events right. They unknowingly caused a rift in the space-time continuum, and at the end of the movie, Doc comes back from the distant future to Marty’s current time to get him and his girlfriend and go back to another future.

The story was a lot of fun, and was one of the first to be made where the sequels were shot at the same time. The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings were shot concurrently as well. Many fun websites and posts went up about the film, and discussions about continuity between the movies were the source of many fun arguments. In one scene, Marty wears a handheld hairdryer as if it’s a gun, but there were no such devices in that time. It was revealed that the device was originally included in the suitcase that Doc packed, and which Marty brought back in time with him because it was already in the time machine.

Speaking of which, whoever thought of putting a time machine into a DeLorean? If I remember correctly, Doc Brown reasoned if he could crank the car up to 88 miles per hour, the flux capacitor would kick in and spark the jump. Which it did, creating a comical series of events. Marty gets in the car to outrun bad guys early in the film, and ends up being shot into the past, where the car takes out a pine tree. The movie starts out with Marty arriving at Twin Pines Mall to meet Doc, and ends with him returning to Lone Pine Mall, one of the first hints that the future has changed.

remember back to the future

Time travel has always fascinated me, and watching this movie and its sequels has been great fun in the past. I’ve shared it with my kids and grandkids. I’m looking forward to the upcoming Star Wars movie. How many times have you seen the originals? Like millions — I’ll be anxiously awaiting the return of heroes I’ve known nearly all my life. And yes (cue the heavy breathing) at least one villain.

Share what you remember about Back to the Future. Have you seen it? How about the sequels? How many times? What is your favorite line? Mine is “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need any roads.” Share in the comments.

Image credits: “TeamTimeCar.com-BTTF DeLorean Time Machine-OtoGodfrey.com-JMortonPhoto.com-07” by Terabass – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Commons http://bit.ly/1GpyN1V

Workshop: Writing and Comics Track @OutlantaCon #scifi #amwritingOutlantaCon has been around for 8 years and has seen a steady increase of attendance. It’s an Atlanta-based event for the Queer Geek audience, and the straight audience too. It’s my favorite convention, and I’ve attended since the first year. I have an honorary lifetime membership. When you attend a workshop here, you relax and chat, and can ask questions one-on-one. As a writer, it’s a great way to network, cut loose, and have some fun. The literary guests (in alphabetical order by first name) include:
Ally Blue
Brent D Seth
Eden Winters
Kage Alan
Kayelle Allen
Kiernan Kelly
Lee Martindale
Michael James Bode
R Alan Sler
Warren Rochelle

Workshop Listing

This workshop listing is only a sample. Please see the website for the full list. I’m teaching one of these, plus one on using Twitter (Sunday 5/15).

Workshop: Transitioning from Writing in One Genre to Another: Don’t Be Afraid
Fri, May 13, 10:30pm – Sat, May 14, 12:00am
Room: Decatur I
Why is stepping outside our writing safety zone so difficult? Is trying something new a good thing? Bad thing? Will we lose readers? Gain new ones? Can we successfully go from one genre to another?
10:30p – 11:45p
Panelists: Kage Alan, Kiernan Kelly, Eden Winters

Workshop: Self Publishing Vs. Publish with an Agent: The Pros and Cons
Sat, May 14, 10:30am – 12:00pm
Room: Decatur I
Discussion of the differences between traditional publishing versus self publishing. The values and pitfalls that happen with each. How to navigate and decide which would work best for the individual.
10:30a – 11:34a
Instructor: Kage Alan

Workshop: Walking the Self-Publishing Minefield
Sun, May 15, 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Room: Decatur II
A round table discussion of what to do and what to avoid when self publishing in order to turn out a polished manuscript, including how to market it once it’s published.
Noon – 1:15p
Instructors: Keirnan Kelly and Kayelle Allen

Don’t see a workshop you like? No worries. There is an entire list available on the convention website, and more than one track to choose from.
Main site http://www.outlantacon.org/
Programming http://www.outlantacon.org/#!programming/c1yjy
Membership http://www.outlantacon.org/#!membership/chul
Cost for the entire weekend is $60, or $30 for Saturday only. Email registration@outlantacon.org for more information.

Where is OutlantaCon?

Atlanta Marriott Century Center/Emory Area
2000 Century Boulevard NE Atlanta GA 30345
More info on the Marriott Reservation page.
The rate is 92.00 USD/night plus applicable taxes for the Thursday to Monday dates of the convention. If you have any problems with the reservation process online call the hotel direct. (404) 325-0000

Temporarily Employed by Vicki Batman

Temporarily Employed — by Vicki Batman

Time to Party! My friend Vicki Batman (yes, that’s her real name) has a new book out: Temporarily Employed. Join us for a Facebook Party to celebrate.

Hattie Cook’s dream job is down the toilet and her new SUV violated. Desperate for cash to cover the basic necessities of rent and food, she takes a temporary job at Buy-Rite insurance company where she uncovers an embezzling scam tied to the death of a former employee—the very one she replaced. The last thing she wants is to clash with By-the-Book Detective Wellborn, no matter how much he makes her heart pound.
Allan Charles Wellborn has secretly adored Hattie all his life. He evolved from a pocket protector-wearing geek to a handsome police detective. When the police determine there’s more to the death of a former Buy Rite employee, he steps in to lead the investigation. Overly dedicated, always perfect, he puts his job first, even if doing so ultimately hurts the one he loves.
Can the killer be found before Hattie’s time is up?

Facebook Party Details

You are invited to the Facebook Party launch for Vicki’s romantic comedy mystery Temporarily Employed.
Where: Vicki Batman Facebook – http://on.fb.me/1ipdLkv
When: Today! October 17th ~ 10 am – 8 pm CST
Facebook Party guests: (including me!)

10am ~ Elizabeth Essex
11am ~ Paloma Beck and Lynda Coker
12pm ~ Angi Morgan
1pm ~ Alisha Paige Wilson and Donnell Bell
2pm ~ Sylvia McDaniel, Karilyn Bentley, and Kimberley Troutte
3pm ~ Liz Lipperman and Kristina Knight
4pm ~ D’Ann Linscott Dunham and Tina Gayle
5pm ~ Magdalena Scott and Betty Bolte
6pm ~ Melissa Keir and Kayelle Allen
7pm ~ Alexa Bourne, Barbara Barrett, and Allie Quinn
8pm ~ And the winners are… To be announced at the end.

Special giveaways, excerpts, laughs and virtual champagne for all at our fun Facebook Party. Come join us!  http://on.fb.me/1ipdLkv

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