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The Tarthian Tour Company asks, "Where do you want to wake up tomorrow?"

Location: Aetherium Aegis, Edge of the Tarthian Empire.
Moons: Six, varying in size and atmosphere.
Suitability for Humans: Highly suitable; diverse ecosystems.
Primary Occupants: A rich mix of humanoid species.
Historical Significance: Site of ancient interstellar trade routes.
Notable Features: Layover for the Imperial Armada.


Alsnorn - Armada LayoverNestled near the edge of the Tarthian Empire, Alsnorn stands as a strategic jewel, discovered in the tumultuous year of 4652 tradestandard by Her Majesty the Conqueror Rheyn Destoiya. This planet is situated in a unique position between the bustling jump points of Ezraki and Porosen la, making it a vital waypoint in the Empire's expansive interstellar transportation network.

Alsnorn is shrouded in an air of mystique and tension, particularly favored by rebel leaders who seek refuge from Imperial scrutiny. The planet's rugged landscapes are marked by a mixture of verdant valleys and craggy mountain ranges, giving way to forests and crystalline caves where rare crystals can be found. These dazzling minerals emit a soft, ethereal glow, prized for its energy-conducting properties and at the center of clandestine trade deals between the rebels and sympathetic off-world traders.

Six Moons & Shadow Walkers

The planet is orbited by six distinct moons, two of which are particularly peculiar for their retrograde orbits, sparking intrigue among astronomers and conspiracy theorists alike. These moons, each named after ancient deities of their long-lost civilizations, cast enchanting overlapping shadows across Alsnorn's nighttime surface, giving rise to the myth of Shadow Walkers, wraiths who hide within shadows and steal the souls of passersby. This and other myths add to the fun of exploring the planet's rich cultural tapestry.

Alsnorn, Crossroads in SpaceDespite its allure, access to Alsnorn is heavily regulated due to its status as a layover for the Imperial Armada. Ground tours are a rare privilege, available only to those who secure special permission, either through the ship's purser or via the convenient TIKTBOT system integrated into most debit bracelets. The limited privilege serves as a stark reminder of the Empire's reach and control.

The landscape of Alsnorn is punctuated by the hum of Armada ships laying over as they transit between the familiar trade routes of Porosen la and the enigmatic non-human worlds that lie beyond. These layovers are often filled with heightened tension, creating an atmosphere where rebellion and oppression exist side by side, allowing Alsnorn to thrive as both a sanctuary for dissenters and a crucial outpost in the Empire's relentless march towards subjugation.

Thus, Alsnorn remains not only a fleeting pit stop within the galaxy's great expanse but also a stage for the ongoing struggle between freedom and tyranny, where every shadow whispers a story of conflict waiting to unfold.

Tarthian Tour Companyβ€”where do you want to wake up tomorrow?

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Tarthian Tour Company art by Jamin Allen and/or Kayelle Allen
Some artwork includes compilation imagery courtesy of Depositphotos, and/or Pixabay