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Can you fall in love again when the love of your life has gone? #Contemporary #HolidayRomance #SweetRomance


Genre: Contemporary Holiday Romance

Christmas Memories

One of my favorite memories of Christmas happened at age eighteen.Β I convinced my parents to let me stay up and do the stuff for "Santa" and wrap goodies for my nieces and nephews, who stayed over Christmas Eve.

My sisters, who were quite a few years older, each had small children.

A Romance for Christmas #Holiday #Romance

Having younger kids there meant that for once, I was the "oldest kid". I figured taking part in the Santa stuff made me an adult.

So I stayed up, helped wrap and put out gifts, and signed things "from Santa" using a "fake" signature so no one would recognize my handwriting. I even ate the milk and cookies.

Next morning, I enjoyed seeing the happy and excited kids. I knew about the "conspiracy" of not telling who ate the cookies.Β But a little part of me missed the surprise of finding gifts from Santa, even though I had known for many years Mother and Daddy put them out.

I don't think we ever outgrow the wonder of surprise on Christmas morning, even when we know the truth.

Perhaps because we realize that someone thought about us, and for that moment, we feel not only surprised and special... but also loved.

I hope A Romance for ChristmasΒ gives you a warm glow and helps you remember the wonder of the season.

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Can you fall in love again when the love of your life has gone? A year ago on Christmas Eve, the love of Dara's life passed away in a tragic accident, leaving her with their three-year-old daughter. Though insurance paid off the house and provided the basics, there wasn't much left over.

A car accident drained finances and cost her missed work. She's hoping for a chance to go back to work after the new year. But right now, it's Christmas Eve, there's no money for a tree, and everything Dara loves has been sold to survive. Will the holidays ever bring joy again?

A knock on the door reveals a cop, with an unselfish gift that will change her entire life.

A second-chance romance full of hope, so sweet there's not even a kiss...

This book has a rating of 4.1 Stars and over 50 reviews on Amazon.

(image credit: Elf by Janet E Jones)

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