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Color the Characters, then read the books.

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download and print free adult coloring books, free coloring books, Kayelle Allen coloring books

download and print free adult coloring books, free coloring books, Kayelle Allen coloring books

download and print free adult coloring books, free coloring books, Kayelle Allen coloring books

download and print free adult coloring books, free coloring books, Kayelle Allen coloring books

download and print free adult coloring books, free coloring books, Kayelle Allen coloring books

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download and print free adult coloring books, free coloring books, Kayelle Allen coloring books

Multiple books to choose from

Are you looking for coloring books for adults? Want some that are FREE? This is the place. Free is my favorite price! Why did I make these? I love art and I love creating. I'm also an author. By combining my love of art with my love of the creative writing process, I have the best of both worlds.

My son (Jamin Allen of Nimajination Studios) created nearly all the art. I added details and patterns. Click any image in the gallery below to download your printable books. Each one has a link inside to bring you back for fresh copies or to share with a friend.

Have you tried coloring games? Pass out multiple copies of your coloring pages and have a contest. You decide what the rules are and how to play.

Benefits of Coloring

In their Health division, the news giant CNN suggests you take a mental health day and enjoy coloring. Art therapy (making and creating artwork) can help "explore feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness" and more. Art helps adults de-stress and self-express. The activity can help achieve mindfulness.

Some books call themselves "art therapy." Are they? It's more likely you'll achieve less stress if you're creating the art yourself, rather than filling in someone else's design in a coloring book. Painting on a blank canvas, laying out the design for a dress and then sewing it, building a sculpture with clay, and other art activities use a skillset different from coloring simple designs created by another person.

Does that mean you shouldn't do it? Absolutely not. Adult coloring books are relaxing, fun, and takes your mind away from your troubles. That can be a good thing!

How to Use Adult Coloring Books

The first thing to remember is -- Relax! This is supposed to be fun. Now, with that out of the way, let's talk about technique.

Don't try to color the entire picture at one time. Your hand might cramp. You might lose patience. You could run out of ink. The point of adult coloring is to relax and take your time. Don't do this on a schedule where you're snapping your mental fingers saying "Hurry up!" Again, this is fun.

If you haven't spent time coloring in a coloring book since you were a kid, it might surprise you that A) you still know how, and B) you need practice. If you've never colored before, congratulations! Coloring pictures will be relaxing and produce something beautiful you can enjoy seeing.

I print coupons on my computer, and there are always long strips of white paper left over. I use these to do color swatches when I'm working on a project.

Some basic "rules"
* Work from the outside in. It will help you keep from going outside the lines (if you're trying to avoid that).
* Press gently. You can build up color by repeating strokes.
* Have a sharpener nearby for pencils. Use it often.
* Put the caps back on your pens. They might not dry out, but cleanup will be easier if you don't have to find missing caps.
* Test your ink on a scrap paper first.
* You can never have too many pencils or pens!
* Color outside the lines. It's okay. No one is going to slap your hand. Scribble in the margins and make your own doodles.
* Rules are made to be broken. The main thing is to have fun and relax.

Do I need special pens or pencils?

Not really. Feel free to sit down with your kids while they're coloring and use their box of crayons. Not only is it a fun family time, it takes you back to your childhood. Remember opening that new box of crayons in school? The smell of the fresh crayons? Ahh... nice.

If you prefer fine-tipped pencils or gel pens, or you like vibrant colors, I can recommend these coloring pens and pencils for adult coloring books on Amazon. Β Any will do. They are all good. These are popular items and are often on sale. You might find a deal.

Any of my characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

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