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Tag: Life

Life happens. These posts are about the day to day or some aspect of living. Sometimes humorous.

Author Facade: being who you are as a writer #Author #MFRWauthor #INFJ

Author façade. Do those words go together? Yes. When people ask me what I do, I could say I’m a wife or mother. I could say I’m a veteran. Or retired. Or any number of things. So could you, right? But what I say is, “I’m a writer.” An author.

The Author Façade

I’ve been published since 2004, and without exaggeration, I can say I’ve written hundreds of blog posts, tens of thousands of emails, and millions of words. I’ve posted on blogs all over the net.  Why? So readers can know the person behind the author façade. Is Kayelle Allen an author façade? Well, maybe façade is not the best word. One dictionary I consulted defines it like this:Kayelle Allen

Façade (1) A showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant. — I certainly hope I’m not unpleasant. That doesn’t sound good, does it? No, not at all. I think my author facade fits the second definition better.
Façade (2): Frontage, the face or front of a building. Window dressing. — Or does that make my author façade somehow equal to drapes? Surely not.

I prefer to see my author façade as the best of who I am. My best-foot-forward attitude. My who-I-am when I’m on-my-best-behavior self. Okay, those of you who know me best can stop snickering. I can hear you all the way over here.

The thing is, my author façade is reality. The Kayelle Allen online is who I really am. Every person has something of a façade when it comes to public life and there are things I don’t share online. But I strive to be faithful to my private life when presenting my author self in public. I attempt to keep my author façade true to my real persona. So who am I?

I’m an INFJ (Myers Briggs temperament). The letters stand for Introversion (I), Intuition (N), Feeling (F), Judgment (J). I’m an introvert (I) in that I get my energy by being alone. I have blazingly fast insight (N) into people. I tend to go with feelings (F) over facts because I trust my own intuition, and once I make up my mind (J), I act without hesitation or looking back. Who are some other INFJs? Oprah Winfrey, Billy Crystal, Nelson Mandela, Carrie Fisher, Nicole Kidman, and Adam Sandler. Try this article if you want more insight.

My inside age and outside age are not equal. I may have aged, but I am not old. Wiser? Yes. Goodness. You couldn’t live my life without learning a few things. Smarter? Debatable.  I’m a US Navy veteran (Viet Nam era) and a member of RomVets (female romance writers who served in the military). I’m also a former Toastmaster. I love getting up in front of people and talking. That’s the number one fear in America, but I happen to love public speaking. You’d get me on a roller coaster only by dragging my dead body, but I will happily speak to a convention full of people. Weird, huh? I’m the founder of Marketing for Romance Writers, a peer-mentoring group for authors. Don’t get me started on that. I love MFRW! Click the link for in depth info about MFRW.

I think I’m someone you’d like if you got to know me. Because as much as being a writer is like being a different person, my author façade is the presentation of a real person. I invite you to follow and get to know me. I’d like to get to know you too. Please, tell me about your “façade” as a person. Who are you?

5 Exercises and 5 Excuses for Writers #writerslife #MFRWauthor

5 Exercises and 5 Excuses for Writers #writerslife #MFRWauthorYou might not be aware, but writing can be hazardous to your health. For example, carpal tunnel syndrome affects millions and is a serious threat to many writers. I had surgery (called a carpal tunnel release) on each hand, one after the other, many years ago. I’m completely recovered but it was a long haul. Here are some exercises that helped me recover.

These five exercises are ones my physical therapist taught me. After those, I’ll pass on five excuses for the author who likes less of a challenge. Any writer can do these hand exercises. They are pleasant, and simple. Performing warm up exercises for your hands can help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and other maladies.

I am not a doctor or a trained physical therapist, but I am a writer who has dealt with carpal tunnel and lived with the pain it causes. These are suggestions based on what I do myself and what my therapist gave me to do. As with any exercise program, check with a medical professional before beginning, or if you have concerns. I personally do all the exercises below and they work for me. I hope they’ll help you.

Exercises for Writers

Exercise 1

Spread your fingers as wide as possible, hold the stretch to a count of five. Make a tight fist and hold that to a count of five. Repeat. Do this at least twice per hand before beginning your day.

Exercise 2

With right hand open, place fingers in the palm of your left hand. Press with the right while resisting with the left. You might feel this all the way to your elbows. That’s okay. It means there’s a good stretch. Hold for a count of five. Reverse hands and repeat. Do this twice per hand. I credit my fast recovery from surgery with this kind of therapy.

Exercise 3

Holding your hand straight up, keep fingers together and bring your thumb across your palm. Try to touch the base of your little finger. Stretch for it. If this is difficult it likely means your hand is tight. Repeat five times. You can do both hands at once.

Exerci5 Exercises and 5 Excuses for Writers #writerslife #MFRWauthorse 4

Use a small stress ball. Here’s one available on Amazon that is safe, non-sticky, and is said to last a lifetime. This one claims to be safe around children, but use your own judment. Place the ball on a firm surface and place the palm of your hand atop it. Keeping your fingers straight, roll the ball beneath your hand. Stress balls often come with their own suggested exercises.

Exercise 5

If you have twin sinks this is easy. If you don’t, try two deep bowls. Fill one with hot water. Make it cool enough to hold your hand in comfortably, but still be considered hot. Fill the other side with cold water. You can float a few ice cubes in it. Plunge your hands in the hot water and hold for 30 seconds. Then put them right into the cold water for 60 seconds. Repeat five times. This makes my hands feel wonderful! I hope you enjoy it too.

Excuses for Writers

We all have days where we just can’t seem to cope. Days when good enough is good enough. For those days, try these excuses. Because we’re writers, these are writing-related.

Excuse 1

You’ve worked hard on marketing and writing so take a break. Play Spider Solitaire, Mahjongg, a word search puzzle, or other game. Alternate option: read.

Excuse 2

The submission process is stressful, so write in a pre-formatted document. To create, open a blank document and save it as Chapter One. Double-check the formatting. Set a new format to indent automatically five spaces when starting a new paragraph, format it for double lines and name it Editing.

Excuse 3

You should be well hydrated before beginning any exercise. Fill your coffee cup, lift, sip, and put it back down. Repeat with the other hand. Do this until the cup is empty. Refill so you can repeat again later if needed.

Excuse 4

You should keep to your schedule as much as possible, so check your email and calendar for any upcoming events. Because these tasks fall under marketing, this is an acceptable writing activity.

Excuse 5

Writers should use good equipment, including things used for exercise. Double-check the exercise equipment you have on hand to be sure it’s high quality. You might try comparison shopping online. While you’re ordering new items, stock up on coffee, creamer, and sugar. This might be a good time to consider the meal plan for the week.

There you have it. Five exercises and five excuses. Which you use depends on you. Have you faced similar issues with pain when writing? How did you deal with it? Feel free to leave a comment.

Is it right to quit? 10 times it’s ok #author #entrepreneur

The question, “Is it right to quit?” seems to require a “No!” in response. But does it? Not if you are quitting for the right reasons. Here are ten times it’s okay (and perhaps advisable) to quit.

When is it right to quit?

  1. When you realize what you’re doing is wrong. You’ve gone about it the hard way, for example, or you realize your information was incorrect.
  2. When it’s harmful or dangerous to yourself, others, or the environment.
  3. When it’s wasteful and not a good use of resources. Is it right to quit if you can fix the issue? Perhaps not.
  4. When someone else can do it better for less. This is an iffy one — quality and quantity are market related. If you can make a widget for a dollar and someone else has a means to make ten of them for that price and they outperform yours, give serious thought to moving on.Is it right to quit? 10 times it's ok #author #entrepreneur @kayelleallen
  5. When it’s not going in the right direction for your purposes.
  6. When you can’t control what you’re doing and how you’re doing it, this is a good time to step back and reconsider how and why. Is it right to quit if you can’t control the outcome? This is probably one of the best times, depending on what you are trying to do in the first place.
  7. When it’s no longer necessary. At some point, when no one needs this product or service, set it aside and move on.
  8. When it’s time to hand it over to a new person. Perhaps someone you know needs a chance to succeed and this project would be ideal for them. Step back and coach, but let it go. Is it right to quit when it means enabling others? Yes.
  9. When you’ve lost your enthusiasm. Perhaps a different approach to the issue is needed, but if you’ve tried different things and you still don’t care, quit. I know, that flies in the face of contemporary advice, but don’t beat a dead horse. Ride a live one.
  10. When you no longer love it. You might be enthusiastic about the concept or the product, but you’re tired of it. You don’t want to do this anymore. Then by all means, step back and move on.

The point of knowing when to quit is knowing what to do afterward. Is it right to quit just because you feel like it? Well, why do you feel like it? Is it because one of the reasons above?

Let me share some things I decided to quit doing recently. I unsubscribed from a few online services I no longer used and from a few newsletters I never read. I stopped wasting time opening email and then filing it and instead, set up a filter in email to automatically file many emails from my target people (friends, family, and businesses). Now I can see the folders have unread mail, read it, and then either delete it or go on to the next thing. It cut down on time filing quite a bit.

I am a graphic designer and love creating banners, and more. I created a company, The Author’s Secret, for that purpose. However, after five years, I realized I was spending so much time maintaining social media, websites, blog posts, and more for both myself and the company that I had little time left to do what I want to do most. Write. So after a long soul-searching period, I decided to close the company.

Is it right to quit? I think so, yes, when the reasons are sound. What do you think? Is it right to quit or should you slug it out no matter what? Share your thoughts in the comments. I’d love to hear from you, yea or nay.

How to Offer Help at Christmas #holidays #pets #hunger

People and pets will go hungry this Christmas. It’s sad that in the midst of all our plenty, there are still some who won’t get enough to eat. Why not be a blessing this Christmas? If you want to offer help and make a difference, here are some concrete things you can do.

Offer help for People

You can offer help in a concrete way. Instead of stocking up on cranberry sauce and stuffing, here are some items people need every day of the year. Donate these and you help people long after the holidays are over. Once you determine a place to donate, consider offering some of these items.

1) For people on food stamps and other assistance, a food allowance is provided, but it doesn’t cover diapers, paper towels, toilet paper, or cleaning supplies. When it’s on sale, stock up and donate some of the extra.

2) Personal hygiene products are vital. Consider picking up small travel sizes (handy for those who are homeless).

3) One of the biggest needs is for baby food and formula. Getting the dry powder to mix is great, and less expensive. If you get coupons for these items, stock up when they go on sale. Offer help personally if you know someone with a baby by bringing coupons, offering to drive them to the store, shop for them, or even to just sit down and talk. New parents are often exhausted. Having someone offer help might make a big difference.

4) Healthy snacks for children to pack in lunches, such as granola bars, milk boxes, juice boxes, and fresh fruit like apples and oranges. These keep well.

5) Salt, pepper (especially the type in small shakers), mayo, ketchup, mustard, barbecue sauce, sriracha, salsa, and other condiments such as salad dressing.

6) Donate non-perishable proteins. Pick up cans of tuna, chicken, ham, beans, jars of peanut butter, or almond butter.

A site in the Atlanta area for helping families is Papa’s Pantry. They let families come in and shop at no cost for what they need in a small store of donated items. The site is always in need of donations. They also teach workshops such as budgeting, job-finding skills, resume creation, and how to coupon. Knowledge and skill help break the cycle of need.

Offer help for Pets

When people are in tough financial straits, they sometimes have to surrender their animals to a shelter because they can’t take care of them anymore. That’s so sad! Do you have a pet? When you shop for your own, grab a few extra cans of dog and cat food. Even one can of food will make a difference to a hungry animal. Local shelters love getting extra food. They can use old blankets and towels too. Call your local shelter and ask what they need most. After a natural disaster such as a wildfire, flood, or earthquake, consider contacting one of the service agencies that help homeless pets. One in the Atlanta area is the Homeless Pets Foundation.

I want to give a shout out to Rob’s Rescues near Atlanta, GA. Rob writes a column every month for four magazines in the Cherokee and Cobb county areas north of Atlanta. He profiles one dog and one cat each month from both the Cobb County Animal Shelter and Cherokee the County Animal Shelter and tries to get them adopted. He does pet food drives in local businesses and animal hospitals, and gives pet food to people who can’t afford to feed their pets. He has done interviews with people like the Gwinnett County Sheriff about the Jail Dogs Program. He’s been doing this since May 2015. The unusual thing about Rob is that he is still in elementary school! Just goes to show that to help others, you only have to be willing.

I urge you to click the Rob’s Rescues link, visit his site, and help him accomplish his mission of feeding pets.

2013 Goals: Beginning a New Cycle

I’m reblogging this post, which I shared with Dariel Raye on her blog, Musings of an Independent Artist.
Dariel asked me, “On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how would you rate the attainment of your writing goals in 2012? Did you have goals? What will you change for 2013?”
My answer: Looking back, I set five specific goals for 2012, and met only one of them. However, I give myself a 5. I met the first because I made it a top priority and worked at it daily. I set aside the second goal for other priorities. I abandoned the third and fourth because I found better plans to follow. I completely forgot about the fifth one because I didn’t go over my goals periodically, the way I have in previous years. I won’t make that mistake in 2013. I set a new set of objectives for 2013 back in December 2012, and have already accomplished two of them. I am tweaking the list, and will be adding back the item I had forgotten.
2013 is shaping up to be a successful year for me as a writer, a person, and as a wife, mother, and grandmother. For example, my husband and I are working through a workbook by Dr. Gary Chapman called The Five Love Languages, and together, we’re reading Life Code: New Rules for Winning in the Real World by Dr. Phil McGraw. Both of these are making a difference in our personal and professional relationships.
I have short stories scheduled in two anthologies so far, and expect to complete a long awaited sequel. I’m excited by the future I see.
Okay, shoe on the other foot. What are some of your goals this year?


Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable–or hide it forever. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.

Today My Husband Won’t #poetry

My husband and me, 2011.

Today My Husband Won’t
By Kayelle Allen
Today, my husband won’t leave his socks on the floor, or miss the hamper.
He won’t pull out a towel and mess up the way the others are folded.
He’s not going to run over the newspaper as he comes down the driveway.
He won’t leave the garage door open, or back the car into the grass on that tight corner.
My husband won’t watch the early news instead of talking to me.
He won’t ignore the family for a ball game.
He’s not going to fall asleep watching the late news.
There won’t be a magazine or book open in his lap.
He won’t complain about traffic on the freeway tonight.
He won’t sing off key in the shower.
He’s not going to putter around in the garage.
He won’t work overtime and end up being late for dinner.
It won’t be because he’s a perfect husband.
Nor because he’s turned over a new leaf.
Today, my husband won’t do any of these things…
Because my husband is now in Heaven.
I miss him.
Hug your husband today.
My husband is alive and well. I wrote this because I try to keep in mind every day that my spouse, like me, has a finite number of days on the earth. I want to enjoy every single one of them with him, while he’s here. Never take your loved ones for granted. We have only this moment, right now, right here. Hug your husband. Think twice about complaining about what he says or does. You have so few moments together. Make each of them count.
Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable–or hide it forever. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion. Wins Web Award #amreading

Tarthian Tour Company.

To promote my writing, I spent time lately updating my website, creating new images for the 28 pages of the Tarthian Tour Company and new images for the wallpaper page. Apparently, it paid off! Coffee Time Romance readers named it one of the best sites for October 2012. Here’s what they had to say:
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Now, there are some websites you come across that catch your eye and then there are those that stand up and demand your attention. Kayelle Allen’s Tarthian Universe does just that. With over twenty-five locations to explore, each one not only takes you into another world, the experience is mesmerizing. A person can literally spend hours there exploring this fascinating world.
Take Tarth, for example:
Tarth – showing field harmonics
The planet Tarth is a glittering jewel in the dark night of space. The brilliant colors visible here are created from networks of shields encompassing the cities. The harmonics of the varied frequencies alter the wavelength of color, turning the rich forests and rivers into bright green and vibrant gold. Once inside the outer shields around the planet, the appearance returns to normal blues, greens and browns. Ships entering the guarded space are subject to boarding and destruction without proper passcodes…
And it goes on with descriptive colorful and gorgeous pictures and captures the imagination in delightful detail.
In fact, it would not be surprising at all, to one day see this unique world and characters come to life on the big screen and top the charts of a box-office hit, land at #1, and expand to mega-sequels. [insert author’s whoop of delight here]
It has certainly landed #1 for us and we are proud to add it to our Elite Websites for 2012. To put it simply, Kayelle Allen’s Tarthian Empire has more than captured October’s Caramel Corner at Coffee Time Romance & More…it dominates it.
Now I wonder what kind of coffee they serve there?
To explore more of this fascinating world, click here
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Kyrenie Wallpaper
How exciting is that?! I decided to jump online and share it with the Twitterverse, the Facebook crowd, and of course, the blogverse. Here is one more image from my wallpaper page. It’s new — created to go along with the tour. Click the image to see full sized, or here, to download it in a widescreen format.
Kyrenie is home to firestorms, instant lightning-type bolts that are so hot they melt sand and create crystals. The planet is yellow when seen from space, because it’s nearly all arid desert. This scene is from one of its moons, and the atmosphere makes it appear red.
Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable–or hide it forever. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.

More Spam Spam and More Spam

Danger Ahead…

I occasionally share a list of amusing spam emails. Here are some of the latest. Use discretion when opening these kinds of messages — and a good antivirus program. For best results, don’t open them at all! I include their titles here, but did not open any of these emails.

Dear Confidant/Scam Victim
I love this one! Apparently they believe in telling you the truth right up front. You are a victim. What a timesaver.

Confirmation! Confirmation! Confirmation!

Because I might not pay attention if they just wrote Confirmation.

FBI Seeking to Wiretap Internet
Now, when I got this it was in all caps, but I wrote it like a title to fit my blog better. Which is another way you can tell if something is spam. It SCREAMS at you. Apparently, finding the caps lock key is too much of an effort for these folks.

Kind Request
Yeah right. Their kind request is for me to download their virus-laden attachment and/or click their malicious-site URL. No thank you.

Poverty Alleviation Program
I knew this was the real thing because it came from United Nation. Not Nations, mind you, but Nation. Although what this one nation is united with, I’m not sure. Maybe it’s an internal thing. Anyway, I didn’t open it. I prefer to alleviate poverty the old fashioned way — by working.

Verification Notice
This type of notice should be considered seriously. No, really! If you just joined a website and are expecting a confirmation of some sort, it can be handy. But in my case, I got one from the Chief Justice of Nigeria. Somehow I don’t think so. Gonna pass on that one.

Your Winning no: GB8701/LPRC
Okay, my winning “no” (which is an abbreviation for number — but I digress) is right there. If you want to contact Australia Lottery Inc and claim it, be my guest. But I’m passing on that one too. Kind of hard to be a winner in something I’d never heard of, and hadn’t played.

Use caution online

USPS notification #1880453, #5216533, #2116200

Three notifications for me in one day, all from ISPS Inc. Gee, they must be afraid I’ll miss the packages they tried to leave for me. Maybe I should open this email and download the goody they sent me so I can claim it. I haven’t had a virus in a while. On second thought, think I’ll pass…

And there you have it. More spam spam and more spam from the wonderful world of email.

Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable–or hide it forever. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.

A Good Report from Home

Chilling at Home

Almost a week after being hospitalized for what my doctor thought might be a heart attack, I’m home, a little healthier, a lot wiser, and too tired to believe. A hospital is not the best place to rest. About the time you get to sleep, someone wakes you to test something, check vitals, or make sure you’re comfortable. ^_^ Ironic, isn’t it?

Well, doctors discovered no blockages, but say my heart has been weakened. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It’s possible my thyroid has problems that may have triggered some of this. I reduced my weight by 80 pounds over a four year period, and for two years, my weight had been steady, never rising or falling more than a 3-4 pounds. But since Nov 2011, I’ve gained 40 lbs. I’d have to gain over a pound a week to gain that much so fast. I don’t eat enough to gain so much so fast. I have been increasingly tired, to the point I wondered if I might be anemic. (Docs ruled that out, too.) However, thyroid problems would explain my fatigue and weight gain. I’ll be following up with my doctor next week.
Right now, I’m on orders not to pick up more than 10 lbs, bend over, or stand for more than about 15 min at a time for the next four days. I’m doing what they say. I’ll be offline most of the day after this post. Not going to be online much until Friday. That is harder than it sounds. My location on all my profiles says “at the keyboard” and that is so true. ^_^
I’m thankful to have had all this caught and not have had a heart attack. My advice to everyone, and especially to authors… Take care of yourself. Expect another health-conscious post after this. Okay, maybe more than one. I’m thinking about how authors hurt themselves by thinking they’re as invincible as their characters. Might be some good material in that!
I want to give a shout out to Northside Hospital in Atlanta, GA. The folks in the cardiac unit there are amazing. I was cared for, looked after, and taken care of in the most amazing fashion. If you are looking for a place to be treated professionally but with the utmost care, look no further.
Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable–or hide it forever. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.

Avoiding Spam and Scams

Stop Spam.
Because I’m an author, I probably get more email than the average person, so I see more spam too. I’ve learned the patterns people use and this helps me avoid it most of the time. These lines: “check this out” “look at this amazing site” “is this really you in these pictures?” “your ex is saying bad things about you here” are often scams.
When I hold a contest, I can’t send the person who wins an email that says “Winner!” in the subject, because their spam service will throw it straight into the junk pile. I have to think about my posts and try to word them in such a way that they get past the junk mail and reach the person who entered.
Despite our best intentions, sometimes email goes to spam for reasons that we don’t understand. I had two separate offers for book contracts end up in my spam folder. I check that folder before I dump it because of that. At least once or twice a week, something ends up in spam that shouldn’t be there.
Yahoo, Rocketmail, Hotmail, MSN, and most other email services will flag an email that contains only a link as spam, so whenever you post, do include something about the site, and include your name. Spammers always go for the easiest route to produce lots of messages, so they don’t bother to sign most of them.
There are exceptions of course. Have you ever gotten an email from a friend saying that she’s in a foreign country, has had her purse stolen, or that she’s been jailed for a crime she didn’t commit and desperately needs your help to raise cash? Chances are, she’s home, sitting in the living room, and is clueless that her email account has just been hacked. It can happen to anyone (and did to me last May). If you get an email like this, first, don’t believe it. Second, contact your friend by a different method and alert her. Third, don’t believe it. (Yes, I repeated that) ^_^
Protecting yourself online is important. Never click on a link that appears by itself, with no information about its meaning, who sent it, or what it’s about. You can be setting yourself up for a scam, or to be hit by malware that downloads itself when you click the link. One of the biggest going around right now looks like it’s from Amazon, and says it’s a cancelation.
To tell where a link is going, point to it with your cursor, and look at the bottom of your screen. In your browser, the place where the link will take you usually shows up in the lower left margin. If the link says it’s one place, but the URL shows somewhere else, don’t click it. It’s a scam.
Ever been scammed or had your account hacked? What did you do?
Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable–or hide it forever. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.