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Workshop: Writing and Comics Track @OutlantaCon #scifi #amwriting

Workshop: Writing and Comics Track @OutlantaCon #scifi #amwritingOutlantaCon has been around for 8 years and has seen a steady increase of attendance. It’s an Atlanta-based event for the Queer Geek audience, and the straight audience too. It’s my favorite convention, and I’ve attended since the first year. I have an honorary lifetime membership. When you attend a workshop here, you relax and chat, and can ask questions one-on-one. As a writer, it’s a great way to network, cut loose, and have some fun. The literary guests (in alphabetical order by first name) include:
Ally Blue
Brent D Seth
Eden Winters
Kage Alan
Kayelle Allen
Kiernan Kelly
Lee Martindale
Michael James Bode
R Alan Sler
Warren Rochelle

Workshop Listing

This workshop listing is only a sample. Please see the website for the full list. I’m teaching one of these, plus one on using Twitter (Sunday 5/15).

Workshop: Transitioning from Writing in One Genre to Another: Don’t Be Afraid
Fri, May 13, 10:30pm – Sat, May 14, 12:00am
Room: Decatur I
Why is stepping outside our writing safety zone so difficult? Is trying something new a good thing? Bad thing? Will we lose readers? Gain new ones? Can we successfully go from one genre to another?
10:30p – 11:45p
Panelists: Kage Alan, Kiernan Kelly, Eden Winters

Workshop: Self Publishing Vs. Publish with an Agent: The Pros and Cons
Sat, May 14, 10:30am – 12:00pm
Room: Decatur I
Discussion of the differences between traditional publishing versus self publishing. The values and pitfalls that happen with each. How to navigate and decide which would work best for the individual.
10:30a – 11:34a
Instructor: Kage Alan

Workshop: Walking the Self-Publishing Minefield
Sun, May 15, 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Room: Decatur II
A round table discussion of what to do and what to avoid when self publishing in order to turn out a polished manuscript, including how to market it once it’s published.
Noon – 1:15p
Instructors: Keirnan Kelly and Kayelle Allen

Don’t see a workshop you like? No worries. There is an entire list available on the convention website, and more than one track to choose from.
Main site
Cost for the entire weekend is $60, or $30 for Saturday only. Email for more information.

Where is OutlantaCon?

Atlanta Marriott Century Center/Emory Area
2000 Century Boulevard NE Atlanta GA 30345
More info on the Marriott Reservation page.
The rate is 92.00 USD/night plus applicable taxes for the Thursday to Monday dates of the convention. If you have any problems with the reservation process online call the hotel direct. (404) 325-0000