The Tarthian Tour Company asks, "Where do you want to wake up tomorrow?"
Location: Inner System of the Tarthian Empire
Moons: Three, named Dero, Kith, and Lona
Suitability for Humans: Not suitable, no breathable atmosphere
Primary Occupants: None on planet; 12 million on the FIST.
Historical Significance: Site of pivotal naval battles
Notable Features: Vast oceans, lush jungles, towering mountains
Trien is a barren world, significant for the orbiting dry docks both building and servicing ships of the fleet as well as commercial and private vessels.
Trien served as the backdrop for pivotal naval battles that shaped the power dynamics within the Tarthian Empire. The legendary fights between rival factions during the early days of space exploration are engraved in the annals of the planet's rich history, and a multitude of monuments fill the FIST honoring those who fought for freedom.
Notably, the Facility for Imperial Ships and Transports (the FIST) orbits Trien, serving as a vital hub for imperial naval operations. Ships here are marvels of engineering, constructed in modular sections that facilitate rapid repairs and modifications. In times of conflict, a damaged ship can relinquish its compromised sections, ensuring fleet readiness remains paramount.
Among the bustling orbital platforms, the leviathan carriers stand out, designed to house up to six thousand crew members, managing vast squadrons and all necessary support for operations.
As visitors traverse the FIST, they must tread carefully, for the Imperial Armada enforces strict regulations regarding image capture, forbidding holographic or flat images of the FIST to protect imperial secrets. Limited quantities of approved imagery are available for purchase in select gift shops, enticing tourists while maintaining the mystique of this crucial imperial facility.
The blend of technologies make this world not just a home but a symbol of resilience and progress in the expanse of the Tarthian Empire.
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Tarthian Tour Company art by Jamin Allen and/or Kayelle Allen
Some artwork includes compilation imagery courtesy of Depositphotos, and/or Pixabay