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Authors: Back to School means time to read #Books #DIY #Graphics

Summer blockbusters are coming to an end, and our timelines are filled with the first day of school photos.

Time to show your book to those who will have a little more free time during the week.

First, you need to make sure it looks awesome.

To market your book online, first you need to catch your audience's eye.

Here's some good news :)

You don't need a professional photographer and designer to achieve this.

With a special program I use called MockupShots, you can put your book into 600+ different settings, some of which include fabulous testimonial images made with the Testimonial Builder.

I got MockupShots in 2021 and have probably made over 200 banners using it. I love to dabble with graphics, and this is so easy I can just churn them out.

If you don't know anything about graphics, that's no biggie. This program does all the work for you.

Highly recommended. I use it and love it, and hope you will too.

Go here to grab this limited deal.

Characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!

Free Access for ALLi Members

The Self Publishing Advice Conference offers two full days (10:00 AM - 10:00 PM) of information and insights for indie authors. Speakers include Joanna Penn, Mark Dawson, Nick Stephenson, Joel Friedlander, Jane Friedman, Mark Lefebvre, Mark Coker, Michael Anderle, Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Kathering Rusch, Robin Cutler, Carla King, and my favorite -- David Gaughran.

The Conference cost is $499, but is free to members of the Alliance of Independent Authors - ALLi. ALLi is a professional business membership organization that advices, campaigns for, and empowers self-publishing authors. The mission of this non-profit organization is ethics and excellence in self-publishing, and the provide authors with trusted advice, supportive guidance, and a range of resources. Benefits include contract advice, guidebooks, discounts and deals, vetted services, and much more.

Membership levels in ALLi:

Associate ($89USD)

You are preparing your first book for self-publication. You could also be a student of creative writing, multimedia, or publishing with an interest in author-publishing.

Advisory team – all questions answered
Free author advice guides
Private moderated member’s forum
Selected discounts for author services
Affiliate earnings program
Approved Services directory
Online advice conference
Daily blog, twice-weekly podcast
Associate member website badge

Author ($119USD)

If you’ve published one book or more, or are just about to upload your first book, this is the membership for you. This could be a full-length (50,000+ words) book for adults, a number/series of shorter books, or a children’s or poetry book."

Advisory team – all questions answered
Free author advice guides
Private moderated member’s forum
All discounts for author services
Affiliate earnings program
Approved Services directory
Online advice conference
Daily blog, twice-weekly podcast
Author member website badge
Public author-publisher profile
Book listing
Contract vetting
General legal advice
Blogging opportunities
Speaker opportunities
Interview opportunities

Authorpreneur ($149USD)

Authorpreneurs earn their living from self-publishing and associated business. This membership is assessed – you will need to show evidence of 50,000 book sales in the past two years and/or KU or business equivalent.

Advisory team – all questions answered
Free author advice guides
Private moderated member’s forum
All discounts for author services
Affiliate earnings program
Approved Services directory
Online advice conference
Daily blog, twice-weekly podcast
Public author-publisher profile
Book listing
Contract vetting
General legal advice
Blogging opportunities
Speaker opportunities
Interview opportunities
Authorpreneur member website badge
Business development advice
Dedicated literary agent
Rights and contract consultancy
Business, tax, legal, and contract advice and resources

As a member of ALLi, I have seen the benefits already. When you join, you can join their affiliate program and help other authors gain the same benefits. Here are two links to join ALLi. This one has my affiliate link - https://selfpublishingadviceconference.com/?wpam_id=10337 and this one does not. Using my link won't cost you any more or less than this one. https://selfpublishingadviceconference.com

6 Ways to review a book and 4 ways not to #BookReview #Read

I'm not the only author who adores reviews.

Honestly, they can be worth more than a sale.

Think of it this way: I make about thirty-five cents on every dollar of a book. True story. Obviously, that amount isn't going to make or break me financially. But if someone leaves a great review on a book, it might entice more readers to pick it up. Which means over time, those little bits add up.

Readers count on reviews to tell them whether a book is worth buying. I know I do. What about you?

As an indie author, every review I get helps my visibility, which means I can spend more time writing and less time marketing. If you want me to put out more books and sequels faster, giving me reviews is one way to make that happen.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of reviewers who don't do reviews correctly, or truly don't know how to write one.

I've given you some basic dos and don'ts below. Glance through them to make sure you are including some of the dos, and are not guilty of the don'ts.

The Do List

Do leave a line or two (or more, if you wish) about your experience with the book.

Do talk about how it made you feel. The emotional experience is the most important one you have while reading a book, and the same is true of other readers who might be looking for that type of experience.

Do let people know why you liked or didn't like the book, and why you will or won't read subsequent books in the series or by the same author.

Do share how it starts and what drew you into the story.

Do talk about the positive aspects of the story, the world, and the characters you met inside the story.

Do be direct and to the point.

The Don't List

Don't leave novella-length reviews. It's okay to gush about how much you loved a book, or use whatever words are necessary to warn readers about books they shouldn't waste their money on, but again, direct and to-the-point is best.

Don't give a strong opinion without a reason. "I hate this book" or "I love this book" but without saying why doesn't help other readers form an opinion. For example, if a book was too spicy for your taste, say so, because readers who prefer spicy books will be more likely to buy it.

Don't share spoilers that reveal secrets, or talk about how the book ends. Not cool!

Don't give super-intricate plot details Readers want quick and to-the-point reviews.

Now what?

You don't have to do all the dos, but this is a good starting point. Leaving a review helps support both authors and fellow readers.

Thank you in advance for taking time to share your opinion.

Love to review? Join my team!

You can sign up and pick your first book right away.

6 Ways to review a book and 4 ways not to #BookReview #Read

What members are asked to do:

* Sign up on StoryOrigin (it's free). This is where you will pick up all books available for review.

* A review can be placed on any site.

* It doesn't have to be a five star review. I prefer honest responses.

* Once you've posted the review, enter the link on the book's StoryOrigin page (hint: save the email you get with the link to the book). That's it!

Once you create an account on StoryOrigin, you'll be able to choose from many other authors, but you are under no obligation to do so.

Please, if you hate a book -- email me instead of reviewing. I love talking to readers. And if you LOVE it -- definitely feel free to email me! I listen and want to know what you think. Your input makes a difference.

You may invite a friend to join.

Characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!

Film festival @OutlantaCon 2016OutlantaCon has been around for 8 years and has seen a steady increase of attendance. With the growing local film industry we have decided to reach out to filmmakers who share with us a common ground and help showcase their work. This will be our first film festival but we plan to make it a memorable annual event. Outlantacon is an Atlanta-based event for the Queer Geek audience! You’ll find all the usual convention fare here, the difference is that it all has a queer ‘bent’ to it. Here you can enjoy all the convention trappings in an atmosphere where you’re free to be yourself! Let it not be said that this convention is just for LGBT. There are straight people here and there are few more awesome ways to support equal rights than to attend a Convention with such interesting folks.

While there is no specific type of film we are looking for our festival is geared towards the “Geek” and LGBTQ community. Our Short Film Festival looks to bring not just films to our community but also discussions that speak to the contemporary LGBTQ experience.

The festival is for people who are not only coming to watch films but engage in discussion on issues relating to film, fandom and LGBTQ issues around the globe. Visitors, on a lighter note, also have the possibility to meet convention guests and directors behind the films, engaging with known figures in our community who have been in attendance and participating in panel discussions.

We aim to maintain and increase the visibility of the LGBTQ community with the view ultimately to bring around the propagation of a tolerant society where sexual minority groups and individual freedom and choice are both respected and protected.

If you are a filmmaker and would like to be a part of our film festival in Atlanta, Georgia then please submit your work for our consideration.

Film Awards & Prizes


Best first film
Best Narrative Film
Best Documentary
Best Animated Short
Best Performance
Best Cinematography
Best Sound
Best Score
Best Director
Best Production Design
Best Fan Film
Best Student film
Best New Fandom Award


Audience Choice
Best Screen Play
In Our Image Award
The Scream Queen Prize
The John Waters Prize
The Divine Prize
The Frank-N-Furter Prize

When and Where is OutlantaCon?

Friday, May 13th through Sunday May 15th
Atlanta Marriott Century Center/Emory Area
2000 Century Boulevard NE Atlanta GA 30345
More info on the Marriott Reservation page.
The rate is 92.00 USD/night plus applicable taxes for the Thursday to Monday dates of the convention. If you have any problems with the reservation process online call the hotel direct. (404) 325-0000

Bisexual Character: Why Write One? @barbcaffrey #amediting #author

Or, Why Elaine is a Bisexual Character in Changing Faces by Guest Author Barb Caffrey

When Kayelle Allen and I talked about a guest blog in support of my new LGBT-friendly novel, Changing Faces, I wasn’t sure at first what to write. Then it hit me: Most people I’ve talked to, when they hear about my heroine, Elaine Foster, ask me, “Why must Elaine be bisexual when she’s already gender-fluid at the start of your book?”

There’s actually a good reason for that.

Bisexual Character – for a reason

You see, my premise in Changing Faces is that people should learn to see souls. Not bodies. And that a transgender couple—in this case, one created by angels, ’cause it’s a fantasy—is most likely to learn to do this first. Because who they are on the inside doesn’t necessarily match who they are on the outside.

“But, Barb,” yoBisexual Character: Why Write One? @barbcaffrey #amediting #authoru protest. “You were going to talk about bisexuality. Why aren’t you?”

I’m getting to that. (Honest.)

It seemed to me when I first started writing Changing Faces, that Elaine had to be bisexual. She already could see souls, to a degree. She already knew how to measure the worth of a person beyond his or her face, and had dated both men and women.

That, in a nutshell, is what a bisexual person is.

Now, as to why she still couldn’t accept herself as gender-fluid easily? Well, as a society, we’re only beginning to learn about people who don’t always feel male or female. Sometimes they feel one way, sometimes another, maybe a third time they have a mix of both traits. Gender preference is not the same thing as sexuality; not by a mile.

So, Elaine has dated women and men. She sees the worth of a person and is not automatically attracted only to one sex. In a way, Elaine isn’t attracted by anyone, sexually. She’s only attracted mentally and emotionally, and then, much later, sex comes into the picture. But that’s not that strange, considering she’s a scholarly sort. She can see into a person, and evaluate who that person is, in a way most people don’t. She doesn’t even think to do this because how she views people is part of who she is.

Ultimately, love is love. Who you love is far more important than what gender your love happens to be. Seeing a person’s soul, seeing a person’s heart, seeing a person’s worth, is far more important than whether that person is straight, gay, bisexual, or Martian.

Elaine knows that.

That’s why I wrote Elaine in this particular way. As a bisexual character, she already had all these traits. So, why did I use a bisexual character? I realized that was who Elaine was. I codified the traits she already had, before I realized I could use a label most people would understand: the word “bisexual.”

In other words, the story demanded that Elaine be bisexual. So she is.

Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N3CQKWJ

Barb Caffrey is a writer, editor, and musician who holds two degrees in Music. She has a particular fondness for the clarinet, lived in Nebraska for the better part of three years, and appreciated the ability to combine both her loves with the writing of Changing Faces.

Her other books are An Elfy on the Loose and A Little Elfy in Big Trouble (otherwise known as the Elfy duology), while her short stories have appeared in a number of places (most recently in Realms of Darkover). She’s also the co-writer of the Joey Maverick series of stories (with late husband Michael B. Caffrey), so the next story you might see from her could be military science fiction—or better yet, military science fiction with romance. She lives in Wisconsin.
Where to find Barb Caffrey

Website/Blog https://elfyverse.wordpress.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/BarbCaffrey
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/barb.caffrey.1

(Note from Kayelle: Barb has been my editor for three books now and if she’s willing, many more. FYI – she would probably object to the adverb “many” in the previous sentence. Just saying.)

That’s me, Kayelle (pronounced like K L) Allen, in the pink jacket. It’s my favorite color. I’m showing you my face because I want you to know who I am. Whether you’re buying books online or we’re talking about books in my reader groups — it’s nice to put a face with a name.

Believe me, I value my privacy. You can also believe I will protect yours. You won’t get spam from me. Your email and name won’t be sold, shared, or given to anyone. Your information is as safe as I can make it and to help with that, I use an SSL (https:) for this site.

For well over a decade, WordPress has required an email address when you leave a comment. This is not shared with the public.

If you subscribe to my newsletter, you will be required to “double opt in” which means you enter your email here and click “subscribe” and then confirm by clicking “subscribe” again when you receive a confirmation email. The email lists associated with my reader groups comply with GDPR requirements as they apply to a USA based site. You can subscribe with confidence, and unsubscribe at any time.

I use MailerLite to manage our email marketing subscriber list and send emails to subscribers. MailerLite is a third-party provider, which may collect and process your data using industry standard technologies to help us monitor and improve the newsletter. MailerLite’s privacy policy is available at https://www.mailerlite.com/privacy-policy You can unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided at the end of each newsletter.

Pietas, the hero of Bringer of Chaos, will tell you how I handle cookies. (Psst! Don’t let his gruff exterior scare you away. His book reveals what a big heart he has. But you didn’t hear that from me.)

— Kayelle Allen

Updated: March 22, 2021

Characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!