Summer blockbusters are coming to an end, and our timelines are filled with the first day of school photos.
Time to show your book to those who will have a little more free time during the week.
First, you need to make sure it looks awesome.
To market your book online, first you need to catch your audience's eye.
Here's some good news π
You don't need a professional photographer and designer to achieve this.
With a special program I use called MockupShots, you can put your book into 600+ different settings, some of which include fabulous testimonial images made with the Testimonial Builder.
I got MockupShots in 2021 and have probably made over 200 banners using it. I love to dabble with graphics, and this is so easy I can just churn them out.
If you don't know anything about graphics, that's no biggie. This program does all the work for you.
Highly recommended. I use it and love it, and hope you will too.
Any of my characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.
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