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Pietas ap Lorectic , character in books by Kayelle Allen, and referred to as the immortal king. Twin brother to Dessy

Imagine immortal warriors who spend eternity alone, watching mortal friends age and die, century after century, thousands of years on end, battling untold wars. Recalling lovers brings such pain, it’s better to forget. Why would anyone want to go on?

Immortal Warriors – and Gamers

Immortal warriors don't take orders. They take over #scifiHumans created genetically-designed creatures to make life easier. Humans themselves disdained such enhancements, and within a few generations, the title Human Pure identified those who had never commingled blood or accepted genetic changes. Genslaves did the work; humans reaped the benefits. Depending on the job required, each genslave could be telepathic, empathic, shape-shifting, half animal, or a pleasure giver, and some were illusion casters. However, genslaves were also the finest scientists, healers, artists, and teachers.

Nothing normal described the warriors. All had various enhanced skills. Too powerful to kill, they regenerated no matter how catastrophic the wound. Immortal warriors do not take orders.. They take control.

It took many centuries before a traitor within their ranks helped trap the invincible army. Imprisoned on a world dubbed Sempervia, far out on the galaxy’s rim, these immortal warriors had no way home. With little more than a handful of farming tools and a few crates of seeds, the exiles faced a battle unlike any that had come before. In a twist of irony, the ragged and starving immortals died, only to rise again and face one more bleak day of survival.

Thousands of years later, those same half-million now live as one with the world they’ve transformed into a paradise. There are no children. All are barren. Calling themselves Reborn, they take pains to hide their world from outsiders, and are peace-loving, docile, and content.

Except for one hundred renegades and their leader, Pietas. They refuse to forgive their expulsion from their birthright — their loss of freedom to roam the galaxy. One hundred and one live for revenge. Rejecting the pacifist name Reborn, the exiles called themselves Sempervians. The name means ever living.

Immortal Warriors on Sempervia

Pietas held his people together by preaching a doctrine that only death made life meaningful. Peril is a real-time role-playing game lived out in forty-year increments. As the Gamemaster, Pietas oversees details of his followers’ lives. Players strive during each lifetime to achieve goals against friends who are adversaries or allies, depending on the toss of the dice. They crave wining at all costs. Peril pits empires and worlds against powers far beyond any mortal’s ability to know, understand, or even glimpse.

To fail means a solid year of Penance at the hands of the Gamemaster, Pietas. Repeated, daily deaths. Dying and coming back at their peak age. The Gamemaster plays no favorites, grants no mercy, even to the one he loves — the one follower who has challenged Pietas throughout the centuries but cannot bring himself to love Pietas back the way he himself is loved, yet defers to the Gamemaster’s power. Cyken Tomarus, known in this lifetime as Luc Saint-Cyr.

No one leaves Peril. If the others don’t hunt you down, or the android referees can’t find you, the galaxy is full of bounty hunters eager for a scalp, and no price is too high to pay for a traitor. No mercy awaits immortal warriors dragged back for Pietas’s wrath.

Assisting in the game are the Chosen, generations of mortals who know the secrets of the Sempervians and vow to make their transitions from life to life possible, a rare few ending up as lovers of their immortal masters. Two such Chosen were Wulf, once belonging to Luc Saint-Cyr, and Alitus, once belonging to Empress Rheyn Destoiya. These Chosens’ unforgivable sin was to fall in love with each other, thereby pitting the two strongest players — former allies — against one another.

Immortal warriors don't take orders. They take control. #scifi

Pietas declared the two Chosen untouchable, safe within his keeping, and he watches from afar. The story plays out among the worlds of the Tarthian Empire. He reveals that a few decades earlier, he created a group of “Changelings.” Death or an infusion of immortal blood awakens dormant cells to begin their transformation into an immortal. The Chosen Alitus is one. Others wait, reared by mortals as mortals, without knowledge of their rightful heritage.

Who is next?

Who are the next Changelings? Will they be immortal warriors? Or perhaps they will bring Peril to a riotous end. Subscribe to the Romance Lives Forever Reader Group and find out as each new book reveals more of the truth.


Wulf, Tales of the Chosen MM Sci-Fi Romance #MMRomance #MMReads #SciFi

Immortals aren't like most people.

If you find one who's lived for hundreds -- or thousands of years, you soon realize they have different values. Marriage to someone who's been around longer than your country has been in existence will be a challenge from day one, but it's worth the work. Here are the top five reasons why.

5) You can expect to be showered with gifts. You won't get costume jewelry from an immortal. They appreciate quality, and because they've lived so long, have often acquired a great deal of wealth.

4) Immortals are sensual. They've generally outgrown old morals and are more able to embrace pleasure for its own sake.

3) Immortals have angst. They've been alone for decades, centuries, perhaps even eons. Their battered souls long for refuge, and who better to give it to them than their soulmates? Especially with raw, yet tender sex.

2) In order to hide what they are in public, immortals often have to pretend they're something they're not. Which means they're good at role playing. Want your guy to dress up like a highwayman or a pirate? If he's been around for hundreds of years, he actually might have been one!

1) And the top reason... because immortals love forever.

Forever is a long time to survive without romance, so if you find an immortal -- never let them go.

Tales of the Chosen

Erotic MM Billionaire Age Gap Sci-Fi Romance #MMReads #MMRomance

Pick up Wulf for $0.00 -- This book is permafree on all retailers.
Series: https://kayelleallen.com/chosen/

#MMRomance #MMReads #SciFi
Click the cover for a universal buy link.
Read all my books for $3 total on Ream Stories


Wulf: Tales of the Chosen #WriteLGBTQ #SciFi #Romance

AlitusAlitus: Tales of the Chosen #WriteLGBTQ #SciFi #Romance


Jawk: Tales of the Chosen #WriteLGBTQ #SciFi #Romance

Complete Set Tales of the Chosen Series: All Books in the Erotic Gay Sci-Fi Series

Welcome to Book Hooks!

Book Hooks is a weekly cooperative blog hop hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
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Links below lead to other sites also taking part. You can "hop" from mine to theirs with one click.

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Characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!

Origin of Pietas: Bringer of Chaos - #SciFi #SpaceOpera

Forged in Fire: Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera

In this scene from Forged in Fire, Pietas and the search party sent to find him have stopped their upward mountain trek for a short break. Prior to their reunion the previous day, Pietas had spent a year in confinement, hands bound behind him. He'd been starved to the point of death, but because he's immortal, he could not die. Although he's healed since, the brutality left a lasting toll on his once robust physical body. As they prepare to get underway, he unwittingly reveals the impairment and becomes the focus of unwanted attention from a telepath.

Unwanted Attention

Wincing, Pietas stretched to ease cramps in his back.

"Tas!" His sister had started using her childhood name for him since they'd reconnected the day before. "Are you hurt?"

Before he could answer Dessy, a quick telepathic scan from Joss swept over him. Pietas had still been a teenager when she'd trained him to shield his mind from those with her gift. Not that he'd ever been able to block her. She was far too powerful, but today, she'd read him with no more difficulty than a hunter spying trail signs. He'd been near no Ultra telepaths for over a year.

His affinity with Six had made him careless and he'd neglected the basic lessons Joss had taught him.

It wasn't a lack of trust. Trust had never been an issue with Joss.

He treasured her, but he ought not to have been so unguarded and open. Vulnerable.

"Pietas." Joss stood. The waves of emotion he picked up from her held love and concern in equal measure. And a bit of disappointment. "You're injured."

He ducked his head like a schoolboy who'd forgotten his lessons. Admit mortals had damaged him? Never. Neither would he lie about it. He'd take better care to hide the pain.

"Don't worry about me." Whistling, he circled a finger in the air. "Let's go! Long climb ahead. Joss, you lead." Last thing he wanted was her behind him, using him as an object of focus. He loved her, but this was unwanted attention.

What telepaths focused upon, they controlled.

Bringer of Chaos

Bringer of Chaos Bundle 1 - Science Fiction and Space Opera #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Click covers for the buy link. Click text for the website page and excerpts.
Series page: https://kayelleallen.com/chaos-series/

#SciFi #SpaceOpera
Read all my books for $3 total on Ream Stories

Bringer of Chaos
Bundle 1

Bringer of Chaos Bundle 1 #SpaceOpera #SciFi

Pick up the first story in the Bringer of Chaos series, Lights Out, plus an illustrated look at the series free by signing up for my newsletter

Characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!

Don't make me freeze you solid #SciFi #Excerpt A Stolen Heart #MFRWhooks #PietasFans

In this scene, Luc had rescued a little girl who'd been kidnapped. Only afterward did he discover that her going missing was part of a grand scheme for Pietas to control her scientist-parents. When Pietas shows up unannounced and acts as if nothing happened, Luc confronts him about the kidnapping. Pietas denies it, and when pressed, loses his temper.

Hot-headed doesn't fit Pietas. When angry, his ability to create cold goes into overdrive.

Read the previous excerpt from this scene.

"Remember life when you and Dessy were that age? Genius children. Intelligence off the charts. Abilities no one had ever seen. Yet your father routinely beat and starved you both and for sixteen years kept you in isolation. Dessy for twenty. Is that harm?"

Pietas crossed his arms over his chest. "My father..." He shuddered.

"Mahikos is a brutal, bloodthirsty monster."

Pietas looked at him, naked pain in his eyes.

"You can admit what your father did to you, especially to me. More than anyone, you know what it's like to be isolated and abused. Yet that's the environment you subjected this girl to."

"Have a care, Cyken." Pietas straightened and turned aside. "Do not say that. I didn't know."

"If you'd known, would you have cared that you put a child in harm's way to get what you wanted? No, I think not. Not if you got your way."

"That's not true. I'm warning you." The air chilled. Unlike Luc's gift of Pyro, Pietas created ice, not fire. "You're pushing me."

"Pushing you? If I don't, who will? Yes, I'm pushing you, and why shouldn't I? You put that girl into an abusive situation to get what you wanted." The room's temperature dropped so fast Luc saw his own breath.


"Why? Because it's cold?" When would Pietas ever see the truth? "If you don't like what you're feeling, then stop. Only you can control yourself. I'm not responsible for how you react."

"That's not true. My father made me this way."

"That's childish and you know it. You're thousands of years old, Pietas. When are you going to grow up?"

"You will not speak to me like that."

"No, I'll talk to you this way because no one else will tell you the truth. You can't face what you are. That's why you don't control yourself. Go ahead. Lose control. I'm not afraid of you. I will not back down. I refuse to allow you to misuse a child. If you aren't man enough to accept the truth, go ahead and freeze me." Luc leaned closer. "I dare you."

Face contorted, Pietas trembled. Frost coated everything within reach. "Cyken, please!"

"Go ahead! Blame your father." He threw up his hands. "That's what you do, isn't it? Condemn Mahikos for creating you with this ability, but you're the one who's ruthless. You demonize your father when it's you who's bloodthirsty."

"Stop." The wineglasses shattered. "Please."

"No! Do it!" Fists balled, Luc took two steps and planted himself in front of Pietas. "Freeze me solid. I don't care. Nothing I say or do will ever reach you, will it? No. Because you"-- He punctuated his words with a finger jab into Pietas's chest --"are just like your father."

Ice crackled over Luc's skin and frigid air leeched every vestige of heat from his lungs.

Antonello Brothers

Click covers for the buy link. Click text for the website page and excerpts.

#SciFi #Romance

Crystal Clear Truth is out April 25, 2022

Welcome to Book Hooks!
Book Hooks is a weekly cooperative meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

You'll find these characters mentioned in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!


Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to embed Instagram posts on your WordPress website? There is!

How to Embed Instagram on WordPress

I found a great hack for Instagram while searching tips and tricks. I'm always open to learning new and better ways to do things. When I saw this, I knew I had to share it with you. I use Instagram for fun, and occasionally, I share something I'm working on. That's what the post at the left is all about. I was working on banners for my new book, A Stolen Heart, and thought I'd show one to my followers.

The post I'm showing here features Pietas, who was cosplayed by Nik Nitsvetov live on Instagram.

My curiosity about how to embed Instagram posts on a blog turned up a super easy way to do it.

6 Steps to Embed Instagram on WordPress

This is such an easy way to extend your reach with Instagram that I'm surprised more people don't do it. I found this hack on the website of the awesome Kim Garst. Be sure to check out her post "20 Instagram tricks that you probably don't know." It was fabulous. I followed Kim's instructions and it worked great. Here's how to do it yourself.

1. Go to the Instagram post you want to embed.

2. Look for 3 dots -- that's a mini-menu you can access. Click it.

3. In the drop down menu, click "Embed." Here, you have a choice whether to include the caption. For the example above, I did. The code will be super long, but Instagram lets you copy the code with one click, which makes it really easy.

4. Go to the WordPress blog post where you want to show this image.

5. Look for the tab at the top of the post window that says "text" and click it.

6. Paste the code.

That's it. Go back to visual, and you'll see the Instagram post on your blog. How cool is that?

I've been thinking about recording myself working on banners and then sharing the video here and on Instagram. What do you think? Would you be interested in seeing that? What other "How To" questions do you have? Let me know in the comments and if I don't know, I'll research it and see if I can help.

A Stolen Heart

When he rescues a half-human orphan, a glorified space pirate turned entrepreneur sets in motion a chain of events that threatens to topple the powerful Thieves' Guild he once led.

Multiple layers of conspiracy unfold, reaching all the way to Luc's immortal ex--the king. Behind each solved mystery looms an unseen foe, undoing the good Luc accomplishes. For the sake of this child, Luc must postpone his own freedom and master his desire for revenge or he will violate an ancient vow. Worse, he'll put the toddler at risk.

At war with his compassion for the vulnerable child, loyalty to the king, duty to the Guild, and the bright lure of freedom he's coveted for centuries, Luc seeks the right path. Will he choose liberty and unparalleled success, or restore the Thieves' Guild to its former glory while overseeing the child's training?

A hard choice for any man.

For an immortal whose inner monster can destroy on sight? Impossible.

A pirate with a monstrous past can never be trusted with an innocent child. Luc must ensure the child is protected, safe, nowhere near danger. Nowhere near him. Even if this little boy has already stolen his heart...

Buy on Amazon Now

You'll find these characters mentioned in many books in my story universe.
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Spare me the theatrics #Excerpt from A Stolen Heart #PietasFans #SciFi #MFRWhooks

In this scene, Luc had rescued a little girl who'd been kidnapped. Only afterward did he discover that her going missing was part of a grand scheme for Pietas to control her scientist-parents. When Pietas shows up unannounced and acts as if nothing happened, Luc confronts him about the kidnapping. Pietas denies it.

With Pietas, the truth was often in what wasn't said as much as what was. "Then you hired some lackey to do it."

"A king has no need for lackeys." Pietas drew back a lock of silver hair and flipped it behind his shoulder. "I command soldiers. Or if needed, I ask a favor. Like I did you."

"You asked someone to kidnap this child for you, then you put her into the Guild and asked me to find her."

"I told you. I did not kidnap her."

"If you asked someone to do it, it's kidnapping!" He snapped the wineglass stem, stabbing his hand. He dropped the pieces and pressed a thumb against the cut. The blood staunched. The cut healed within seconds. "Don't skirt the truth. You thrust that child into danger to get what you wanted."

"Spare me the theatrics." Pietas flipped a hand. "The girl wasn't harmed."

"The Guild told her that her parents were dead. They isolated her! She's a Better. Are you aware what the Guild does to non-humans?"

"Betters are human."

"Not to the Guild."

"They are human." Pietas turned his back. "I should know. I designed them. Genetic manipulation is my role in this lifetime."

"As I said, not to the Guild. I rescued a HalfKin child today. They'd been locking him in a windowless room in the dark as punishment. They fed him from a bowl on the floor. He's three. Was that harmless?"

"That's barbaric." Pietas grimaced. "Why would the Guild do that?"

"Because he isn't human. Imagine what they'd do if they discovered what I am."

Antonello Brothers

Click covers for the buy link. Click text for the website page and excerpts.

#SciFi #Romance

Crystal Clear Truth is out April 25, 2022

Welcome to Book Hooks!
Book Hooks is a weekly cooperative meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

You'll find these characters mentioned in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!