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Tag Archives: Senth Antonello

Senth Antonello is a character in books by Kayelle Allen.

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure

I’m editing a previously released scifi romance in preparation for re-release. It’s mainstream scifi (but was erotica). Taking out the graphic content means the story itself shines for a whole new audience.

The story deserves an all new cover as well. It’s had two previous ones. The first one was by Laura Givens, and the second by Anne Cain. The Author’s Secret did this one. Since I own the business, I have to brag. Our custom covers come with a month of ad space on The Romance Studio, and a month of DMCA Take Down service from Book About.

Oh Mercy

This is the first book I ever wrote, and it’s in need of some shaping. I’ve written other books since, and this is in the same universe as they are. I’ve fine tuned details since this came out. This is not the absolute final version, but it’s not likely to change much. I’ve even rewritten the blurb to better fit the story.

I’ll be sharing info on how and why I edited various scenes as I recreate the book. This is the first in a series and contains the new blurb, as well as the first two pages.

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure

Here are the blurb, and the first three paragraphs of At the Mercy of Her Pleasure. I hope you enjoy it.

If he touches her, he’ll be at the mercy of her pleasure.

Professional thief Senth Antonello is hired to retrieve a stolen prototype for which the imperial armada has already killed twice. When Senth’s brother is kidnapped to ensure the device is surrendered, Senth must rescue his brother, outsmart the armada, and keep the item out of imperial hands. All doable, except for one small problem. Senth must accomplish it in the company of a genetically altered woman whose pheromones could enhance the mission or crumble it into dust with a single siren kiss.


Once in the shadows, Senth Antonello shoved back the hood of his sensor-blocking cloak and fanned his face. The Thieves’ Guild tech let him hide from copbot scans, but it didn’t cool him. Using his fangs, he loosened first one glove, then the other, and peeled them off. He tucked them into one of dozens of hidden pockets in the cloak.

The faint sound of gang chant carried in the chilled night air. Gangs in the Crooktown District hunted mixed breeds like him. At first glance, Senth appeared human, but with his catlike eyes and fangs, no one could miss his Kin nature. In moonlight, his eyes glowed.

The chant grew louder, along with the sound of glass breaking. The deeper darkness that followed meant two things: another streetlight had met its end, and that gang was closer than Senth had thought.

You come down here I skin you. Senth flattened himself against the brick wall. I skin you, the Grand Master skins me. Let’s do each other a favor, huh, boys?

Worse, the Grand Master would inform Senth’s Sen’dai. His guild master. The crime lord all the other crime lords feared. The Man. The Harbinger. Luc Saint-Cyr.

The Guild didn’t accept non-humans, unless they were enslaved to a human member. No one could rise past level ten, unless related to a human member. Marriages and adoptions happened, regularly. So, to keep the Guild happy, Saint-Cyr was Senth’s lord and master and his adoptive father.

No way Senth wanted the Man angry with him. The last time he’d almost…

Don’t even go there. Senth shook off the thought, drew his hood forward again, and edged around the corner into a darker alley. “Ffffftt!” The Kin cuss word hissed past his fangs. Where are you? Come on, you have to be close. Senth’s HalfKin senses caught the scent of his quarry.

Pressed against the wall, Senth slipped around one last corner, and hunkered down. He melted into the concealing darkness behind a barrel, and narrowed night-sensitive eyes.

His human half brother leaned against the opposite wall of the trash-strewn alley. Khyffen Antonello’s blond hair shone in the muted light. A female pinned him, arms around his neck. She tore open Khyff’s shirt and ran her hands over his chest.

Senth folded himself into the tight space behind the barrel and settled in to wait. Protection of his brother went before any assignment, at least tonight. Family came first.

Senth’s mother had died after birthing him. Khyff, who’d been three, had been sold into slavery. Neither of them knew the other lived until a month ago. Neither had a clue about their biological fathers. Until Khyff had found him, Senth’s only “family” had consisted of the Man.

Pulling out Saint-Cyr’s note, Senth read it once more. Get your half brother and meet me at The Ghost. I have a job for you. Do it, and I’ll buy Khyffen and free him, but it’s going to cost you.

Of course it would. Senth slipped his gloves back on. The Man didn’t do anything for free. But if it got Khyff out of that hellhole, Senth would do it. Leaning out from behind the barrel, he spied Khyff.

For Women Only

For Women Only

His brother had clenched his fists, eyes squeezed shut, face lifted to the night sky, mouth open in a silent scream.

Senth’s master had raised him to believe that no one should have to sell himself to survive. Saint-Cyr owned one slave only, and that was Senth, and only so he could rise within the Guild. They might not agree on how but they did agree on what.

Khyff needed his freedom.

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure will be out by the end of July, along with its sequel, For Women Only (Khyff’s story). To get one email when one of my books is released, sign up on Author Alarms. You can also subscribe to the newletter and follow the blog. Both options are listed on the left.


Honor above profit. Skill above chance. Family above all. Thieves' Guild Academy Bundle 1

Luc Saint-Cyr is waiting for the headmistress of the Thieves' Guild Academy when a toddler runs through the open door. The boy is clearly terrified, and Luc quickly realizes what the boy fears is the teacher who comes after him. Luc directs the boy to hide behind the door and sends the teacher on a wild goose chase. But now Luc is stuck dealing with a child, and what he knows about kids could be written on his palm, with plenty of room to spare. The boy, however, has immediately claimed Luc, though his rescuer doesn't know that yet.

Excerpt A Stolen Heart

Senthys blinked up at Luc. "I wanna go with you. I'll be good. I don't bite. I don't have claws." He held up his fingers. "See?"

Those words wrenched his heart. What had this child been taught about himself? About his people? Kin bit and clawed the enemy, not random strangers. Besides, the more dangerous person in this room wasn't the boy. This little innocent would be trading one monster for another.

"Senthys." Careful not to pull the boy's curls, Luc brushed them back from the lad's face. "Saving you from a monster doesn't mean I'm not one."

"Yes, it does." The child blinked away tears. "You're a good person. You smell good. Kin know."

"You mean you have kahlah?" A Kin's ability to smell emotion made it nearly impossible to lie to one of them. Quite unhandy for those with less scruples. "Do HalfKin have that ability?" The boy's grey pullover hung partway off his shoulder, revealing a striped shirt beneath. Luc adjusted it.

"Uh huh. I smell better than humans. I smell good people." Senthys touched Luc's chest. "You smell good."

"I think you're too young to know what 'good people' smell like yet."

"Yes, I do. My teacher stinks."

Thieves' Guild Academy Bundle 1
Out Sep 22, 2023

Honor above profit. Skill above chance. Family above all. Thieves' Guild Academy Bundle 1

Thieves' Guild Academy

Click covers for the buy link.

#SciFi #WriteLGBTQ #MMRomance
Read all my books for $3 total on Ream Stories

Thieves' Guild Academy Bundle 1 Honor above profit. Skill above chance. Family above all. #SciFi #MMRomance #WriteLGBTQ

A Stolen Heart: When your king is immortal—and your ex—how do you guard your heart?

A Broken Heart: He's invisible, but he can't hide from the truth...

A Divided Heart: In a school filled with hackers and thieves, how do you trust your heart?

Welcome to Book Hooks!

Book Hooks is a weekly cooperative blog hop hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by.

Links below lead to other sites also taking part. You can "hop" from mine to theirs with one click.

Feel free to say hello or leave a note in the comments.


A Stolen Heart - Thieves' Guild Academy #MMRomance #SciFi

This professional thief has been adopted: by a toddler #SciFi #ThievesGuild #MFRWhooks

The word arcane conjures up magic and sorcery, but its definition is "requiring secret or mysterious knowledge." To Luc, who's an Arcane Master in the Thieves' Guild, those secrets are the lifeblood of his skill. Here, he explains one of the basic rules to Senthys, who is three. Luc doesn't know it yet, but in his heart, little Senthys has already adopted him..

Arcane Secrets

In this scene, Luc and Senthys are riding in Luc's hoversine, a limousine that flies right above the ground.


Senthys swung his feet, which, on the short rise of the hoversine's safety seat, meant he kicked the main seat with his heels.

That was already old and it had just started. Luc leaned down close to distract him. "Let's learn some thief rules."

"Why?" Senthys tilted his head. "Don't you already know them?"

Luc stopped himself from reacting. After all, he was talking to a child, not that different from talking to Pietas. "Yes, I do, and I'm going to teach them to you. I told you there would be two rules inside the store and if you obeyed them, you could pick out a toy."

"Oh. I 'member." Like Luc, Senthys folded his hands before him. "Ready."

"You are to stay next to me at all times. You may hold my hand if you like, but do not leave me to look at things, or to see things unless I give you permission. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"Say it back to me."

"Um..." The boy fidgeted. "All of it?"

Luc decided against counting--to any number. "Tell me what you understood."

"Stay with you."

"Good! That's perfect."

The child bounced in his seat.

How delighted this boy was to do well. Luc must encourage that. "The other rule is not to steal anything in this store. Say it back to me."

"Don't steal in the store?"

"That's right!" Luc patted his hands together. "What a good job."

Senthys clapped, grinning.

"I'm going to tell you something and I want you to always remember it. Honorable thieves do not steal unless under contract. If an honorable thief cannot afford something, then he must work a regular job to earn the money." Luc placed a hand on the boy's arm. "My Deshai are honorable. They do not take things without a contract. Understand?"

"Yes, sir. Can I have a contract?"

"You can have one when you reach level thirteen. At that level, you can be hired professionally."

"Are you level thirteen?"

Luc brushed at his sleeve. "I'm level forty-eight."

"Oh." The boy nodded as if impressed. "Is that better than thirteen?"

Amusing, however deflating that might be. "Quite a bit better," Luc told him. "It's the highest in the Guild. Arcane Master."

Senthys cocked his head. "Then that's what I want to be. A Arcane Mister."

"Master," Luc corrected, smiling. "Arcane Master."

"Arcane Master. I want to be that. Brinn says I can be anything."

True words. Luc held up a hand, reached across the seat, and Senthys high-fived him. "Your brother is absolutely right."

Thieves' Guild Academy

#SciFi #MMRomance

A Stolen Heart - Thieves' Guild Academy #MMRomance #SciFi

A Stolen Heart - Thieves' Guild Academy #FoundFamily #SciFi

A Stolen Heart - Thieves' Guild Academy #FoundFamily #SciFi

Welcome to Book Hooks!

Book Hooks is a weekly cooperative blog hop hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by.

Links below lead to other sites also taking part. You can "hop" from mine to theirs with one click.

Feel free to say hello or leave a note in the comments.

You'll find these characters mentioned in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!

Complete Set Tales of the Chosen Series #MMRomance #SciFi #WriteLGBTQ

In this scene from Wulf, book 1 in the Tales of the Chosen series, Wulf and Luc have just arrived on the planet Kelthia. After reaching Luc's home and meeting Luc's teenaged son, Senthys, Wulf is hanging out while father and son talk. The teen had been tossed out of the Academy, and Luc had been required to hop between planets to deal with it. Meanwhile, Wulf has discovered a place to chill and watch a game.

Excerpt ~ Wulf

Wulf seated himself on the sofa and put his feet up. So, this was the Harbinger's home? It was like his own house had been, growing up. Nothing fancy. Plain slip-covered furniture. Not even a big screen to watch. Couldn't be more than 50 or 60 inches, tradestandard.

He aimed the remote and went googly-eyed at the porn that came on the screen. Something about a female copbot strip-searching two female criminals. He snickered. "Something tells me our Senthys has been a very naughty boy lately."

He surfed around a bit until he found his favorite sports channel, and then settled in to watch a live rematch between the Tarthian Fists and the Kelthian Killers.

The game was already past half-time but he didn't bother restarting it. The Fist offense had set up O'Brady Tyrell with the ruckball and he was running for the end zone. Killer Ensak Ssarg came out of nowhere and tackled him. They rolled out of bounds then back in as they fought for the ball.

Wulf swung his legs over the side and turned up the volume. "Tyrell! Don't you let that asshole get the ball!"

The wrestling aspect went on for almost two minutes, with neither side gaining an advantage. Finally, Ssarg threw himself over the ball. Tyrell grabbed the edge of his helmet and yanked him up and off it, kicked the ball over the end zone and threw both hands in the air at the same time as the referee.

Wulf jumped up. "Touchdown!" The holocam focused on Ssarg and Tyrell, who had gone back to wrestling in the grass. "Hot damn. I love a good fight." He perched on the edge of the couch to watch.

A boom of thunder rattled the vase on a table. Wulf turned down the sound and listened but heard no other sounds of a storm. He turned the volume back up and followed the game as referees pulled Ssarg and Tyrell apart.

Both players were penalized for fighting after touchdown--ten seconds time taken off both their record times for the season. "Damn. That much could cost 'em contract money." He popped up and went hunting for a snack while the local announcers argued over who should have lost more time.

He found the kitchen, pulled a soda out of the cupboard, and popped the top. It chilled instantly in his hand. He grabbed a bag of chips from the counter and did a double take at the type.

"Sweet potato chips? Prolly organic on top of it." He tossed them back on the counter and headed back to watch some more.

Tyrell was back in the game, running all out for a touchdown when here came Ssarg again.

"Oh, shit. I don't believe it. Those two always play like they're the only ones on the field." Tyrell was twenty tradestandard yards from a touchdown when Ssarg tackled him around the legs. They both went down hard, totally out of bounds this time.

Ssarg slammed both fists into Tyrell's chest. Wulf felt the ground shake as if he were there. "Ouch! That had to hurt."

Referees stood by, watching to ensure the fight stayed within rules. Ssarg had been known to draw blood on more than one occasion. Some idiots in the bleachers were chanting, "Ssarg, Ssarg, Ssarg." How stupid could they get? That game was on Fist home territory. Likely be blood in the stands before it was over.

The deep rattle Wulf had felt before shook the house again. He muted the game and stood up. "What the hell is that?" He started toward the window, recalled Luc's warning, and stood stock still in the middle of the room.

What if it was one of the hit men, trying to get in?

At that moment, the chandelier above rattled and swayed.

What the hell was going on? He wouldn't hit Senthys, would he?

Wulf pounded up the stairs and listened at the top. It sounded like a game of ruckball was going on up here, with voices raised as something heavy hit the wall on his left. He ran down that hallway, yanking open doors. A thud jarred the next one.

Wulf jerked it open in time to see a boxing glove headed right for his face.

Tales of the Chosen

Pick up Wulf for $0.00 -- This book is permafree on all retailers.
Then pick up Alitus and Jawk to claim the entire Tales of the Chosen series.

These books are in the same universe as the Antonello Brothers, and Antonello Brothers: Immortal books.
Click the cover for a universal buy link.


Wulf: Tales of the Chosen #WriteLGBTQ #SciFi #Romance

AlitusAlitus: Tales of the Chosen #WriteLGBTQ #SciFi #Romance


Jawk: Tales of the Chosen #WriteLGBTQ #SciFi #Romance

Complete Set Tales of the Chosen Series: All Books in the Erotic Gay Sci-Fi Series

Welcome to Book Hooks!

Book Hooks is a weekly cooperative blog hop hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by.

Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!

Join multiple #SF authors for a Kindle Unlimited #SciFi #BookFairevent #KU

Sci-Fi Book Fair for Kindle Unlimited books

A Kindle Unlimited bundle of high-caliber authors for lovers of SF/F.

This special event showcases all subgenres of sci-fi and may include:

hard scifi
soft scifi
space opera
time travel
and more.

Join us! SF Kindle Unlimited Event

New Year, New Worlds: Fantasy & Sci-Fi #Fantasy #SciFi #BookFair

Sci-Fi Special Price Book Fair

A bundle of high-caliber authors for lovers of SF/F. All books are at a sale price.

This special event showcases all subgenres of sci-fi and may include:
hard scifi
soft scifi
space opera
time travel
urban fantasy
and more.

Join us! Special Price Book Event