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Tag: NarrAy Jorlan

NarrAy Jorlan , character in books by Kayelle Allen.

Love is in the air at a virtual book fair 🚀💫 #SciFi #Romance #SciFiRomance

Who needs roses when you have spaceships?

Love is in the air at a virtual book fair. Swipe right on your next sci-fi romance read and blast off into a galaxy of love.

This Valentine's Day, embark on a celestial journey with our special event, "Love is in the Air" as we celebrate the enchanting blend of cosmic adventures and spicy stories that define this unique genre.

Explore a curated selection of must-read sci-fi romance novels. From star-crossed lovers navigating intergalactic dilemmas to passion that defies space and time, these tales promise to sweep you off your feet and transport you to far-off worlds.

Dive in and fall head over heels for these out of this world stories. Whether you're looking to find your next great escape or simply want to indulge in the magic of the stars, our collection is sure to inspire.

In the world of sci-fi romance, anything is possible, and every heartbeat echoes through the cosmos.

Ready for stories that transcend time and space, where hearts align amidst the stars? Whether you're a fan of star-crossed lovers or cosmic adventures, a universe of possibilities await. Who doesn't love tales where love defies gravity? Come explore the cosmos of emotions. Join us in a celestial journey and let your heart soar.

Love Among the Stars

Any of my characters mentioned on this page may be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of If you purchase an item listed on the site from, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join my newsletter.

NarrAy can finally drop her cover and take time off #SciFi #Romance #MFRWhooks

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure #SciFi #Romance

In this scene, Captain NarrAy Jorlan has just come from a meeting with a professional thief (Senth Antonello). The basic mission has been explained and agreed to. Now she's back aboard the Jalane, ready to drop the cover created for the mission.

Dropping the Cover

All People's Liberation Army Ship Jalane
Officers' Quarters

After a debriefing with her superior, NarrAy returned to her cabin. She locked the door and set the privacy indicator to full block, then kicked off her high heels and set about stripping off the red party dress. The All People's Liberation Army had spent a tradestandard month raising funds for this mission, and she couldn't waste one drak of it by spoiling the clothes. She'd have to wear the dress aboard ship on the way to Tarth.

Her cover as a wealthy woman on vacation with a full staff had not been her idea, and she'd fought the nonsense of spending an outrageous sum for party clothes, flying on a sleepliner—empire-class no less—reserving the finest suite in the biggest hotel, ground transportation, and the flight back.

All she'd wanted was the cost for hiring a member of the elite Thieves' Guild with the right expertise for the job.

But the Sleeper, the APLA's leader, insisted that individuals who could afford to hire a Level Nineteen thief were wealthy. He'd promised a special price if NarrAy hired the son of his old friend, the Harbinger. Letting Saint-Cyr know why the APLA wanted the stolen device back was out of the question. Hence the elaborate cover.

The Harbinger's "special" price by itself was triple her original budget. She comforted herself with the thought that it could have been much much more. Getting into a government holding area, even a backwater one, meant paying the dues.

"How does anyone afford these guys?" NarrAy hung the dress inside her bagbot and stuffed the shoes into their cubby. "Please let Senth be worth it."

She stepped back and took in the meticulously arranged articles of clothing, hung according to length, and grouped by color. She never wore red, but almost everything in the bagbot blared the color. Her assistant Encie's doing. The Kin female had shown off each item as if it were precious gold. Who cared about brand names? Clothes covered the body. End of story.

One slim drawer had bras folded with their cups tucked into one another, each lying beside the other in neat rows. Strips of cloth she assumed were panties lay grouped by color. A smaller drawer held cosmetics, none of which NarrAy recognized. Beyond her preferred fragrance-free soap and moisturizer, the rest belonged to the persona she'd display during the mission.

Encie had helped her dress and apply cosmetics, chiding NarrAy for not knowing how to use them.

NarrAy had set her straight on that. An addictive Better like herself could be arrested for attracting people, and NarrAy was not going to enhance her looks even more.

But the Sleeper had intervened and insisted. NarrAy's cover demanded she portray a flashy, sensual woman who traveled empire class, insisted on the best of the best, and bought what she wanted when she wanted it. Including the services of a top of the line Thieves' Guild member.

All that mattered was the mission.

Antonello Brothers

Antonello Brothers Sci-Fi Romance Series by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Click covers for the buy link.

Series page

#SciFi #Romance

Sign up for my newsletter and claim your immortality

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #SpaceOpera

For Her Only by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Her Crystal Clear Truth by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Complete Set Antonello Brothers Series

Welcome to Book Hooks!

Marketing for Romance Writers Book HooksBook Hooks is a weekly cooperative blog hop hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by.

Links below lead to other sites also taking part. You can "hop" from mine to theirs with one click.

Feel free to say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Any of my characters mentioned on this page may be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of If you purchase an item listed on the site from, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join my newsletter.

Senth likes who? No way. A fun excerpt from At the Mercy of Her Pleasure #SciFi #Romance #MFRWhooks

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure #SciFi #Romance

In this scene from At the Mercy of Her Pleasure, NarrAy and Encie, one of her aides, have just observed a quick interchange between Senth and NarrAy's other aide, Broxus, and mistakes what and who Senth likes.

The reality is, Broxus had thought Senth was attracted to Encie when Senth had actually meant he likes NarrAy. Because the women had showed up while they were talking, Senth and Broxus had resorted to a kind of code.

The result? NarrAy has completely misread the situation.

He likes who?

NarrAy bit out a curse and folded her arms.

"What?" Encie sidled closer.

"He likes Brox."

"Senth? No."

"Why else would he look so embarrassed? And come on, helping Brox with his tie? Since when did Brox ever care about that? It's obvious Senth likes him and they wanted to be alone."

"No way." Encie shook her head. "Brox is not interested in his own gender."

"How would you know?"

Encie wiggled her eyebrows.

"You and... No." Brox's door remained shut. NarrAy squinted. "When?"

"Before we came to work for you. We're long since over each other."

"So..." NarrAy turned back to her. "You don't think..."

"I know for a fact that Brox isn't."

NarrAy tapped a finger against her lips. "Good."

Encie leaned closer. "There's one way to find out. Touch him."

"No. Besides, Senth is on Shackle."

"Think of it as a challenge. Can your pheromones beat the drug?"

"No." Folding her arms, NarrAy turned away. "That wouldn't be right."

"You've been flirting with Senth since he got in the car back in town. Don't even try to tell me you don't like him." A hand on her hip, Encie gave her an arch look. "He and his brother are the hottest things I've seen in weeks. Did you see the abs on him? I almost swallowed my tongue."

NarrAy paced the room, her pulse heightening.

Senth's door opened, and he came out dressed in immaculate black-and-white evening attire. Black tie against his throat, loose curls brushing his shoulders. The suit accented his wide shoulders and narrow waist. He looked every bit as rich as he was supposed to look. Those diamond studs were no doubt real, and probably stolen. What thief would buy those things?

His big, pale blue cat-eyed gaze focused on her, causing NarrAy to tingle all over. He looked away and adjusted a diamond cufflink.

Senth's untutored vulnerability and restrained sensuality lashed at her senses. Sweet, charming, intelligent. All the man needed now was the right woman to awaken his passion.

NarrAy strolled toward him.

Antonello Brothers

Antonello Brothers Sci-Fi Romance Series by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Click covers for the buy link.

Series page

#SciFi #Romance

Sign up for my newsletter and claim your immortality

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #SpaceOpera

For Her Only by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Her Crystal Clear Truth by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Complete Set Antonello Brothers Series

Welcome to Book Hooks!

Marketing for Romance Writers Book HooksBook Hooks is a weekly cooperative blog hop hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by.

Links below lead to other sites also taking part. You can "hop" from mine to theirs with one click.

Feel free to say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Any of my characters mentioned on this page may be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of If you purchase an item listed on the site from, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join my newsletter.

“Sorry. You did what?!” #Excerpt Free book At the Mercy of Her Pleasure #Romance #SciFi #MFRWhooks

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure #SciFi #Romance

In this scene, rebel captain NarrAy Jorlan discovers Senth Antonello locked inside a robotic suitcase, and releases him. She cannot imagine how he got locked in. She's certain someone tried to kill him, but NarrAy just hasn't reckoned with how crazy Senth gets when he's bored.


Excerpt At the Mercy of Her Pleasure

NarrAy helped Senth to the bed. "Who did this to you? What happened? I'm calling security."

"No!" He clutched her arm. "NarrAy. Sorry." He gasped for breath. "My fault."

"What happened?" She picked up a booklet from the desk and used it to fan him. "Are you all right?"

He grunted and turned on his side, doubled over.

"I'm calling sick bay. You --"

"No! NarrAy." He shook his head and took a deeper breath. "My fault. I was trying...test. See if...if..." He tightened his grip on her arm as he looked away from her. "So stupid."

"I don't understand, Senth. What happened?"

"I was bored, so I…" He pushed his face against the bed, avoiding her gaze. "I break into bagbots all the time. I thought I'd try breaking out of one."

"You did what?" She sank to the floor beside the bed at eye level with him. "Senth, you could've been killed!"

"Once the doors closed, the bot kept trying to compact itself."

All at once she glimpsed the future she'd have with Senth if she pursued him. Her wild missions paled compared to the thought of a life full of stunts like this one. Finding him locked inside some bagbot or cabinet or safe. Having him risk his freedom for the sake of a few rare coins or an old locket like the one he'd stolen for her. Thievery commonplace in her life? Her parents would never, ever approve.

Which was why she had to give that future a chance.

Antonello Brothers

Antonello Brothers Sci-Fi Romance Series by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Click covers for the buy link.

Series page

#SciFi #Romance

Sign up for my newsletter and claim your immortality

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #SpaceOpera

For Her Only by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Her Crystal Clear Truth by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Complete Set Antonello Brothers Series

Welcome to Book Hooks!

Marketing for Romance Writers Book HooksBook Hooks is a weekly cooperative blog hop hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by.

Links below lead to other sites also taking part. You can "hop" from mine to theirs with one click.

Feel free to say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Any of my characters mentioned on this page may be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of If you purchase an item listed on the site from, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join my newsletter.

“Your pretty-boy thief is late.” Excerpt free book #SciFi #Romance #MFRWhooks

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure #SciFi #Romance

A deleted scene from At the Mercy of Her Pleasure

In the book, Captain NarrAy Jorlan meets with Senth at a coffee shop adjacent to the Thieves' Guild. But in this version, they meet at the Starport.

Inside secret: the starport on Kelthia is named Starhaven Leojnimaj. Those are the names of my sons combined and backward (Joel, Jamin). NarrAy's last name, Jorlan, was chosen in honor of the hero of Dara Joy's book Ritual of Proof.

Starport Meetup

Kelthia, Miraj City, Starhaven Leojnimaj
Coffee Shop, Concourse D

NarrAy sat, holding a cup of coffee she didn't want and had no interest in tasting. A plain dress hid beneath her black hooded cape, covering every inch of skin as the law required for Betters. How long would it be before they forced her to hide her face too? She blew on the coffee. Where was her thief?

She touched the edge of her hood, activating a mic. "Anything yet?"

"Nothing." Broxus answered from the south terminal.

"No sign." Encie made ticking sounds into the transmitter. "Your pretty-boy thief is late."

"We'll give him two more minutes."

"You're too easy, boss." More ticking.

What was that noise? NarrAy scanned the area. "Encie, I thought you quit biting your nails."

"I'm not bi-- Hey. How'd you know I was doing that?"

"You may be on the north side of the concourse, but I can see you between the lockers." She blew on the coffee.

Her assistant stood up straight and glanced around. "I forgot about those eyes of yours."

"Yes, well, it was my ears that heard you nibbling."

"Nibbling what?" Senth asked, dropping into a chair.

NarrAy set down her coffee so fast it spilled. "Where did you come from?"

"Cohorts didn't see me?" His inviting mouth stretched into a smile. "Level nineteen thief, remember? If those two could spot me, I wouldn't be worth what you're paying." Using her napkin, he sopped up the coffee.

Brox's and Encie's questioning voices broke into her concentration.

"He's here. We're leaving." When she rose, Senth assisted her with her chair.

Not that she wanted or needed help, but imagine a thief with manners. Well, well... This could be interesting.

Antonello Brothers

Antonello Brothers Sci-Fi Romance Series by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Click covers for the buy link.

Series page

#SciFi #Romance

Sign up for my newsletter and claim your immortality

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #SpaceOpera

For Her Only by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Her Crystal Clear Truth by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Complete Set Antonello Brothers Series

Welcome to Book Hooks!

Marketing for Romance Writers Book HooksBook Hooks is a weekly cooperative blog hop hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by.

Links below lead to other sites also taking part. You can "hop" from mine to theirs with one click.

Feel free to say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Any of my characters mentioned on this page may be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of If you purchase an item listed on the site from, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join my newsletter.

Senth “liberates” a few coins #excerpt free book #SciFi #Romance #MFRWhooks

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure #SciFi #Romance

In this scene, Senth and Khyff are about to meet with Senth's father, Luc Saint-Cyr, at an infamous club in a bad part of town, when they run into a little snag. Seems Senth's "baby face" means no one takes him seriously.

Good thing his father -- known as the Man -- has a reputation that opens doors. And Senth has a real talent for liberating items...

The Bouncer

As Senth approached The Ghost, the club's beefy Kin bouncer put out a hand. "Hold up, kid. You--" She motioned toward Khyff -- "Wait over there. Now..." She motioned Senth aside. "You got ID?"

Senth opened his cloak, revealing the lining with its unmistakable Thieves' Guild insignia, a skeleton key inside a slashed circle. He gave his Sen'dai's hand sign, two fingers held at the level of his waist.

"Ffffftt!" The bouncer made an apologetic shrug. "Sorry. Why didn't you say you were the Man's right up front?"

"His shouldn't have to." Senth brushed a hand down the front of the cloak. "And I'm no kid."

"Sorry, sir." She opened the door for both of them and bowed.

Once inside, Khyff held out one palm, and Senth slid his down it, hooked his fingers as Khyff did, and with hands clasped, gave one downward shake.

"C'mon, Bro." Khyff led the way past the darkened foyer.

Inside, music pulsed like a living entity. Throbbing bass tickled Senth's chest, and he coughed. Drums pounded. Colored lights swept the cavernous room. Strobes flashed across the congested dance floor, highlighting bobbing heads and upflung arms. Light glinted off human bodies slick with sweat, while bared and damp Kin furskin stuck out in points, laden with glitter.

"Stay close," Khyff shouted over the pounding music, standing next to Senth. He headed for the rear and left no chance to argue.

Senth skirted around the crammed dance area, liberating loose credit stubs clipped to belts. In this place, it wouldn't take long for the pockets of his cloak to bulge.

He tried not to stare at the half-naked slakes along the wall, but their clothing and attitude declared their availability. A pair of male and female slakes bent over a low railing, their pants around their ankles. Androgs handled their bodies like merchandise.

Khyff nudged him. "Comparison shoppers."

Senth frowned. "Not funny."

"Try being the one hanging over the railing." Khyff jerked his head to the side.

Antonello Brothers

Antonello Brothers Sci-Fi Romance Series by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Click covers for the buy link.

Series page

#SciFi #Romance
Sign up for my newsletter and claim your immortality

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #SpaceOpera

For Her Only by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Her Crystal Clear Truth by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Complete Set Antonello Brothers Series

Welcome to Book Hooks!

Marketing for Romance Writers Book HooksBook Hooks is a weekly cooperative blog hop hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by.

Links below lead to other sites also taking part. You can "hop" from mine to theirs with one click.

Feel free to say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Any of my characters mentioned on this page may be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of If you purchase an item listed on the site from, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join my newsletter.

Science Fiction & Alien Romance Book Event #SciFi 🚀💞 #Romance #SciFiRomance

Science Fiction & Alien Romance Book Event #SciFi #Romance #SciFiRomance

A Book Fair for those who love to read

The books in this book fair might be in Kindle Unlimited, but they might also be on non-Amazon sites as well. Some are on sale.

Join us!

Fun Book Fair

Antonello Brothers

Antonello Brothers Sci-Fi Romance Series by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Click covers for the buy link.

Series page

#SciFi #Romance

Sign up for my newsletter and claim your immortality

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #SpaceOpera

For Her Only by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Her Crystal Clear Truth by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Complete Set Antonello Brothers Series

Any of my characters mentioned on this page may be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of If you purchase an item listed on the site from, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join my newsletter.

Surely, a pro thief can steal one kiss #SciFiRomance #MFRWhooks

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure #SciFi #Romance

She's addictive

He can't touch her. But what if he kissed her just once...

To free his enslaved brother from a cruel master, Senth, an all-party-fun-and-games thief, must take on the hardest assignment of his life: stealing from the Empress. If he doesn't, his brother's life is forfeit.

To make matters worse, Senth has no choice but to work with NarrAy, a by-the-book rebel captain whose addictive pheromones could jeopardize the mission and destroy his will. When the unthinkable happens and NarrAy professes her love for him, Senth must decide if what he feels is real.

Can he trust this woman? If he loves her back, can he still save his brother? Or will he end up at the mercy of her pleasure forever...


◆If you like your heroines smart and your heroes smart-alecky, this book is for you. 😏

In this scene, Senth Antonello and NarrAy Jorlan have just met. She's considering whether to hire the professional thief to steal back the designs for a prototype her murdered parents designed. Because NarrAy is a Better, an enhanced human with addictive pheromones, she's not permitted to touch anyone skin-to-skin. Senth puts on gloves and prepares to shake her hand. All her life, she's been isolated from touch, so to risk touching is dangerous for them both.


NarrAy offered her hand. She'd practiced this with her father as a girl. "A gentleman doesn't try to overpower a lady's hand, NarrAy. But he isn't afraid to be firm either."

She held his gloved hand between both of hers. "I can see you're a gentleman, Mr. Antonello."

His cheeks reddened. "Just Senth, ma'am."

She squeezed Senth's hand. "And I'm NarrAy. Never Ms. Jorlan, nor ma'am. Not on this job. Understood?"

He met her gaze. "Does that mean you want me?" He blushed again and glanced down at their still-joined hands. "For the job, I mean."

She bit back a laugh. What an innocent. "So long as we're clear on who's in charge."

"When it comes to theft, I am. For everything else, you are, in every way."

He had no idea. But he had never once looked at her body. Maybe this red dress would be okay after all.

"Come sit." She gestured toward an adjacent room. "Let's talk business."

Antonello Brothers

Antonello Brothers Sci-Fi Romance Series by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Click covers for the buy link.

Series page

#SciFi #Romance

Sign up for my newsletter and claim your immortality

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #SpaceOpera

For Her Only by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Her Crystal Clear Truth by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance

Complete Set Antonello Brothers Series

Welcome to Book Hooks!

Book Hooks is a weekly cooperative blog hop hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by.

Links below lead to other sites also taking part. You can "hop" from mine to theirs with one click.

Feel free to say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Any of my characters mentioned on this page may be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of If you purchase an item listed on the site from, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join my newsletter.

Snuggle up with the #SciFi #Romance Antonello Brothers Complete Set #NewRelease #BoxedSet

Snuggle up with the #SciFi #Romance Antonello Brothers Complete Set #NewRelease #BoxedSet

Complete Set Antonello Brothers Series

Snuggle up with the Antonello Brothers. This boxed set contains one novella and four exciting books in the science fiction romance series, plus links to three bonus stories.

♥ A Stolen Heart - This child can steal anything. Including a warrior-pirate's heart...

♥ Bro - He can be invisible, but he can't hide from the truth...

♥ At the Mercy of Her Pleasure - She's addictive. He can't touch her. But what if he kissed her just once...

♥ For Women Only - His secret truth is her people's darkest lie...

♥ Crystal Clear Truth - How can you trust when your own truth is a lie...

Three brothers. One missing mother. Not raised together, none of the brothers know about the others. That is, until fate brings the youngest into the life of a former warrior-pirate. From the moment Luc decides to intervene and save a frightened child, nothing in Luc's life will ever be the same.

If you like science fiction romance on the sweeter side, have an ache for wounded heroes, and admire heroines who don't wait around to be rescued... The Antonello Brothers series is for you.

Kayelle Allen writer of immortal gamers and warriors who purr

Kayelle is the author of multiple books, novellas, and short stories. She's also a US Navy veteran and has been married so long she's tenured. Sign up for her newsletter and get sci-fi book recommendations and other member perks.
Kayelle's Keepers

Antonello Brothers

Click covers for the buy link. Click text for the website page and excerpts.

Series page

#SciFi #Romance

Complete Set Antonello Brothers Series

You'll find these characters mentioned in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Any of my characters mentioned on this page may be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of If you purchase an item listed on the site from, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join my newsletter.

5 times the romance: the Antonello Brothers Complete Set #Romance #SciFi #MFRWhooks

5 times the romance: the Antonello Brothers Complete Set #Romance #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Snuggle up with the Antonello Brothers. This boxed set contains one novella and four exciting books in the science fiction romance series, plus links to three bonus stories.

♥ A Stolen Heart - This child can steal anything. Including a warrior-pirate's heart...

♥ Bro - He can be invisible, but he can't hide from the truth...

♥ At the Mercy of Her Pleasure - She's addictive. He can't touch her. But what if he kissed her just once...

♥ For Women Only - His secret truth is her people's darkest lie...

♥ Crystal Clear Truth - How can you trust when your own truth is a lie...

Three brothers. One missing mother. Not raised together, none of the brothers know about the others. That is, until fate brings the youngest into the life of a former warrior-pirate. From the moment Luc decides to intervene and save a frightened child, nothing in Luc's life will ever be the same.

If you like science fiction romance on the sweeter side, have an ache for wounded heroes, and admire heroines who don't wait around to be rescued... The Antonello Brothers series is for you.

Antonello Brothers

Click covers for the buy link. Click text for the website page and excerpts.

Series page

#SciFi #Romance

Complete Set Antonello Brothers Series

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