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New Logo: Art, Sci Fi, Space Opera, Romance, Suspense – Kayelle Allen #MFRWhooks #SciFi #SpaceOpera

New Logo: Art, Sci Fi, Space Opera, Romance, Suspense - Kayelle Allen #MFRWhooks #SciFi #SpaceOpera

For years, my logo has shown four words: Art, Sci-fi, Romance, Suspense. This year, I've honed my skill with Space Opera, so I decided I needed a new logo to show it.

New Logo

Not as easy as I thought! When you update your logo, you need to put it everywhere that it was before. Which means social media, headshots, website, blog and more. I'm working on it, but it will take some time to accomplish. The art itself was a bit time consuming, because fitting in another word, even an important one, meant juggling all the others. Take a look at the new logo and you'll see how it came out.

Meanwhile, I'm focusing on writing more space opera and will soon be releasing a short story in that genre in the Expanding Universe Vol 4, edited by Craig Martelle. Lights Out tells the story of how Six, from the Bringer of Chaos series, came to be known as Six. If you like the character, you're not alone. With his dry sense of humor and sideways view of the world, he represents how many of us function in a society where we are at odds with the status quo.

More Art

I'm also using more art on the site. Of the four book set I give to my reader group members as a signup bonus, three are illustrated. I recently updated several pages on my site to feature art. Check out these: About Jamin, About Nano-Core, and About Nik. Jamin and Nano-Core are both artists -- I call them my dream team. If I can dream it up, they can visualize it and put it into images I can share. Nik is the model I've used for several years to represent Pietas, my immortal king. I'm excited to have him as part of my dream team too. He will be portraying Pietas in a live stream photo shoot, direct from Russia via Instagram. That happens on September 1, 2018. Be sure to follow Nik so you can see it.

What do you think of the new logo? Is it easy to read? Do you like the colors? Please leave a comment and let me know.

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Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

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6 years ago

Like the new Logo and don’t envy you all the updating. I do like Six.

Ed Hoornaert
6 years ago

You’re multi-talented, Kayelle. I like the logo.