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Senth Antonello is a character in books by Kayelle Allen.

He was not equipped to deal with "scary raisins" #Excerpt from A Stolen Heart by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #MFRWhooks - copy


What Luc knows about rearing children could be written on the palm of one hand.

Raw recruits, however, he's been training for thousands of years.

But can he convince a kid to eat "scary raisins?"

Raisins Are Scary

In this scene, Luc is having lunch with Senthys, the three-year-old boy he rescued.

(A Deshai is a trainee in the Thieves' Guild, where Luc is a teacher - a Sen'dai.)

From A Stolen Heart

At lunch, Luc finished a sandwich and pulled out his mobile while the boy gobbled up his own sandwich, crunched all his carrot sticks and drank all his milk.  But then Senthys stuffed his mouth with apple slices as if he thought someone would take away whatever he didn't eat. Perhaps at the Academy, they had.

"Take those out of your mouth." Luc held the plate for him. "One bite at a time, please."

Head down, Senthys obeyed. "Can I still eat them?"

"You may." Luc wiped the boy's mouth. "In this house, no one will take away your food. Not ever." He had never disciplined his Deshai by denying them meals. How could anyone do such a thing to a child?

When imprisoned, Pietas had been chained in the dark and starved for over a year. If Luc couldn't bear the thought of his king going hungry, how could he tolerate it for a boy?

Once Senthys finished the apple, he pointed to a small bowl. "What's that?"

Luc tipped it toward himself. "Raisins."

The boy wrinkled up his nose. "They look scary."

"Raisins?" He tilted the bowl again. How did one convince a child raisins weren't scary? How had he convinced recruits to try things they balked at? Familiarity. He'd made them carry unloaded weapons for days before training them on the devices. Luc picked up a raisin and held it out to Senthys. "Here, smell."  Before the boy could, luc pulled back his hand.

Senthys blinked and looked up at him.

"Remember," Luc told him. "Smell. Not eat."

"Okay." As Luc held it for him, Senthys leaned closer, sniffing. "It's sweet."

"That's because there's magic inside them."

The boy's eyes widened. "There is? Can I see the magic?"

Stifling a smile, Luc chose another and offered it. "You try. Squeeze it. Like this." He pressed it between first finger and thumb.

Senthys pressed, frowning in concentration. "Ew! Brown stuff came out." He dropped it and wiped that hand on his shirt.

"The squishy part is the magic."

"It is?" Senthys picked the raisin back up, peering at it.

Now came the part Luc liked. Showing recruits the benefits and seeing them embrace the challenge. "Raisins give you magic energy to run and hit a ball. They help you play hide and seek."

"Can they help me get magic coins out of my hair?"

"Hmm." The sleight of hand had been Luc's attempt to distract him from crying. "If you eat them long enough and study how to do it."

"Can I have a raisin?"

"I don't know." Luc pretended to consider it. "You'd have to eat the whole bowl to get enough magic. I don't know if you can eat that many."

"Oh, I can!" Senthys clapped, bouncing in his seat. "I can eat them!"

"I squished this one, so I'll eat it. Okay with you?" Luc held it up to his own mouth.

Senthys opened his.

"You want this?" Luc offered it.

The boy nodded.

"Okay, here we go." Using slow motions, Luc reached toward him as Senthys leaned forward. At the last second, Luc yanked it back and popped the raisin in his own mouth. He opened his eyes wide, teasing the boy. "Mine."

With a peal of laughter, Senthys grabbed a raisin and offered it to Luc, but yanked it back and made the same face.

Luc clacked his teeth together, pretending to bite the air.

Senthys stuck the raisin in his own mouth and threw out his arms toward Luc.

When Luc hugged him, the boy kissed his cheek and put his head on Luc's shoulder. "I love you, Sen'dai."

He hugged the boy tight. How could vows be right if they forced him to say good-bye?

Senthys lifted his head. "Why are you sad?"

Luc brushed back the boy's hair. "Because I never want you to grow up. I want you to stay little like you are right now, forever."

Senthys wrinkled his nose. "That's silly."

He tapped the boy on the nose. "It is indeed."

Would you like to review A Stolen Heart?

The story is complete, and when published, will include a bonus book, Behind the Scenes of A Stolen Heart. In it, I'll share secrets with you about the characters -- things that aren't revealed in the book.

I'm hoping to find reviews and reviewers. Is that you? I have advanced pre-edited copies in epub, mobi, and pdf waiting for you to download on Story Origin and BookSprout.

This version is self-edited and will be sent out for its final edit next week. I'd be happy to get questions if you have any, or if you were confused by anything. An early review would be a great help. Thank you!

Download the early review copy on Story Origin
Download the early review copy on BookSprout

The Antonello Brothers Series

~ visit the series page ~

You'll find Luc and Senth mentioned in many books in my story universe.
Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

You make one visit to Toy Planet and the media goes wild #Excerpt from A Stolen Heart #SciFi #MFRWhooks

In this scene, Luc is arriving home after shopping for clothes with Senthys, the young boy he rescued earlier. He had taken the child to Toy Planet as a reward for good behavior. When they arrive home, Luc discovers the trip has made the tabloids, where he is a constant source of attention. Luc is a fashion maven in the Tarthian Empire, and his shopping habits have spilled over into his trip.

Toy Planet

Set up: Luc had joked that he would fire his liaison, Shohn. Not long after, he mentioned that he planned to send flowers to the manager of the children's clothing store.

Toy Planet and the Media Darling

When Luc walked in the front door with Senthys, he found Andel and Brinn moving big boxes from the foyer to the living area.

Senthys released Luc's hand and ran to them. "I got a new bear! See?" He held up a bear a hundred years junior to his current model.

"Cute!" Brinn tousled the boy's hair.

"This guy has fur and everything." Andel sat on the floor and gathered Senthys onto his lap. "What's his name?"

While the two chatted, Luc examined the boxes. "What's in these?"

"This?" Brinn indicated the chest-high stacks. "I think this is what 'a few things to wear' looks like to Luc Saint-Cyr."

Walking around the boxes, Luc checked out the labels. "Kelthian Kids delivered already."

Brinn braced a hand on one box. "There was a note on this one. It was meant for your eyes only, but I unsealed it, thinking it was a packing slip." He handed Luc the handwritten note. "Sorry."

"No problem." He skimmed it, then re-read the words written by the Kelthian Kids manager. "Thank you for the flowers. Roses are my favorite. Yes, I'd love to meet for dinner." She'd signed it with her name and mobile contact.

Apparently, Shohn had decided to play matchmaker. Depending on how dinner went, she might be fired after all. "Or promoted."


"Nothing. Now you know one reason why I bought out the store."

"After seeing this, I half expected a truck from Toy Planet to back into the driveway. Guess their manager wasn't as cute." Brinn tapped the box.

"Imagine how entertaining I find that."

Brinn bit his lips too late to hide a smile.

Luc tucked the note into a pocket. "I'm curious, however, how you knew I took the boy to Toy Planet. The manager told me those bears are sold everywhere. Easy to replace if damaged." Although, considering the boy's attachment to his other bear, wear made no difference.

"I saw you guys on the news." Brinn pulled out his mobile device and scrolled. "Here."

Two tabloid media celebrities from Idle Time Ezine were chatting. His name scrolled across a banner at the bottom. They'd made their fortune exploiting him for news. "Luc Saint-Cyr, the 'retired'," the woman made air quotes, "Grand Master of the Thieves' Guild has sold name rights to the Bank of Tarth. The banking conglomerate, which controls branches throughout the empire, will feature the Harbinger's likeness in advertising, showing he backs the company as a solid investment."

"Does that mean," the male asked, "that he'll never rob it?"

"Robbery? Of a bank?" Luc stopped the video. "Honestly, do these people research nothing? Bank robbery! As if I'd remain at that level. That is so far beneath my skill. Brinn," he turned to him, "what does this have to do with Toy Planet?"

Brinn gave him a cryptic smile. "Keep watching."

With an aggravated sigh, he tapped play.

"What do you suppose he'll do with all that money?" the male asked.

With a snide smile, the woman responded, "It might buy one of his less expensive suits." The two laughed at their own joke.


"Trust me. It's coming."

"Apparently, though," she continued, "he might need some of that money for toys." An amateur shot of him stooping beside Senthys at Toy Planet popped up. "Saint-Cyr's support of Kin businesses is well documented. Perhaps this HalfKin child is a by-product of that 'support.'" Again, she made air quotes and the two exchanged a knowing look.

Luc jabbed the stop icon. "I will kill them both."

"If I didn't know you better, I'd say you were serious."

Luc slid his unsmiling gaze in the young man's direction.

"Umm... Okay, then." Brinn tucked away the mobile. "I'll finish here while you... uh... Whatever."

Luc tried counting to force down his anger. "Not enough numbers."

Please check out the other authors in this blog hop, linked below.

Would you like to review A Stolen Heart?

The story is complete, and when published, will include a bonus book, Behind the Scenes of A Stolen Heart. In it, I'll share secrets with you about the characters -- things that aren't revealed in the book.

I'm hoping to find reviews and reviewers. Is that you? I have advanced pre-edited copies in epub, mobi, and pdf waiting for you to download on Story Origin and BookSprout.

This version is self-edited and will be sent out for its final edit next week. I'd be happy to get questions if you have any, or if you were confused by anything. An early review would be a great help. Thank you!

Download the early review copy on Story Origin
Download the early review copy on BookSprout

The Antonello Brothers Series

~ visit the series page ~

You'll find Luc and Senth mentioned in many books in my story universe.
Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Play Ball: Oops. Luc should not have done that #Excerpt from A Stolen Heart #SciFi #MFRWhooks


In this scene, Luc has been dealing with business issues and is finally free. He's leaving soon, and hopes to spend a few minutes with Senthys. He doesn't expect to find him in the yard alone with a ball. Why wouldn't the others play ball with him?

Play Ball

Set up: A Deshai is a student in the Thieves' Guild. Luc has trained five and the youngest, Nikko, is about to graduate from the Academy and leave home. Nikko is away taking finals as the scene opens.

Play Ball

Eager to see Senthys, Luc hurried upstairs, but the practice room was empty. A faint sound drew Luc to a tall pair of windows overlooking the back.

Like other houses in the neighborhood, a wooded and fenced yard allowed room for sports and exercise. The house had its own gym but no pool. The boys swam in the jointly-shared neighborhood pool a block over, or at the Academy.

In a sunny area, four of the guys had formed two teams and were hitting a ball over a high net. The Thieves' Guild considered hand-contact sports good for developing muscle, but also dangerous. To avoid injury, while the ball was physically soft, the Tyran technology inside made it react as if it were harder. It turned blue when a point was scored and red when lost. Yellow indicated out of bounds.

Nikko was not down there, which meant he must be taking finals. So where was Senthys?

Luc changed to the other window.

A rigid pole with a lead clipped to its top had a ball attached at the end. When activated, the ball could be hit by one player, and it would react as if being struck back by another. Two could play against one another, or vie with the tech, trying to score more hits. Depending on the setting, it could dodge above their heads or swoop lower.

Though too short to hit the ball properly, Senthys could reach it, and he hit it hard enough for it to wrap around the pole and come back. More of a push, but it spun around the pole, far too high for him to touch. He jumped toward the moving ball.

Why weren't the others involving him? If they wouldn't, he would. Luc threaded his way down the stairs, out through the kitchen and into the backyard.

As Luc arrived, Nikko opened a gate in the fence and walked through, drawing everyone's attention. When he pumped both fists in the air, Luc and the others cheered.

Senthys did too. The ball came back around, struck him in the forehead and laid him out flat on his back.

Luc raced to the boy and knelt.

The child blinked, a bright spot in the middle of his forehead.

"Are you hurt?" Afraid to move him, Luc touched the boy's foot.

Senthys looked up at all the Deshai, who had gathered around him, then at Luc. He grinned. "Do it again!"

A collective groan of relief from the Deshai mixed with their pained laughter.

Luc sank to the ground.

"Did you see Luc run?" Andel asked.

Brinn laughed. "Yeah, you don't ever want to make him come after you!"

In his haste to reach Senthys, he'd set aside thousands of years of training and reflex and used his powers without a single thought.

The Deshai went back to their game, and Luc held out his hands to the boy. When Senthys came to him, Luc pulled the boy close and hugged him like he would never let go.

Please check out the other authors in this blog hop, linked below.

Would you like to review A Stolen Heart?

The story is complete, and when published, will include a bonus book, Behind the Scenes of A Stolen Heart. In it, I'll share secrets with you about the characters -- things that aren't revealed in the book.

I'm hoping to find reviews and reviewers. Is that you? I have advanced pre-edited copies in epub, mobi, and pdf waiting for you to download on Story Origin and BookSprout.

This version is self-edited and will be sent out for its final edit next week. I'd be happy to get questions if you have any, or if you were confused by anything. An early review would be a great help. Thank you!

Download the early review copy on Story Origin
Download the early review copy on BookSprout

The Antonello Brothers Series

~ visit the series page ~

You'll find Luc and Senth mentioned in many books in my story universe.
Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Luc explains the arcane rules of theft to a 3 yr old #Excerpt from A Stolen Heart #SciFi #MFRWhooks


The word arcane conjures up magic and sorcery, but its definition is "requiring secret or mysterious knowledge." To Luc, who's an Arcane Master in the Thieves' Guild, those secrets are the lifeblood of the skill. Here, he explains one of the basic rules to Senthys, who is three.

Arcane Secrets

In this scene, Luc and Senthys are riding in Luc's hoversine, a limousine that flies right above the ground.
(banner image - Luc's hoversine, art by Nano-Core. I commissioned a vehicle immediately recognizable as a limo, but futuristic.)

Senthys swung his feet, which, on the short rise of the hoversine's safety seat, meant he kicked the main seat with his heels.

That was already old and it had just started. Luc leaned down close to distract him. "Let's learn some thief rules."

"Why?" Senthys tilted his head. "Don't you already know them?"

Luc stopped himself from reacting. After all, he was talking to a child, not that different from talking to Pietas. "Yes, I do, and I'm going to teach them to you. I told you there would be two rules inside the store and if you obeyed them, you could pick out a toy."

"Oh. I 'member." Like Luc, Senthys folded his hands before him. "Ready."

"You are to stay next to me at all times. You may hold my hand if you like, but do not leave me to look at things, or to see things unless I give you permission. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"Say it back to me."

"Um..." The boy fidgeted. "All of it?"

Luc decided against counting--to any number. "Tell me what you understood."

"Stay with you."

"Good! That's perfect."

The child bounced in his seat.

How delighted this boy was to do well. Luc must encourage that. "The other rule is not to steal anything in this store. Say it back to me."

"Don't steal in the store?"

"That's right!" Luc patted his hands together. "What a good job."

Senthys clapped, grinning.

"I'm going to tell you something and I want you to always remember it. Honorable thieves do not steal unless under contract. If an honorable thief cannot afford something, then he must work a regular job to earn the money." Luc placed a hand on the boy's arm. "My Deshai are honorable. They do not take things without a contract. Understand?"

"Yes, sir. Can I have a contract?"

"You can have one when you reach level thirteen. At that level, you can be hired professionally."

"Are you level thirteen?"

Luc brushed at his sleeve. "I'm level forty-eight."

"Oh." The boy nodded as if impressed. "Is that better than thirteen?"

Amusing, however deflating that might be. "Quite a bit better," Luc told him. "It's the highest in the Guild. Arcane Master."

Senthys cocked his head. "Then that's what I want to be. A Arcane Mister."

"Master," Luc corrected, smiling. "Arcane Master."

"Arcane Master. I want to be that. Brinn says I can be anything."

True words. Luc held up a hand, reached across the seat, and Senthys high-fived him. "Your brother is absolutely right."

Please check out the other authors in this blog hop, linked below.

Would you like to review A Stolen Heart?

The story is complete, and when published, will include a bonus book, Behind the Scenes of A Stolen Heart. In it, I'll share secrets with you about the characters -- things that aren't revealed in the book.

I'm hoping to find reviews and reviewers. Is that you? I have advanced pre-edited copies in epub, mobi, and pdf waiting for you to download on Story Origin and BookSprout.

The book is on Goodreads, and you can leave a review there now. You can leave a review on Amazon the day the book goes live, May 11th.

This version is self-edited and will be sent out for its final edit next week. I'd be happy to get questions if you have any, or if you were confused by anything. An early review would be a great help. Thank you!

Download the early review copy on Story Origin
Download the early review copy on BookSprout


Read A Stolen Heart – FREE – 2 Days Before Release

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The Antonello Brothers Series

~ visit the series page ~
Preorder A Stolen Heart

You'll find Luc and Senth mentioned in many books in my story universe.
Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Review A Stolen Heart, please? A heart-warming and humorous space opera #SciFi #SpaceOpera


A Stolen Heart release date is May 11, 2020 (tentative).

I'm hoping to find reviews and reviewers. Is that you? I have advanced pre-edited copies in epub, mobi, and pdf waiting for you to download on Story Origin.

Want to review A Stolen Heart?

The story is complete, and when published, will include a bonus book, Behind the Scenes of A Stolen Heart. In it, I'll share secrets with you about the characters -- things that aren't revealed in the book.

The version available for review on Story Origin is self-edited and will be sent out for its final edit next week. I'd be happy to get questions if you have any, or if you were confused by anything. An early review would be a great help.

Download the early review copy on Story Origin

A Stolen Heart

He saved a half-human child from a big bad monster, but now, who is rescuing whom?

After rescuing a half-alien / half-human child who's running for his life, warrior-turned-entrepreneur Luc Saint-Cyr stumbles onto a conspiracy at the highest levels of the powerful Thieves' Guild.

Complicating matters, Luc's immortal ex might be involved.

Now Luc must deal with his ex, find a home for the child, squelch the flames of conspiracy and eradicate its perpetrators.

As if that's not enough, an unseen enemy is undoing every good thing Luc accomplishes.

But when it comes time to give up the child to a family who can care for him, how will Luc bear to part with the adorable little boy who has stolen his heart...

The Antonello Brothers Series

~ visit the series page ~

You'll find Luc and Senth mentioned in many books in my story universe.
Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Weird Eyes: a toddler's view of Luc #SciFi #MFRWhooks #MFRWauthor

Weird Eyes: a scene from A Stolen Heart

(Be sure to scroll to the bottom to see all the authors taking part in today's blog hop.)

In this scene, Luc has been comforting a crying three-year-old boy whom he rescued. The child has cornflower blue eyes with the slashed pupils of a Kin, a feline-humanoid species. But his aren't the weird eyes...


Luc handed the boy a handkerchief.

Senthys dragged it across his wet nose and eyes, smearing the mess across his entire face. He offered the handkerchief back.

Gingerly, Luc accepted it, folded the wet side in and used the other to wipe the child's face. How did parents and caretakers manage such unsanitary duties on a daily basis?

He dangled the damp cloth by a corner. "I think you should keep this."

"Thank you." The boy stuffed it into a pocket. Winding his curls around a finger, he leaned against Luc's chest, looking up at him. "You have hair like me." Senthys pulled out a long strand. "See?"

"Hmm." Indeed, the boy had loose curls like his, but there, the resemblance stopped. "I think your hair is lighter." By dozens of shades compared to his ebony. "And longer."

Pietas would never believe any of this. Neither would his friends. Nor anyone who knew Luc by any name in any empire.

The boy twisted around. Assuming he wanted down, Luc moved back, but the child knelt between Luc's thighs.

Jerking back, Luc took the boy's hands to steady him. "What are you doing?"

Senthys planted one foot on the seat between Luc's thighs.

"Careful!" Scooting even further back, he shifted his grip to the boy's waist.

"I wanna see your eyes." Senthys stood and leaned in closer, staring at first one eye, then the other. "Wow! They're weird."

"Are they?" His true eyes were the stuff of childhood nightmares. Since Luc had no trouble seeing, his lenses hadn't slipped or been damaged. The weirdness likely referred to their blackness. "I'm sure you think so. Do you know colors?"

"Uh huh."

"What color are my eyes?"

With a clawless, human fingertip, he poked Luc's cheek. "Same as this."

"You mean my skin?"

"Skin," he repeated, patting Luc's cheeks and then his own. "Real Kin have furskin. I don't. I'm not a real Kin. I'm HalfKin."

"I see." He reseated the boy on his lap. "Can you tell me what color they are?"

"Uh huh." Senthys swung one foot, making Luc think of Pietas. "Pink."

Chuckling, Luc tidied the boy's shirt. "Black."

"I get pink mixed up." He gave a huge yawn. "When are you taking me home?"

"Home?" The child likely thought he was being adopted. "I'm here to talk to the headmistress. I'm sure you'll find a home soon."

Senthys sniffed, blinking up at him. "But..." He rubbed his nose. "I wanna go with you. I'll be good. I don't bite." He held up his fingers. "I don't have claws."

Those words wrenched his heart. This innocent had no idea how dangerous Luc was. The poor child would be trading one monster for another.

"Senthys." Careful not to pull the boy's curls, Luc brushed them back from the lad's face. "Saving you from a big bad monster doesn't mean I'm not one."

He rescued a toddler from a big bad monster. But now, who is rescuing whom? A scene from A Stolen Heart #scifi #spaceopera Click To Tweet

Luc's "weird eyes" are solid black due to full-eye contacts. But what about the real eyes he's hiding? Why does he hide them? Tune in for a new excerpt from A Stolen Heart next week.

The Antonello Brothers Series

~ visit the series page ~

You'll find Pietas and Luc mentioned in nearly every book in my story universe.
Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.