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He was not equipped to deal with “scary raisins” #Excerpt from A Stolen Heart by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #MFRWhooks

He was not equipped to deal with "scary raisins" #Excerpt from A Stolen Heart by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #MFRWhooks - copy


What Luc knows about rearing children could be written on the palm of one hand.

Raw recruits, however, he's been training for thousands of years.

But can he convince a kid to eat "scary raisins?"

Raisins Are Scary

In this scene, Luc is having lunch with Senthys, the three-year-old boy he rescued.

(A Deshai is a trainee in the Thieves' Guild, where Luc is a teacher - a Sen'dai.)

From A Stolen Heart

At lunch, Luc finished a sandwich and pulled out his mobile while the boy gobbled up his own sandwich, crunched all his carrot sticks and drank all his milk.  But then Senthys stuffed his mouth with apple slices as if he thought someone would take away whatever he didn't eat. Perhaps at the Academy, they had.

"Take those out of your mouth." Luc held the plate for him. "One bite at a time, please."

Head down, Senthys obeyed. "Can I still eat them?"

"You may." Luc wiped the boy's mouth. "In this house, no one will take away your food. Not ever." He had never disciplined his Deshai by denying them meals. How could anyone do such a thing to a child?

When imprisoned, Pietas had been chained in the dark and starved for over a year. If Luc couldn't bear the thought of his king going hungry, how could he tolerate it for a boy?

Once Senthys finished the apple, he pointed to a small bowl. "What's that?"

Luc tipped it toward himself. "Raisins."

The boy wrinkled up his nose. "They look scary."

"Raisins?" He tilted the bowl again. How did one convince a child raisins weren't scary? How had he convinced recruits to try things they balked at? Familiarity. He'd made them carry unloaded weapons for days before training them on the devices. Luc picked up a raisin and held it out to Senthys. "Here, smell."  Before the boy could, luc pulled back his hand.

Senthys blinked and looked up at him.

"Remember," Luc told him. "Smell. Not eat."

"Okay." As Luc held it for him, Senthys leaned closer, sniffing. "It's sweet."

"That's because there's magic inside them."

The boy's eyes widened. "There is? Can I see the magic?"

Stifling a smile, Luc chose another and offered it. "You try. Squeeze it. Like this." He pressed it between first finger and thumb.

Senthys pressed, frowning in concentration. "Ew! Brown stuff came out." He dropped it and wiped that hand on his shirt.

"The squishy part is the magic."

"It is?" Senthys picked the raisin back up, peering at it.

Now came the part Luc liked. Showing recruits the benefits and seeing them embrace the challenge. "Raisins give you magic energy to run and hit a ball. They help you play hide and seek."

"Can they help me get magic coins out of my hair?"

"Hmm." The sleight of hand had been Luc's attempt to distract him from crying. "If you eat them long enough and study how to do it."

"Can I have a raisin?"

"I don't know." Luc pretended to consider it. "You'd have to eat the whole bowl to get enough magic. I don't know if you can eat that many."

"Oh, I can!" Senthys clapped, bouncing in his seat. "I can eat them!"

"I squished this one, so I'll eat it. Okay with you?" Luc held it up to his own mouth.

Senthys opened his.

"You want this?" Luc offered it.

The boy nodded.

"Okay, here we go." Using slow motions, Luc reached toward him as Senthys leaned forward. At the last second, Luc yanked it back and popped the raisin in his own mouth. He opened his eyes wide, teasing the boy. "Mine."

With a peal of laughter, Senthys grabbed a raisin and offered it to Luc, but yanked it back and made the same face.

Luc clacked his teeth together, pretending to bite the air.

Senthys stuck the raisin in his own mouth and threw out his arms toward Luc.

When Luc hugged him, the boy kissed his cheek and put his head on Luc's shoulder. "I love you, Sen'dai."

He hugged the boy tight. How could vows be right if they forced him to say good-bye?

Senthys lifted his head. "Why are you sad?"

Luc brushed back the boy's hair. "Because I never want you to grow up. I want you to stay little like you are right now, forever."

Senthys wrinkled his nose. "That's silly."

He tapped the boy on the nose. "It is indeed."

Would you like to review A Stolen Heart?

The story is complete, and when published, will include a bonus book, Behind the Scenes of A Stolen Heart. In it, I'll share secrets with you about the characters -- things that aren't revealed in the book.

I'm hoping to find reviews and reviewers. Is that you? I have advanced pre-edited copies in epub, mobi, and pdf waiting for you to download on Story Origin and BookSprout.

This version is self-edited and will be sent out for its final edit next week. I'd be happy to get questions if you have any, or if you were confused by anything. An early review would be a great help. Thank you!

Download the early review copy on Story Origin
Download the early review copy on BookSprout

The Antonello Brothers Series

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You'll find Luc and Senth mentioned in many books in my story universe.
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4 years ago

Adorable – scary raisins with magic inside. Fabulous excerpt.

Babs Mountjoy
Babs Mountjoy
4 years ago

Like the time I made “apple” pie with zucchini slices… my kids still haven’t forgiven me. haha

4 years ago

Very cute bit and the method of persuasion is great.

Ed Hoornaert
4 years ago

The very idea of a scary raisin caught my attention, only to discover raisins can be used like painting Tom Sawyer’s fence.

4 years ago

What a charming scene. For someone so big, bad, and abrasive, he’s really good with a child.

4 years ago

OMG! You can see Luc fall in love right before your eyes. I love it!