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From the book A Stolen Heart by Kayelle Allen

When a glorified space pirate turned entrepreneur rescues a vulnerable orphan, a chain of events sets chaos in motion.

At war with his compassion for the toddler, loyalty to the king, duty to the Guild, and the bright lure of freedom he's coveted for centuries, Luc seeks the right path.

A hard choice for any man.


For an immortal whose inner monster can destroy on sight? Impossible. A pirate with a monstrous past can never be trusted with an innocent child.

Luc must ensure the child is protected, safe, nowhere near danger. Nowhere near him.

Even if this little boy has already stolen his heart...

Excerpt from A Stolen Heart by Kayelle Allen

In this scene, when Luc is asked to find a missing child, he's sure he's misunderstood something. After all, this is the master of misdirection he's talking to: Pietas, who wants him to find a kid? Sure he does. Meanwhile, the king has brought out his panther and is petting the animal. It's far from tame, but Luc is quite familiar with it.


"Locate the girl." Pietas stroked the panther. "Once you tell me where she is, you'll be free. I don't need you to rescue her. Just inform me."

"I see." Luc did not. "Find this ten year-old girl. Tell you where she is. That's it."

"Yes. Then after your Deshai graduates, you can move to Tarth and start that building you've been planning."

"Hmm." This was far too easy. Obviously, he'd missed something. Mentally, Luc walked back through the last bits of conversation. "To clarify, you don't want me to bring her to you. You want me to find her and tell you where she is."

"Asked and answered." Pietas studied him. "Why is this so hard for you? Find her. Tell me. Not difficult. But it is urgent."

"What's so important about her?"

Pietas kissed the panther on the nose. "It's not her so much as her parents. If we find her and then take her to them, we'll have more influence."

Now they were getting somewhere. "And who are they?"

"My sister told you about the FTA, didn't she?"

"FTA." Acronyms filled his world, but this one? New to him. Why did that earlier dread raise its ugly head again? He'd probably be better off not knowing, but Pietas seemed to be waiting for an answer. "Not a word. What is it?"

"She didn't?" Pietas frowned. "Oh, I thought... Never mind." He tugged the panther's ears. "The FTA is the Forgotten Technologies Arena."

"Forgotten by whom?"

"The ancients. It's secret tech. Forbidden."

"Forbidden." The headache he'd faced over the last hour spiked through his brain. He rubbed his temples. Why him? Why now? "Pietas..."

"Oh, will you stop worrying?" The man looked over at him. "No one's going to get sucked into a wormhole this time."

Luc forced himself to take a deep breath and let it all the way out. "That's what you said the last time."

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#Excerpt Luc needs a solid plan to defeat evil #PietasFans #SciFi #MFRWhooks

A Stolen Heart is science fiction with male/male relationships.

An ex-lover brings his constant drama back into Luc's life, just as Luc's trying to find a safe home for a toddler he has somehow acquired. There's no way the child can become a permanent resident.

Luc has no time for a family.

But once this adorable little tot enters Luc's life, his heart is well and truly stolen...


How can taking children from their families ever be right? There is no way to justify that kind of evil.

After learning that his apprentice had been stolen from his family, Luc vows to never let it happen to anyone else. But how?

In this scene, Luc must dig deeper into the truth. The truth he'd heard was heartbreaking. His foster son, Kaydn, had been stolen from his family as a toddler.

A plan to make it right

Luc and Kaydn talked most of the night. His Deshai showed him evidence gathered by the older sister Kaydn had never known. While Kaydn had been learning how to circumvent the law, Orella Vettov had learned to enforce it. First as a cop, and then as a detective specializing in missing children. She'd supplied her kidnapped brother with names, dates, and statistics.

It wasn't only Kaydn who'd been taken. There were at least fifteen others, and Vettov wasn't through digging.

The realization that this had begun while he was Grand Master struck Luc down in shame. It was his duty and responsibility to know everything the Guild did under his command, and he'd failed to flag it.

Kaydn was right. Luc not only wanted to burn down the Thieves' Guild, he wanted to crush it to the last ember.

Three mortal lifetimes he'd invested in that institution: first as Cyr de Tomasson, centuries ago, then in his previous life as Neene St. Thomas, and now as Luc Saint-Cyr. Lives spent hiding his true nature to carry out the mission: protect humanity.

Different identities. Same skill. Same talent. Same passion. Same utter devotion.

Someone had tarnished everything he'd lived for. And for what?

"Kaydn." Swallowing hard against the breath lodged in his throat, Luc clasped his Deshai's hand. "I didn't do this to you, but I apologize for it."

"I know." He braced his other arm alongside Luc's. "Right now, I hate the Guild. But Sen'dai, I know the Guild could go back to what it was. We're thieves, but honorable." Kaydn pulled away. "I can't stay. It's not personal."

"I'd want to leave, too, in your situation. I can't. Not until I fix this."

"What are we going to do, Sen'dai? It's not like we can invite the police to investigate the Guild."

"I can imagine how that would go over. I'll think of something. I have contacts and there's idBot."

"Sen'dai, I don't want to destroy everything you and my brothers have worked for. And I wouldn't skip Nikko's graduation for anything."

"Until I can dig into this and figure out who knew what, don't do anything different. Take some time off. Let me do what I do best. I'll know more by Nikko's big day."

"Luc." Kaydn pointed toward the door. "What if that little HalfKin was taken?" The agony on his Deshai's face crushed Luc's heart. "What if my brothers were?"

"I'll find out." Luc set a hand on Kaydn's shoulder. "I will stop this. Nothing I can say or do will make up for being torn from your family, but I will try to make it right."

Kaydn gave him a soul-searching look. "I trust you."

Fans of the Antonello Brothers series will enjoy seeing the characters Luc Saint-Cyr, Pietas, and Dessy (the Empress Destoiya). Plus, they'll meet Senth, the playful future hero of At the Mercy of Her Pleasure, when he is a three-year-old boy.

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Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
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He has 2 problems: his ex, and everything else in his life #SciFi #MM #MFRWhooks

The immortal Luc (Cyken) and his king, Pietas, have not been a "couple" for nineteen-hundred years, but neither is over the other.

His ex is his biggest problem...

Luc is wearing the scent Pietas created for him. So far in the story, Luc had shot down any attempt at seduction and the last time he saw Pietas, told him it was over forever. So Pietas has no idea what prompted this sudden change of heart.

Invading Pietas's space, Luc took a step closer.

The king drew a breath and held it, back ramrod straight. "Cyken? Talk to me."

Luc took in Pietas's dimpled chin and strong mouth, straight nose and bright turquoise eyes. His dark lashes and brows stood in sharp contrast to his white hair. Inhumanly perfect. No man should be this beautiful.

Their people called Pietas the Bringer of Chaos because his strongest Sempervian gift was Chaos, the ability to create chaotic feelings with no outside source. In battle, it mind-dazed an enemy. But with a lover, his gift rendered a partner helpless, inundating them with overwhelming pleasure.

Only Luc ever dared call him by that title--to his face.

"The thing is, Bringer, I will never be over you." Luc drew back one silky lock of the man's shining platinum hair. "I think of you every single day. And every single night. And every time I wear your scent, I long for you." Curling a hand behind Pietas's head, Luc stretched upward and pressed his mouth against his king's.

For one breathless moment, Pietas remained detached, but then he yielded into the kiss, slipping his arms around Luc, pulling him close, close, kissing him back. Not a ravaging kiss. Not all-encompassing desire. Tender, sweet with longing.

The kind of kiss Luc remembered when he was alone at night. Hungry for touch. The kiss--not of a conqueror--but a lover. Instead of shouting, "Mine!" this kiss whispered, "Yours..."

Pietas broke away, bracing his hands on Luc's shoulders. "No." He wiped his mouth with the back of a hand and turned aside. "This isn't what you need."

"Wrong." The heat behind his eyes had nothing to do with his inner beast. "You're exactly what I need."

"No." Pietas stepped further back. "You're lonely. You think you need to be with another person and lose yourself with sex."

Luc smiled. "Two points for you. That is what I want." He reached for Pietas.

"No." The man stepped out of reach. "It isn't."

Must Pietas fight with him over everything? "Bringer--"

"No." Pietas held out both hands in front of him. "You're vulnerable. You're in pain and you think being with me will take it away."

"I know it will." Pain was what he needed. Chaos. Who better to give it to him than the bringer of it?

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You'll find these characters mentioned in many books in my story universe.
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Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

How nice after the months of writing to have a good review.
#SciFi novel A Stolen Heart gets a review or two #BookReview #MFRWorg #MFRWhooks

Reviews for A Stolen Heart

A former space pirate who’s gone straight rescues a vulnerable child adept at breaking into things. By protecting the boy, Luc unlocks secrets that threaten to topple the powerful king Luc once loved. For the child's safety, Luc must send the boy away, far from danger. Nowhere near him. Even if this little one has already stolen his heart...

Review snippets

Here's a short snippet from a review or two of A Stolen Heart.

"There’s more than one stolen heart in this remarkable book! ... I loved every bit of this story! Highly recommended." -- author Dee S Knight

"The core conflict in this book is the disconnect between who Luc is and the feelings he has for Senthys. Ms. Allen does a wonderful job depicting the child's remarkable abilities and winning ways, and exposing Luc's softer side as he falls in love with the boy." -- author Lisabet Sarai

"...the youth and playfulness of an immortal King contrasts against the experience and maturity of an age worn subject... The strength of characterization and plot thickens as the story brews... This galactic mystery is sure to hold true on the what the title claims; the readers are sure to end up with 'A Stolen Heart'!" -- FD (blog review)

A Stolen Heart, along with the entire Antonello Brothers series, is $ .99 through the summer.

Check out the special June 10, 2020 on Bargain Booksy#SciFi novel A Stolen Heart gets a review or two #BookReview #MFRWorg #MFRWhooks

A favorite review...

This review is biased as all get out, but it's one of my favorites! This is what my editor, Barb Caffrey had to say about the book after she tore it apart and then handed it back to me. She is gentle when she tells you to fix something, but you aren't getting by with anything, believe me. Here's what she had to say.

"Folks, I'm glad to talk about my friend and fellow author Kayelle Allen. I've edited at least six of her books (maybe more; I've lost count), and I'm always happy to work on them because they're well-detailed, well-organized, and a lot of fun. But A Stolen Heart, which is all of the above, is even more than that. It's about optimism, in the face of great loss. It's about the blessings of family, even when you don't think you deserve it. It's about personal growth, and self-sacrifice, and finding your own way in the world…most of all, it's about figuring out how to love yourself, warts and all, even when you've done something so horrible you have nightmares about it many years after the fact." -- editor Barb Caffrey

A review can empower

Yes, even when someone points out something they thought needed improvement, that's a good thing. One reviewer thought I shouldn't have mentioned two characters from a previous series. I can understand the reasoning, especially if a reader doesn't know them. I brought them into the book because these characters crossover into the series in later books, and because they are the single most powerful influences on these characters. Without them, there would be no story now.

The challenge is to consider how to use reviews to create a better story next time. In a review of a different book, one reviewer said the story lacked enough science fiction elements. Since about 70% of the story took place on an alien world where they had nothing to survive with but rudimentary gear in a backpack, there wasn't much sci-fi to include. But in future books, I recalled the advice and made sure I had plenty of that element.

Good and bad reviews are part of writing. Learning to grow a thick skin and be a professional is what separates the wannabe writers from the serious ones. If you've read this story and haven't yet left a review, I'd love it if you would. You can share it on Goodreads, Amazon, or your own social media. I'd love to hear what you think, good or bad. Send me a link!

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Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

"What's the rule?" Can first-time-father Luc teach one? #Excerpt A Stolen Heart #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Luc teaches a safety rule to Senthys.

What is the rule?

In the hoversine on the way to shop, Luc taught Senthys an important rule to protect him. Now that they've arrived, how well did the first-time-father get it across?

At the entrance, two women who were leaving both greeted the boy. One wiggled her fingers at the tyke, and each gave Luc an appreciative once over.

He'd grown used to that over the years, but this appraisal had a different impact.

More sweet than sensual.

Interesting. Women found a man attractive because he was with a child. How had he missed knowing that?

Inside, the store had a clean smell, like freshly pressed linen and well-oiled wood, with an undertone of vanilla.

Senthys drew in a lungful. "I want some cookies."

"It does smell like cookies in here, doesn't it?"

A selection of clothing displayed various sizes and colors of sportswear, casualwear, and in the back, a sign designated formalwear. Formalwear for kids? Did boys need tuxes?

Before Luc could investigate, Senthys tugged at his hand and pointed to a play area near the front of the store. "I wanna go see that."

"What was the rule?"

The boy stuck a finger into his mouth, rocking himself side to side. "Stay with you."

"That's right."

"If you go see it, I can see it." He tilted his head. "Please?"

Luc could find no fault in that logic, nor resist the appeal. "Since you asked politely. Let's go see." Holding the boy's hand, he entered the play area.

Be sure to check out the other authors in this hop below.

You'll find these characters mentioned in many books in my story universe.
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Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

This idBot program is invading everything #Excerpt from A Stolen Heart by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Is it true that idBot sees everything?


In this scene, Luc is about to enter an elevator/lift in the Thieves' Guild. The elevator car moves up, down, and sideways to traverse the huge building. He's on his way to an important meeting.

idBot sees everything

After Luc left Tonio's office, he visited the Arcane Level library on the thirtieth floor, checking data to prepare for his meeting with Ms. Lexius. He headed for his office, but when the elevator opened, Grand Master Aerlray de Clare stood inside.

Focus, not dwell. Move forward.

Gathering his patience, Luc entered and pressed the button for his floor. "Aerlray."

"Luc Saint-Cyr." The man smiled like a predator. "The man I'm looking for."

"Oh?" Luc kept his back to the doors. "Why's that?"

"It's been brought to my attention idBot's poking its nose into our files."

"Is that so?" Floor numbers in idBot green scrolled around the top of the car as it moved downward. Ten floors to the first turn. "That phrase 'idBot sees everything' is literal."

"But it's scanning confidential data. Contracts. Personnel. Sealed adoptions."

And why was he trying to hide those? "IdBot needs to know what it's protecting."

"A lock on a door doesn't need to know what's behind the door."

"IdBot's more than a lock. It gathers intel about its surroundings. It's a living, breathing system that can actively protect its owner." He owed Shohn Lexius for that tidbit.

"I don't care about any of that." De Clare puffed himself up. "I want it to stop. Now. Pull idBot back from this invasive search, Saint-Cyr. It's setting a dangerous precedent. The Guild won't tolerate it."

He'd switched to using last names. Interesting.

Three floors.

"Aelray, if you think a threat will deter me, you don't know me."

"No threat." De Clare held up both hands. "But this idBot of yours is meddling where it doesn't belong."

"Oh?" The car slowed, shifted direction sideways. "What is there to hide?"

De Clare pointed at him. "I'm not the only councilmember who dislikes these invasive searches. This could have serious consequences if it came to a vote."

Good. Let it. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you own idBot."

"Let's say a tech company hires one of our people. Signs a contract for corporate espionage, but it's bungled. Things go badly. What's the procedure for a complaint?"

De Clare stepped back. "Why are you asking me? You know the procedure."

"That's right. I do." The car slowed, headed down again. "Procedure doesn't say 'go to the Grand Master and whine."

"What's your point?"

"When the Guild installed idBot, it came with a book of procedures in case anything went wrong. I didn't write the book, but I can guarantee you that nowhere in it does it suggest hassling members of the board or the owner."

The man stiffened, mouth set in a straight line. His usual cocky self had deteriorated into a petulant boy. "Are you going to stand there and tell me this isn't your doing?"

"What isn't my doing?"

The elevator made the last turn to the side, bypassing the Heart of the Guild. Not unlike de Clare, who could not seem to grasp the heart of the organization.

"Look, Saint-Cyr." De Clare arranged his robes of office. "This idBot of yours is poking through employee files, intake records, and financial statements. It's rifling through everything."

Excellent. More proof. Luc bared his teeth in a pseudo-smile. "You mean it's searching databases in order to back them up and provide security for every aspect of the facility?" The car slowed. "What the system was purchased to do?"

"That's exactly what I mean!" Spittle showed at the corners of de Clare's mouth.

"Why is that a problem?" The doors opened and Luc took one step outside. He wedged a foot to block the elevator from closing. "Got something to hide?"

De Clare took a full step back, shoulders against the wall. "I want it to stop." He jabbed a finger toward Luc. "Now!"

Luc released the doors. "Then call the Help Desk."

Be sure to check out the other authors in this hop at the bottom of the page.

idBot logo by Jamin Allen

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Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.