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Author Archives: Kayelle Allen

About Kayelle Allen

Kayelle Allen writes stories with immortal gamers and warriors who purr. She is the author of multiple books, novellas, and short stories, a US Navy veteran, and has been married so long she's tenured.

The truth about Kaydn devastates Luc #Excerpt A Stolen Heart #SciFi #MFRWhooks

After learning that his apprentice had been stolen from his family, Luc vows to never let it happen to anyone else. How can he plan to make this right?

A plan to make it right. How?

In this scene (continued from last week), Luc must dig deeper into the truth. The words he heard were heartbreaking. Kaydn had been stolen from his family as a toddler.

Luc and Kaydn talked most of the night. His Deshai showed him evidence gathered by the older sister Kaydn had never known. While Kaydn had been learning how to circumvent the law, Orella Vettov had learned to enforce it. First as a cop, and then as a detective specializing in missing children. She'd supplied her kidnapped brother with names, dates, and statistics.

It wasn't only Kaydn who'd been taken. There were at least fifteen others, and Vettov wasn't through digging.

The realization that this had begun while he was Grand Master struck Luc down in shame. It was his duty and responsibility to know everything the Guild did under his command, and he'd failed to flag it.

Kaydn was right. Luc not only wanted to burn down the Thieves' Guild, he wanted to crush it to the last ember.

Three mortal lifetimes he'd invested in that institution: first as Cyr de Tomasson, centuries ago, then in his previous life as Neene St. Thomas, and now as Luc Saint-Cyr. Lives spent hiding his true nature to carry out the mission: protect humanity.

Different identities. Same skill. Same talent. Same passion. Same utter devotion.

Someone had tarnished everything he'd lived for. And for what?

"Kaydn." Swallowing hard against the breath lodged in his throat, Luc clasped his Deshai's hand. "I didn't do this to you, but I apologize for it."

"I know." He braced his other arm alongside Luc's. "Right now, I hate the Guild. But Sen'dai, I know the Guild could go back to what it was. We're thieves, but honorable." Kaydn pulled away. "I can't stay. It's not personal."

"I'd want to leave, too, in your situation. I can't. Not until I fix this."

"What are we going to do, Sen'dai? It's not like we can invite the police to investigate the Guild."

"I can imagine how that would go over. I'll think of something. I have contacts and there's idBot."

"Sen'dai, I don't want to destroy everything you and my brothers have worked for. And I wouldn't skip Nikko's graduation for anything."

"Until I can dig into this and figure out who knew what, don't do anything different. Take some time off. Let me do what I do best. I'll know more by Nikko's big day."

"Luc." Kaydn pointed toward the door. "What if that little HalfKin was taken?" The agony on his Deshai's face crushed Luc's heart. "What if my brothers were?"

"I'll find out." Luc set a hand on Kaydn's shoulder. "I will stop this. Nothing I can say or do will make up for being torn from your family, but I will try to make it right."

Kaydn gave him a soul-searching look, and then moved in close and embraced him. He stepped back. "I trust you."


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Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Invading the shower #Excerpt from A Stolen Heart #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Invading the shower #Excerpt from A Stolen Heart #SciFi #MFRWhooks


The shower - great place to unwind. And the last place you'd expect an invader.

Invading the Shower

Set up: Luc has had an incredibly long day full of drama and hasn't slept for three long days. He's about to unwind with a glass of wine and a shower.

Inside his room, Luc shut the door, activated locks and set full privacy settings. It took three seconds to choose a bottle of Skovron Blush '37. Light, delicate and sweet. He opened the bottle to let the wine breathe while he set about stripping. Everything but the shoes went into the recycler, although he considered ditching those too. If his house-droids couldn't whisk them clean, he'd let them get rid of the shoes. Not his problem.

Luc chose a wineglass, poured, then carried it into the bathing area. After a sip, he set the glass on a marble countertop and slid open the smoky-gray glass door of the shower.

Pietas stepped into view, fully clothed. "I do not need a shower, thank you."

Luc snatched a towel and whipped it around himself. "My lord--" An explosive sigh burst from him. "What are you doing in my shower?"

"I wanted to see you."

"In the shower?"

With a flirty smile, Pietas leaned one shoulder against the wall. "You must admit, it is a good place to see you."

A headache shoved its way forward. "Not happening, Pietas."


"Again, what are you doing here?"

"I portaled into your room and heard the door open, so I came in here, and--" He lifted his chin. "I am your king. I go where I please."

"I asked you not to portal here, my lord. My Deshai are home."

"Which is why--" With a groan, Pietas clenched his fists. "Only you would expect me to explain myself." He gestured toward Luc. "You explain. Where have you been? Are you showering because you're going out, or..." He trailed a look down Luc's length. "...going to bed?" He ended the question with a smile.

"Bed. Alone. I've dealt with drama for days." Luc picked up the wine and drank it in one gulp. "I need a refill." Without waiting for a response, he marched himself back to his room, retrieved the bottle and poured, then splashed wine into a second glass.

Drinking alcohol had no effect on Sempervians, but the act itself soothed. It offered tradition. Comfort. And when needed, a means of stalling while you decided how much truth you could afford to tell.

He offered the second glass.

His king lifted it, sniffed, sipped. "This is good. From one of your wineries?"

"Yes. One of the Skovron locations." Luc swirled his wine, waiting until Pietas took another sip. "It's your sister's favorite."

Mouth twisting, Pietas set down his glass with a click.

Please check out the other authors in this blog hop, linked below.

Would you like to review A Stolen Heart?

The banners in today's post are part of the bonus book, Behind the Scenes of A Stolen Heart. In it, I'll share secrets with you about the characters -- things that aren't revealed in the book. There is also exclusive and original art created for the series.


I'm hoping to find reviews and reviewers. Is that you? I have advanced pre-edited copies in epub, mobi, and pdf waiting for you to download on Story Origin and BookSprout.

The book is on Goodreads, and you can leave a review there now. You can leave a review on Amazon the day the book goes live, May 11th.

This version is self-edited and will be sent out for its final edit next week. I'd be happy to get questions if you have any, or if you were confused by anything. An early review would be a great help. Thank you!

Download the early review copy on Story Origin
Download the early review copy on BookSprout

The Antonello Brothers Series

~ visit the series page ~
Purchase A Stolen Heart

You'll find Luc and Pietas mentioned in many books in my story universe.
Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

I'm a visual person. I like having an image of something I'm writing about. In fact, I frequently comission the book cover before I've finished writing the story. Sci-Fi concept art is a must for me, and I have a ton of it.

Sci-Fi Concept Art

The ring in this image belongs to Pietas, the immortal king in A Stolen Heart and the Bringer of Chaos books. Here's how it looked in its various stages of design. Music in the video is Video Game Blockbuster, licensed via Dual Horns Media Ltd. The concept art is by Nano-Core.

In this scene, the immortal king Pietas and his general, Luc Saint-Cyr, are hashing out an issue. This is the first mention in the book of the ring Pietas so often wears.

The Dragon Ring

"I'm touched." A playful smile lit Pietas's face. "You worried about me?"

"I worry whenever you do something different."

"Different how?"

"Let's see." Luc ticked items off his fingers. "Send troops over a border. Incite a riot. Invade a planet. Invade some king's daughters. Or his sons... Shall I go on?"

Pietas chuckled. "You worry a lot."

To increase his personal space, Luc adjusted the hang of his jacket. "You're in a good mood."

"Yes, yes." Pietas brushed a dismissive hand through the air. "I haven't triggered a war, if that's what you're fretting about. I'm not sending you out of the Empire, and I'm not planning to feed you to my cat."

"Not planning."

"No," Pietas agreed, with a bemused expression. "Although if there's someone you want to be rid of..." He lifted one brow.

"No, no, quite capable of making people disappear on my own, my lord, but I'll keep a personal dose of panther justice in mind."

"Panther justice!" Laughing, Pietas laid a hand on his chest. "How I've missed your sense of humor. I don't recall the last time I laughed out loud." He looked down, toying with a turquoise ring.

The fat nugget of fractured stone occupied his left forefinger. The silver setting evoked a dragon's open mouth, a gift from Luc hundreds of years ago. Pietas rarely removed it.

Did he cling to their past relationship, or wear it to show Luc he hoped for the future? Either way, Luc could not reconcile being with this man with the desire for freedom. To give birth to one meant the death of the other.

"You know," Pietas twisted the ring, "I think the last time I laughed, I was with you."

Pick up a copy of A Stolen Heart, now live on Amazon.

You'll find these characters mentioned in many books in my story universe.
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The Antonello Brothers Series

~ visit the series page ~
Purchase A Stolen Heart

#NewRelease A Stolen Heart by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #MFRWhooks #MFRWorg

New Release: A Stolen Heart

Party time! A Stolen Heart is finally a new release. The book went live on May 11, 2020 and is exclusive on Amazon. On sale for 99c, or free if you're a member of Kindle Unlimited.

The premise is simple: a former space pirate who’s gone straight rescues a vulnerable child adept at breaking into things.

If you liked seeing the bad guy in Despicable Me transform into a soft-hearted dad, you'll like A Stolen Heart. Luc's minions aren't yellow. They're thieves.

Setting up the scene for today's excerpt:

Luc Saint-Cyr interfaces virtually with Shohn, his idBot liaison. Although Shohn speaks fluent Etymis (English), it's not the native tongue of the Kin female. (Sayr te means "forgive me" or "I'm sorry" in Felis.)

Excerpt from the new release, A Stolen Heart

During the ride into Miraj City, Luc pulled out his mobile and scrolled through the list he'd uploaded from the paper in his pocket. He forwarded one item to his assistant, and added the note about the penthouse to his own to-do list. The mobile buzzed in his hand, showing the name Shohn Lexius.

He answered, voice mode. "What's up?"

"A bit of intel. I know we're meeting later, but this will only take a minute. I think you'll want to hear it."

He put the device on holophone and she shimmered into view. "Go."

"Go?" Her ears went back. "Sir? I thought you wanted--"

"Sayr te. Forgive me." He smoothed his jacket. "You're so fluent in Etymis, I forgot you might not get idioms. In this case, 'go' means the same as 'talk.'"

"Oh. Good to know. I anticipated you'd want a background check on"-- She looked at something off-screen --"Senthys Antonello."

"What are you? A mind reader?"

"Oh, no, sir." She picked up a note-reader. "I try to anticipate what'll be needed next. What's the next logical step. Prepare for it best I can."

"Do you have relatives needing work? I could use a dozen more like you."

Inclining her head, she lowered her ears in a Kin thank you. "I'm one of a kind."

"You can say that again."

She gave him a curious look. "Idiom?"

"Means I agree." He gestured toward her. "So you know I took custody of the boy."

"Sir, I know your shoe size, what sort of pickles you like and the thread count on your sheets. You signed papers for him at the Guild. It wasn't hard."

In his other lives, no one had known squat about happenings within Guild walls. "You scare me a little, Ms. Lexius."

One ear flicked back. "Is that good?"

"I'll let you know." He set his mobile on handsfree and dropped it into a pocket. "What do you have?"

"I dug up the name of the place where the boy lived from birth until he was bought by the Guild. He--"


"He was purchased in a group of thirty children. Twenty-seven humans plus him."

"That's twenty-eight."

"There were thirty total, but two are unaccounted for. Not sure who they were or whether they were human." She tapped a screen. "Looks like they were counted when they left the children's shelter where Senthys was reared, but I have no record of them reaching the Guild. No record of names, either. Just the count."

"Were they sold before the Guild got them?"

"No record."

The more he learned about the doings of his Guild, the less it felt like the one he knew. His Guild had been honorable. Like a family. This felt more and more like a faceless organization. Since when did family sell its most vulnerable members?

"But sir, I'm looking into it. That two children can disappear makes my claws itch. If they're safe, I want to know and if they're not-- Well, I'll let you know either way."

Be sure to check out the other authors in this blog hop - links below.

You'll find these characters mentioned in many books in my story universe.
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Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Sipping Triefan - the lifegiver #Excerpt from A Stolen Heart by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Luc and Pietas share a sip of triefan.

Triefan - the lifegiver

In this scene, Luc is invited to share a sip of triefan, a nectar from a flower that originated on the planet Sempervia. It does nothing for humans but it increases the metabolism of an immortal and gives them nearly instantaneous healing.

Carrying a tray, the android lingered in the entry until Pietas beckoned to him. "Your triefan, my lord." Uurah presented a tray with a mini-decanter of iridescent teal, capped by a silver top engraved with ornate flowers. A pair of thimble-sized glasses matched it; their tiny stems carved with curling silver petals.

Immortals vied with one another to collect such vessels for triefan, the lifegiving nectar prized among their people. The more elaborate and expensive, the better.

Luc kept his in a brown vial fitted with a medicine dropper. "I've never seen this decanter. Is it new?"

"It's beautiful. Isn't it?" Pietas picked up the container. "Sadly, the treacherous human who gifted it is no longer with us." While the android held the tray, Pietas poured, holding the cap in place as if serving high tea.

"I'm surprised you accepted a gift from someone you considered treacherous."

"Accepted prior to discovering the treachery." The king handed the single-sip serving to Luc. "That's one traitor who won't betray anyone again." Pietas delivered those words without heat.

They stung Luc anyway. "Yet you kept the gift."

Pietas turned the decanter back and forth, eyeing it. "Well, it is rather pretty. The giver insisted I should have it because it matched my eyes." He held the ornate item next to his face. "What do you think?"

"He was right."

"What makes you think it was a he?" Pietas twisted toward the cat. "It appears we have a new king."

"Pardon?" He turned.

The king's panther had taken the opportunity to claim the warm seat Pietas had vacated. The cat gazed at them from the throne.

"Tiklaus sits on that throne the way you do, one paw hanging over the edge."

"Indeed. Like a king." Pietas lifted his glass toward the cat. "Here's to delicious traitors and panther justice."

The cat licked its chops.

Fighting a tangled mix of fear and apprehension, Luc touched the lip of his glass against his king's and then downed the few drops inside.

Like himself, Pietas made a face and shuddered. Triefan might heal immortals instantly and give their already rampant metabolisms a boost, but the raw nectar tasted like spoiled lemon overpowered by week-old asparagus.

One eye closed, Pietas grimaced. "Ugh. Uurah, no more of that. Flavor it next time."

"Do you have a preference, my lord?"

"Yes." He plunked the tiny glass back on the tray. "Literally anything."

Be sure to check out the other authors in this blog hop, linked below.

You'll find these characters mentioned in many books in my story universe.
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Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Luc gets his first taste of fatherhood #Excerpt A Stolen Heart by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Luc finds out what fatherhood is like first-hand.

Fatherhood - a lot of work

After rescuing a toddler, Luc must now oversee his care. He managed dinner with the help of his house-droids and the five young thieves who are part of his Thieves' Guild "family."

Luc has managed to give Senthys a bath. Next up, tucking the three-year-old into bed.

And this is where Luc gets his first taste of fatherhood.

With his hair flat against his head, Senthys resembled a wet cat and looked half his usual size. Shivering, the boy stood quietly while Luc dried him. Unlike Kin, the toddler had human feet without claws. After dressing him in a clean t-shirt and underpants, Luc wrapped Senthys in one of Nikko's old button-down sweaters as a robe and rolled up the sleeves. The garment swallowed the tousle-haired moppet.

Luc had hair like the boy's. A comb would never go through such tangles. "I don't want to pull your hair, so we'll leave it alone."

Senthys took Luc's face in his hands and looked into his eyes. "Thank you."

"Welcome. Let's get you into bed." When he re-entered the bedroom with the boy, Nikko was waiting.

"Hey, Luc. I got the bed ready for you, Senth." His Deshai pulled down the covers.

Senthys hopped in excitement. "A real bed!"

Nikko helped him climb onto it. "It's comfortable too."

"I get to sleep up here?"

"You sure do." Nikko fluffed the pillow. "I'll be right over there on the couch if you need me."

"Okay. Hug, Nikko?"

Nikko bent over and hugged him. After turning around, he mouthed, "So cute!"

"Hug?" Senthys held out his arms.

Luc gestured to himself.

"Uh huh." Senthys waited.

How was it Luc was back to feeling like he was the student trying to please the teacher? "All right." He bent closer.

The boy threw his arms around Luc and kissed him on the cheek. "Night night, Sen'dai."

Touching his cheek, Luc stepped back. He'd supervised bedtimes for his older Deshai. What did one do with a toddler?

The paper gift bag on the floor caught his attention, and he picked it up.

"The house-droids sent up something for you." He sat on the edge of the bed. "Shall we see what it is?" Luc cracked open the top, peeked inside, and snapped it shut.

Senthys sat up and grabbed the blanket with both hands, looking like a cat spying a toy. "What's in there?"

"Maybe you should find out." Luc passed him the bag.

After opening it, Senthys peeked in and then squealed. "Pocket!" He pulled out the bear. "You fixed him!" He clasped the mended bear to his chest and rocked back and forth. "Thank you!" The boy clambered out from under the covers and threw his arms around Luc's neck.

"You're welcome." He hugged back.

"You have the best house-droids ever!" Senthys stood on the bed, holding the bear's arms and dancing around with him.

"Careful!" Luc guided him to a seated position. "I'll make sure to thank them for you."

"Look, Nikko!" Senthys held out Pocket. "They fixed my bear!"

"Cool!" After getting a closer look at the scraggly toy, Nikko's eyebrows shot up. "This is fixed?"

Luc nudged him. "Trust me."


Hugging Pocket, Senthys climbed under the covers. He nestled his head against the pillows. "Pocket is sleepy now."

Luc smoothed covers over him and on impulse, over the bear.

"Hey, Senth," Nikko asked, "should I leave the light on in the bathroom?"

"Are--" He swallowed. "Are you scareded of the dark?"

"I used to be. But what if Pocket needs the light on 'cause he's in a new house? What do you think?"

Senthys held out the bear at arm's length, looked him over, and then tucked him back under the covers. "He says you're right."

"Good deal."

"Nikko?" Senthys yawned. "Pocket says thank you."

The young Deshai grinned. "Glad to help him out."

"Me too," the boy murmured, eyes drifting shut.

Be sure to check out all the other authors in this blog hop by clicking the links below.

You'll find these characters mentioned in many books in my story universe.
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Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.