Do you love cheesecake and cherries? So do Luc and Izzorah!
Surrender Love
In this scene, Luc and Izzorah are having their first meal alone since meeting a few days before. Luc is older by millenia, and Izzorah is in his early twenties. Luc wants him, but keeps trying to talk himself out of it, afraid of taking advantage.
But this dinner might change his mind...
Excerpt: the dessert scene from Surrender Love
After dinner, they enjoyed a light wine while they each tore into massive slices of cheesecake topped with a thick sauce of fresh cherries in brandy.
"Oh, stars that was good." Izzorah put down his fork. "If my father hadn't raised me to be polite, I swear I'd lick my plate. That was the best dessert ever. McDoth is an amazing cook."
"That was straight from Batchelor's."
"They make cheesecake?"
"Yes. Yvan's famous for it. That one had all the creaminess I've learned to expect from their kitchen."
"I never thought they'd be famous for food. No wonder everyone wants to go there." Izzorah leaned back in his chair. "I probably ate way too much, but I was hungry."
"Same here. No worry. I'm sure we'll work it off." Luc's plate still held crumbles of crust from the cheesecake, along with a smear of cherries. "You know, since you and I are alone..." On impulse, he lifted the dessert plate and while holding Izzorah's gaze, gave it a long, slow lick.
Izzorah giggled, biting his lip. He picked up his plate as well and gave the plate a quick lick with the tip of his tongue.
Luc stroked his tongue across the plate, taking his time, letting his gaze tell Izzorah how delicious it tasted -- and felt.
Color rose in Izzorah's cheeks. His lashes lowered. He performed a far more thorough lick. He gave Luc a sultry smile and then stroked his tongue along the edge of the plate. The soft wet barbs on his tongue glistened in the light.
Stifling an oath, Luc struggled for composure. The tightness in his throat had nothing to do with the surfeit of sugar.
Antonello Brothers: Immortal - Because Romance Lives Forever
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