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Birth name of Empress Rheyn Destoiya, twin sister of Pietas

Origin of Pietas: Bringer of Chaos - #SciFi #SpaceOpera

Origin of Pietas: Bringer of Chaos - #SciFi #SpaceOpera

The Bringer of Chaos hero wears a black mask painted on his face. It covers his eyes, up to and over the eyebrows. Why?

What's with the mask?

When I started writing about Pietas, the hero of the Bringer of Chaos series, I had no idea he wore a mask. The mask had never been part of my plan. But one day I was searching for a picture of an angel for a graphic design project, and came across a fascinating image of a fallen angel and a horned demon. Since the angel was male and had long blond hair, I was immediately intrigued. Often, angels are portrayed as sweet females who look heavenward with a devoted expression. They seem about as dangerous as milk. However, in Bible stories, one of the first things angels say when they appear is "Fear not." Why would they say that unless they inspired some kind of fear themselves? And the only named angels have male names. So, yes, I was fascinated to see a male angel. I clicked on the picture to get a better look.

Lo, and behold (sorry, I couldn't resist that) the person looking out from the image seemed to be staring straight into my soul. I zoomed in to get a better view, and in that instant I knew I was looking at Pietas, despite the mask. He seemed to be saying "What took you so long? I've been waiting for you." Look at this face! Arrogance personified. Those teal blue eyes pierce. He's a dead ringer for Pietas.

Origin of Pietas: Bringer of Chaos - #SciFi #SpaceOpera

The photo shoot was a series of images between the one-winged angel and a horned female demon. The angel was being subjected to various bad things by the female, yet portrayed as sensual, rather than defeated. He was enjoying the attempted subjugation, but he wasn't submitting. How like Pietas.

Origin of Pietas: Bringer of Chaos - #SciFi #SpaceOperaThe problem was, why would Pietas wear a mask? At that point, I decided it didn't matter. I liked the image. I bought it and put it aside for inspiration. However, I kept going back and looking at the picture, and thinking "What's with the mask?"

Pietas is the Gamemaster of Peril, a real-time role-playing game my immortals use as a means of both passing the time and also as a means of manipulating human society. In their various roles within Peril, the immortals introduce certain aspects into society and culture to direct mankind. Why? Peril, in itself, is a mask. It hides the real reason the immortals are among humans. Are they there to subjugate the human race, and turn it to their own collective will? Pietas, as the leader, directs every aspect of it. A little scary, isn't it? Doesn't it ring true in today's society, where we hear about conspiracy theories and stories of the illuminati, and secret, powerful groups directing mankind?

When I realized the mask had something to do with the role Pietas held in Peril, I went back and bought more images. The model's name is Nik Nitsvetov, and he's Russian. Nik has since done 3 private cosplays as Pietas.

I'm writing books about Pietas. The first takes place in the distant past of my universe and is an origin tale about my immortals. His love story is very sketchy right now. I think I know who Pietas falls in love with, and in the current universe, that person is not a fan of his at all. In fact, that person is trying to undermine his authority and recruit his people away from him. Not a good way to start a relationship. Again, how like Pietas. He never does things the easy way.

In what I'm writing now, he has no idea who this person is or if they even exist.

Below is an excerpt in which he applies the mask. This is the first time he does it in the Bringer of Chaos books. The second time, it's with an entirely different flair and for different reasons. Both scenes pack emotional wallops.

Mask Ritual

Early on the first morning of the peace talks, Pietas entered his round bathing room. Starlight filtered through the portal overhead. Sleek silver walls reflected the cool light.

He remained at the door, content to savor its calming glow. Its beauty did not dispel the worry niggling at his mind. Not given to trusting premonitions and omens, he grounded himself with meditation. Once he centered himself and calmed his spirit, Pietas took a deep, purifying breath, and with slow deliberation, exhaled.

"Time to begin. Lights."

The room brightened.

Origin of Pietas: Bringer of Chaos - #SciFi #SpaceOperaHis platinum hair streaming down his bare chest, he lifted his hands, palms up as if praying.

On the planet Kaffir, warriors used this ritual to summon spirits. He used it to affirm his own superior strength and prowess.

Before a copper fire pit, he plucked one blond hair, and fed it to the fire. It singed and melted.

"As fire has victory over life, so I have victory over my enemies."

He passed a hand through the flame, and hissed at the searing heat, relishing the pain. He cupped his hand over the flame's source, and held it until the fire went out. The burns on his palm cooled, and the skin healed. Of all the elements, fire alone had power to linger on an Ultra's skin. He welcomed it as a symbol of victory.

"I am powerful, as fire is powerful."

Pietas thrust both hands forward, clutched his fists, and yanked them back.

"I own the wind. I prevail over the breath of my enemies."

In the bathing area, he took six steps down into a waist-deep pool.

"Water submits to my presence the way enemies submit to my will."

He cupped water in his hands, lifted it, and let it pour down his arms.

"The blood of my enemies trickles into the pool of time, is absorbed, and forgotten."

He pushed wet fingers through his hair, and released it.

"My mind is clear. I do not waver."

He submersed, and rose, head thrown back, face lifted to the sparkle of stars above.

"My body submits to my will. No pain defeats me. No fear touches me."

He swept his hands down his chest to his loins, and the tops of his thighs.

"My will is absolute."

A scratching sound alerted him to the presence of his silver-skinned android servant. The creature entered, and Pietas fixed him with a hard glare. "Why did you interrupt me?"

"Your guest is here, my lord, in the living area." He offered Pietas a towel.

"Leave it." He waved the android away.

After exiting the pool, Pietas brushed off the water and wrung out his hair. He pulled out a tray holding half a dozen clasps. He chose a silver dragon studded with six turquoise stones, twisted his wet hair, and fastened it up, out of the way.

He dried his face, gathered a brush, and picked up a pot of black face paint. Leaning in close to a freestanding mirror, he outlined a bandit's mask from beneath his eyes to over his dark eyebrows, and filled it with black.

He'd worn the mask in battle ever since defeating the First Division, a human special-ops group formed to fight Ultras. It came about because Pietas had slain an enemy, and blood splashed across his eyes. Thinking the blood belonged to Pietas, the Ultra troops had rallied to him and slaughtered the humans. The blood dried almost black.

Stories of how their "bandit king" had conquered the First Division filled the night. The name stuck. To his troops, he was First Conqueror, War Leader of the Ultras.

Pietas turned his head side to side, surveying the effect.

His body would reject foreign matter on his skin. The Ultra metabolism protected from every perceived attack, even harmless face paint. He closed his eyes and sprayed sealant over the mask to delay its disappearance by a few hours.

Satisfied with his looks, Pietas pulled on a pair of loose white lounging pants. With a deep, cleansing breath, he opened the door. Damp, shirtless, barefoot, he padded into the adjacent room.

Bringer of Chaos

Bringer of Chaos Bundle 1 - Science Fiction and Space Opera #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Series page: https://kayelleallen.com/chaos-series/

#SciFi #SpaceOpera
Read all my books on Ream Stories

Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Pick up the first story in the Bringer of Chaos series, Lights Out, plus an illustrated look at the series free by signing up for my newsletter

Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

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Marketing for Romance Writers Book HooksBook Hooks is a weekly cooperative blog hop hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
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~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!

Origin of Pietas: Bringer of Chaos - #SciFi #SpaceOpera

Origin of Pietas: Bringer of Chaos - #SciFi #SpaceOpera

Nik Nitsvetov (Pietas performer)

Cosplayer and model Nik Nitsvetov performs as Pietas in cosplays. His photographer is Belyaeva Yuliya.

Pietas was introduced in the book For Her Only. Since then he's shown up in nearly every book I've written.

The immortal king is a physically beautiful male Ultra* who appears young, despite being over twelve thousand years old. He ages the way a mortal would. Ultras die, but return in youthful form.

He and his twin sister are the only naturally conceived and born Ultras.

Name and Reputation

The name Pietas comes from the word "pieta," meaning "representation." A famous statue by Michelangelo called "The Pieta" represents a dramatic event in Christendom. Another word for "pieta" is "creation." Pietas was considered (at his birth to two supposedly infertile immortals) to be the highest creation, the epitome of success. His mother, Helia hid her pregnancy from all but a close circle of others, fearful of what might happen if humans discovered she was fertile.

A female child delivered only minutes after Pietas was considered a delight, and a good omen. They named her Dessy from the root word decet (dess-say) meaning good or proper. We know her today as Empress Rheyn Destoiya, or the Conqueror. She detests being called Dessy, so Pietas sometimes calls her that to annoy her.

Other names for Pietas in human history are Marauder, Impaler, Hammer of God, Soul Ripper, Destroyer of Worlds, Slayer of Innocents, and Hound of Hell.

The name "Impaler" comes from him having thrown a javelin at a cowardly king who fled the battlefield, leaving his troops without a leader. After the man's followers cheered his death, a quick huddle of officers promised fealty to Pietas on condition he accept the army's full surrender without further violence.


Upon taking command, Pietas oversaw provision of adequate food and shelter for the starving troops. He then privately interviewed random soldiers, asking which enlisted should be promoted, and which officers warranted demotion and why. Once he had a consensus, he followed through on their suggestions. He had his aide research any officer considered unfit and determine if their actions were from ignorance, or arrogance. All were assigned a mentor. Those who "shaped up" were retained. A small handful of ne're-do-wells were given a choice to mend their ways or prepare for death. This method of dealing with conquered populations won him loyalty, even among humans.

Yet there was a never-ending list of those who refused to surrender. For them, he showed no pity, earning himself a fearsome reputation. That notoriety resulted in mostly peaceful surrenders throughout the Colonies of Man.


Pietas decided long ago to not let anyone call him Your Majesty. In his words, "There's nothing majestic about me or what I do as leader. Everything I accomplish or plan comes from the people following me and for their benefit. It's all right to call me "lord" but not with a capital L. I prefer simply being called by my name, no matter who is speaking to me."

For royal court, he wears a simple silver circlet on his brow as a symbol of rank. He refused using a throne until a group of his soldiers carved one out of a tree and padded it with turquoise-colored leather. It bears no adornment or carving.

Dessy's Throne

Dessy possesses an ornate chair of state in the Tarthian Empire, where she is Empress. Carved from wood, it resembles a giant ruby dragon with sheltering wings, encrusted with rubies and garnets by the immortal artist Taral.

Unlike her brother, she prefers Your Majesty, but allows those close to her abbreviate it to "Majesty" when in her presence.

*Ultra - genetically-enhanced human whose metabolism heals so rapidly they are essentially immortal. Originally created as super-soldiers, they revolted and took command over human populations.

Credits: Pietas images courtesy of Nik Nitsvetov and photographer Belyaeva Yuliya

Bringer of Chaos

Bringer of Chaos Bundle 1 - Science Fiction and Space Opera #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Series page: https://kayelleallen.com/chaos-series/

#SciFi #SpaceOpera
Read all my books on Ream Stories

Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Pick up the first story in the Bringer of Chaos series, Lights Out, plus an illustrated look at the series free by signing up for my newsletter

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Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

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Marketing for Romance Writers Book HooksBook Hooks is a weekly cooperative blog hop hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
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~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!

Ritual of Strength performed by Nik Nitsvetov
Voiceover Artist Zack Black
From the Bringer of Chaos series by Kayelle Allen
Photographer Belyaeva Yuliya

In this scene from book 1 of the Bringer of Chaos series, Pietas is preparing for a ritual with his twin sister.


While Pietas readied himself, his sister twirled the dagger, showing off her expertise.

"You know, Pietas, you should let our people know you still do this ceremony. They'd be impressed by your devotion."

"I don't do it to impress anyone. I do it to ready myself for-- Stop!" Dessy had been sliding one fingertip along the edge of the dagger. He removed it from her grasp, and examined the blade.

"Honestly, Pietas! I was just testing the sharpness."

"I didn't want you to cut yourself."

"I'm as adept with blades as you. More so, if you ask me."

"Not the point. If you'd cut yourself, I'd have to consecrate it again. It can only have my blood or my enemy's."

"You think I'm witless? As if I haven't performed this ceremony with you a hundred times. And here I thought you were concerned for my well-being."

"Stop playing. I told you, I'm busy."

She let out a harsh sigh. "Fine. Let's complete the ritual."

Dagger in hand, Pietas unfastened the clip in his hair, and let it fall. The wet tail slapped the middle of his back. He tossed the clip aside, placed the dagger on his palms, and offered it.

She poised her hand above it. "Who offers this weapon?"

"First Conqueror, War Leader of the Ultras."

She took it from him. "For whom are you willing to suffer?"

"I suffer for my people." Pietas turned his cheek.

Dessy slid the knife tip gently along his face, from cheekbone to chin, drawing a thin trail of blood. "For whom do you bleed?"

"I bleed for my people." By the time the first drop of blood had risen, the cut had healed, leaving no scar.

"What sacrifice do you offer as proof of devotion?"

He went to his knees, and lowered his head. Here was the true reason he no longer performed this ritual before his people. Pietas abased himself before no one.

Except the one woman who held the tattered remnants of his trust, and what little remained of his heart.

"I surrender my pride."

His sister went behind him, and gathered his hair in her fist. Using the razor-sharp blade, she sawed through the wet tail. She crossed to the table, and moved the hide back in place.

Pietas picked up the pants as he stood, and slipped them on. He ruffled his fingers through his hair. It hung around his jaw line.

Dessy brushed it back from his face, and thumbed away a smear of blood.

He clasped her wrist. "Take it out of your pocket."


"Whatever it is you took."

"I don't--"

He tightened his grip, and she grimaced. "Take it out of your pocket."

"Let me go." She glared in defiance, the ice in her emotions fierce as a blizzard.

He released her, and the room warmed. He held out his hand.

Dessy reached into a pocket and withdrew his tail of hair. "I'm not giving it back."

"It's mine. I intend to burn it."

"I know. That's why I took it."

He tried to snatch it from her.

She slipped out of reach. "It's mine now, and I want it."

He regarded her a long moment. "I see. You want my DNA because you think I'll be defeated."

"Can you imagine Father's face if told him I wanted to recreate you? He'd sooner burn his lab to the ground."

Those words bit his pride, but the truth of her emotions, her love for him, assuaged it. He motioned for her to give it to him. "Now, Dess."

She stuffed it back in her pocket. "I have nothing of yours, and I've always loved your hair. Let me keep it." She added, "Please."

The last time she'd said that word to him, they were sixteen. His decision to comply had cost him his relationship with his father, and ruined what he'd had with her. She had never said please again. Not to him. That ought to be warning enough. But back then, he'd still had a heart that could break.

It wasn't breakable any more.

"It's hair. Not important." He set a fist over his heart, and bowed.

Smiling, she pressed her palms together and put her hands before her mouth. "Thank you. Now, are you ready for the peace talks?"

"No." He squared his shoulders. "I'm ready for war."

The Ritual of Strength series

https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-00-video Video: Ritual of Strength performed by Nik Nitsvetov
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-01-powerful I am powerful, as fire is powerful.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-02-wind I own the wind.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-03-prevail-breath I prevail over the breath of my enemies.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-04-water-submits Water submits to my presence the way enemies submit to my will.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-05-trickle My enemies trickle into the pool of time.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-06-body-submits My body submits to my will.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-07-no-fear No fear touches me.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-08-my-will My will is absolute.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-09-prevail-every I prevail over every circumstance.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-10-every-foe I face every foe. (+Origin of the Ritual)
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-11-vanquish-enemy I vanquish every enemy.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-12-indomitable I overcome. I am indomitable.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-13-invincible  I am invincible.


My thanks to the performer, Nik Nitsvetov, and photographer Belyaeva Yuliya

Bringer of Chaos

Bringer of Chaos Bundle 1 - Science Fiction and Space Opera #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Click covers for the buy link. Click text for the website page and excerpts.

#SciFi #SpaceOpera

Pick up the first story in the Bringer of Chaos series, Lights Out, plus an illustrated look at the series free by signing up for my newsletter

Bringer of Chaos
Bundle 1

Bringer of Chaos Bundle 1 #SpaceOpera #SciFi

Characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!

#PietasFans "I am powerful, as fire is powerful." Ritual of Strength performed by Nik Nitsvetov @nitsvetov Bringer of Chaos @by_cosphoto photographer #SciFi #Ritual

I am powerful, as fire is powerful.

When I conceived the idea of Pietas performing a ritual to remind himself of his own prowess, I knew it would have to include the elements of fire, air, water, and wind. That he used to do it in public but now only in private made me wonder... Why? Why did he stop performing this in public? Why only with his twin sister? He and Dessy cannot be in the same room without sniping at one another. He doesn't trust her, not after she betrayed him many years ago. So why her?

I realized it had to be because he showed her his most vulnerable side to prove he had no fear. Not of injury, not of ridicule, and most certainly not of her.

But it was not until I wrote book two, Forged in Fire, that I realized why he started doing the ritual in the first place. More on that later in the ritual series.

The Ritual of Strength series

https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-00-video Video: Ritual of Strength performed by Nik Nitsvetov
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-01-powerful I am powerful, as fire is powerful.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-02-wind I own the wind.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-03-prevail-breath I prevail over the breath of my enemies.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-04-water-submits Water submits to my presence the way enemies submit to my will.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-05-trickle My enemies trickle into the pool of time.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-06-body-submits My body submits to my will.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-07-no-fear No fear touches me.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-08-my-will My will is absolute.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-09-prevail-every I prevail over every circumstance.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-10-every-foe I face every foe. (+Origin of the Ritual)
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-11-vanquish-enemy I vanquish every enemy.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-12-indomitable I overcome. I am indomitable.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-13-invincible  I am invincible.


My thanks to the performer, Nik Nitsvetov, and photographer Belyaeva Yuliya

Bringer of Chaos

Click covers for the buy link. Click text for the website page and excerpts.

#SciFi #SpaceOpera

Pick up the first story in the Bringer of Chaos series, Lights Out, plus an illustrated look at the series free by signing up for my newsletter

Bringer of Chaos
Bundle 1

Bringer of Chaos Bundle 1 #SpaceOpera #SciFi

Characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!

I own the wind. Ritual of Strength, performed by Nik Nitsvetov @nitsvetov Bringer of Chaos series by Kayelle Allen photographer @by_cosphoto #PietasFans #SciFi

I own the wind.

Part two of the ritual involves Pietas claiming power over the wind. Part three goes into more detail on how/why.

The reference to power of the elements is not a simple comment. Pietas discovers in this series that one of his latent abilities is actual control of certain weather attributes. In books one and two (Origin of Pietas, Forged in Fire), every time Pietas must deal with his father or confront feelings about the man, a storm blows up. Not a stiff breeze, but a howling gale with lightning and tornadoes. Considering how "well" he and his father get along, the storms speak volumes.

Excerpt from Origin of Pietas

If one must be marooned on an alien world, at least it was with a cheerful companion and not a naysaying obstructionist like his father. Why thoughts of the man evoked such longing Pietas could not imagine. His father was like a hole in the shoe, ever present, ever making one aware of what was lacking, but doing nothing about it. Whereas Six...

Perhaps it wouldn't hurt for Pietas to let down a bit of his guard. A bit. He helped Six clean up. Though it was still morning, the day darkened while they were finishing. By the time they reached camp, the sun was gone.

At first, Pietas thought it might be another flock of birds, but then he spied what had sent the birds fleeing.

Black clouds roiled. Thunder boomed. The sky went white with lightning.

In the north, the mother of all thunderstorms rolled over the horizon.

The Ritual of Strength series

https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-00-video Video: Ritual of Strength performed by Nik Nitsvetov
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-01-powerful I am powerful, as fire is powerful.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-02-wind I own the wind.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-03-prevail-breath I prevail over the breath of my enemies.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-04-water-submits Water submits to my presence the way enemies submit to my will.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-05-trickle My enemies trickle into the pool of time.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-06-body-submits My body submits to my will.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-07-no-fear No fear touches me.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-08-my-will My will is absolute.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-09-prevail-every I prevail over every circumstance.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-10-every-foe I face every foe. (+Origin of the Ritual)
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-11-vanquish-enemy I vanquish every enemy.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-12-indomitable I overcome. I am indomitable.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-13-invincible  I am invincible.


My thanks to the performer, Nik Nitsvetov, and photographer Belyaeva Yuliya

Bringer of Chaos

Click covers for the buy link. Click text for the website page and excerpts.

#SciFi #SpaceOpera

Pick up the first story in the Bringer of Chaos series, Lights Out, plus an illustrated look at the series free by signing up for my newsletter

Bringer of Chaos
Bundle 1

Bringer of Chaos Bundle 1 #SpaceOpera #SciFi

Characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!

#Ritual "I prevail over the breath of my enemies." Ritual of Strength, performed by Nik Nitsvetov @nitsvetov Bringer of Chaos series by Kayelle Allen photographer @by_cosphoto #PietasFans #SciFi

 I prevail over the breath of my enemies.

Pietas performs this level of the ritual by thrusting forth his hands, making fists, and yanking back both arms; a symbol of taking life from those who opposed him. He carries out each step in a calm manner. To him, each statement is true. He's simply stating facts.

The first time Pietas performs the ritual in Origin of Pietas, he's in a beautiful chamber aboard his flagship. Everything in the room is geared toward the ritual. The elegance of the chamber reflects his confidence.

The second time, he's in exile. Wearing rags, gravely injured, he hobbles about with a heavy stick, his once-perfect body ruined by a brutal imprisonment. Not only can he no longer perform the ritual correctly, but he must perform it with the help of a lowly human.

Excerpt Origin of Pietas

In this scene, Pietas and Six are on the planet Sempervia, and Pietas has been performing the ritual on his own. Six, being human, is unworthy of taking part.

Taking care in the slippery mud, Pietas left the creek and once more, knelt beside the fire. He unwrapped the leaves holding the small amount of paste he'd created for his mask and applied it with his fingertips. There was no mirror to guide him, but he'd performed the ritual countless times. Once satisfied the mask blackened his eye area, he rested, preparing himself for the injury he must suffer.

He would perform this part alone, having no one worthy to accept his sacrifice. He picked up the knife.

"I, First Conqueror, War Leader of the Ultras, suffer for my people. I bleed for my people." He made a cut along one cheek, not as deep or long as Dessy had made. He bent forward to pull his hair toward the top of his head so he could cut it and was stopped, cold, by the inability to lift his arms far enough to reach. His muscles were still too tight, too drawn and withered to allow the movement.

Pietas remained on his knees, casting about in his mind what to do. How to complete the ritual.

The presence of Six brought both relief and a spike of anger. He sat up and tilted back his head to meet the man's gaze.

"Look, Pietas, before you yell at me, let me speak, okay?" Six knelt beside him. "I'm sorry. I know you said not to watch, but I couldn't look away. I can tell you're having trouble with this part. Let me help you. What do you need?"

The point of this part was to surrender his pride, was it not?

"I'll bow. Pull my hair toward the front and hold it in your fist. Then say, 'What sacrifice do you offer as proof of devotion?' After I answer, cut off the hair in your fist." He held up the knife.

Pietas resumed his position of supplication.

Six lifted Pietas's hair and drew it upward, toward the top of his head.

The sensation of being in his friend's capable hands sent a shockwave of gratitude over Pietas.

"What sacrifice do you offer as proof of devotion?"

"I surrender my pride."

Six's knife went through the wet hair in one clean motion.

Pietas righted himself. "I want to see how you sharpen knives."

Though it was full daylight, they were in shade and the firelight cast flickering shadows on Six's face. "Oh?"

"That blade is impressive."

"Thanks." He folded the knife and holstered it. "It does the job."

"However, you disobeyed a direct order."

Six fastened the safety on the holster, securing the knife. "See, I'm not one of your soldiers." Using a thumb, he wiped away a smear of blood from Pietas's cheek. "Which means you can't give me an order. Therefore, I did no such thing."

He met the man's unwavering gaze. "How you frustrate me, ghost."

"To quote you, 'Good.' Now, what's next?"

"When I performed this ritual before my people, whoever cut my hair had sex with me afterward."

Six's eyes went wide. "You're...kidding, right?"

Pietas let his gaze travel slowly down Six's length and back up before breaking into a smile. "Yes, I am."

"Not funny, Ultra. Anything else?"

"The ritual is complete."

Six gestured to his own eyes. "So that mask is part of your ritual."

"I never wear the mask until I've made myself worthy. And I'm ready for war."

"That means the day we met, you'd done the ritual."


Six cursed under his breath. "So, what else do you need?"

"I'll settle for you helping me up."

"The great Pietas, War Leader of the Ultras, wants help from a mortal? How the mighty have fallen."

Pietas narrowed his eyes. "Ghost, don't make me eat you."

"Yeah? I got two words for you, Ultra. Bring. Salt."

The Ritual of Strength series

https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-00-video Video: Ritual of Strength performed by Nik Nitsvetov
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-01-powerful I am powerful, as fire is powerful.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-02-wind I own the wind.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-03-prevail-breath I prevail over the breath of my enemies.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-04-water-submits Water submits to my presence the way enemies submit to my will.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-05-trickle My enemies trickle into the pool of time.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-06-body-submits My body submits to my will.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-07-no-fear No fear touches me.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-08-my-will My will is absolute.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-09-prevail-every I prevail over every circumstance.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-10-every-foe I face every foe. (+Origin of the Ritual)
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-11-vanquish-enemy I vanquish every enemy.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-12-indomitable I overcome. I am indomitable.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-13-invincible  I am invincible.


My thanks to the performer, Nik Nitsvetov, and photographer Belyaeva Yuliya

The Ritual of Strength series

https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-00-video Video: Ritual of Strength performed by Nik Nitsvetov
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-01-powerful I am powerful, as fire is powerful.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-02-wind I own the wind.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-03-prevail-breath I prevail over the breath of my enemies.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-04-water-submits Water submits to my presence the way enemies submit to my will.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-05-trickle My enemies trickle into the pool of time.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-06-body-submits My body submits to my will.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-07-no-fear No fear touches me.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-08-my-will My will is absolute.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-09-prevail-every I prevail over every circumstance.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-10-every-foe I face every foe. (+Origin of the Ritual)
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-11-vanquish-enemy I vanquish every enemy.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-12-indomitable I overcome. I am indomitable.
https://kayelleallen.com/ritual-13-invincible  I am invincible.


My thanks to the performer, Nik Nitsvetov, and photographer Belyaeva Yuliya

Bringer of Chaos

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