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Call Pietas lord, but not “your majesty” #PietasFans #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Origin of Pietas: Bringer of Chaos - #SciFi #SpaceOpera

Nik Nitsvetov (Pietas performer)

Cosplayer and model Nik Nitsvetov performs as Pietas in cosplays. His photographer is Belyaeva Yuliya.

Pietas was introduced in the book For Her Only. Since then he's shown up in nearly every book I've written.

The immortal king is a physically beautiful male Ultra* who appears young, despite being over twelve thousand years old. He ages the way a mortal would. Ultras die, but return in youthful form.

He and his twin sister are the only naturally conceived and born Ultras.

Name and Reputation

The name Pietas comes from the word "pieta," meaning "representation." A famous statue by Michelangelo called "The Pieta" represents a dramatic event in Christendom. Another word for "pieta" is "creation." Pietas was considered (at his birth to two supposedly infertile immortals) to be the highest creation, the epitome of success. His mother, Helia hid her pregnancy from all but a close circle of others, fearful of what might happen if humans discovered she was fertile.

A female child delivered only minutes after Pietas was considered a delight, and a good omen. They named her Dessy from the root word decet (dess-say) meaning good or proper. We know her today as Empress Rheyn Destoiya, or the Conqueror. She detests being called Dessy, so Pietas sometimes calls her that to annoy her.

Other names for Pietas in human history are Marauder, Impaler, Hammer of God, Soul Ripper, Destroyer of Worlds, Slayer of Innocents, and Hound of Hell.

The name "Impaler" comes from him having thrown a javelin at a cowardly king who fled the battlefield, leaving his troops without a leader. After the man's followers cheered his death, a quick huddle of officers promised fealty to Pietas on condition he accept the army's full surrender without further violence.


Upon taking command, Pietas oversaw provision of adequate food and shelter for the starving troops. He then privately interviewed random soldiers, asking which enlisted should be promoted, and which officers warranted demotion and why. Once he had a consensus, he followed through on their suggestions. He had his aide research any officer considered unfit and determine if their actions were from ignorance, or arrogance. All were assigned a mentor. Those who "shaped up" were retained. A small handful of ne're-do-wells were given a choice to mend their ways or prepare for death. This method of dealing with conquered populations won him loyalty, even among humans.

Yet there was a never-ending list of those who refused to surrender. For them, he showed no pity, earning himself a fearsome reputation. That notoriety resulted in mostly peaceful surrenders throughout the Colonies of Man.


Pietas decided long ago to not let anyone call him Your Majesty. In his words, "There's nothing majestic about me or what I do as leader. Everything I accomplish or plan comes from the people following me and for their benefit. It's all right to call me "lord" but not with a capital L. I prefer simply being called by my name, no matter who is speaking to me."

For royal court, he wears a simple silver circlet on his brow as a symbol of rank. He refused using a throne until a group of his soldiers carved one out of a tree and padded it with turquoise-colored leather. It bears no adornment or carving.

Dessy's Throne

Dessy possesses an ornate chair of state in the Tarthian Empire, where she is Empress. Carved from wood, it resembles a giant ruby dragon with sheltering wings, encrusted with rubies and garnets by the immortal artist Taral.

Unlike her brother, she prefers Your Majesty, but allows those close to her abbreviate it to "Majesty" when in her presence.

*Ultra - genetically-enhanced human whose metabolism heals so rapidly they are essentially immortal. Originally created as super-soldiers, they revolted and took command over human populations.

Credits: Pietas images courtesy of Nik Nitsvetov and photographer Belyaeva Yuliya

Bringer of Chaos

Bringer of Chaos Bundle 1 - Science Fiction and Space Opera #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

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Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

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Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

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Lisabet Sarai
10 months ago

Thanks for the fascinating backstory!

10 months ago

I’ve enjoyed many days reading these books

Maggie Blackbird
9 months ago

Wonderful background into Pietas.