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Category: Kayelle Allen

A post mentioning Kayelle Allen

Take the first step toward immortality with the Citizen's Journey

Start Your Immortal Journey

Become a Citizen of Tarth. Sign up for my newsletter and begin now.

You'll get Lights Out, plus Lights Out: Behind the Scenes to start you on your way.
Each week for six weeks, you'll get a message from the Empress of Tarth* with inside info and tips about the Tarthian Empire.

Once you become a citizen, you'll be qualified to begin your immortal journey, which brings you inside info from Pietas* himself.

Start here: https://kayelleallen.com/reader-groups/

About Lights Out


Read Lights Out by Kayelle Allen

Join the Ghost Corps, they said. You'll live forever, they said. You'll save mankind, they said. They didn't say that to do it, first he had to die.

When Tornahdo signs on the dotted line, he puts his life into the steady hands of the mighty Ghost Corps. Three grisly deaths and three agonizing resurrections later, he's assigned duty on the space station Enderium Six.

He's facing his most dangerous mission yet, the very reason the corps exists.

Do they expect him to win? Fat chance. Tornahdo and his team are already dead and this mission is codenamed "Lights Out." No, there's more to this than he can see.

To discover the truth, he must face an unbeatable, unkillable enemy, and this time--somehow--find a way to keep himself alive...

Get this book plus a starter set of four illustrated books, free when you join one of Kayelle Allen's reader groups. Includes exclusive members-only cover featuring Six's dragon tattoo.

Hear the blurb for Lights Out read by the author, Kayelle Allen.

* It's really just me. WiFi between here and Tarth is killer expensive! Pretend, okay? :)


Check out the other authors in this weekly blog hop!

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.


Zoom-zoom! Not a bike, a book club #Zoom #BookClub #MFRWhooks #MFRWorg

Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!

No, that's not a motorbike or your kid playing with cars. It's a Zoom Book Club, and it's fun. I'd love for you to come.

You stay home, hang out with new friends and chat about books. There is a guest author every week and you can bring a friend. There's plenty of room on the Zoom couch.

You don't have to read a book. Just show up.

This week (July 8th) it's romantic suspense, and next week (July 15th) it's sci-fi -- I'll be the guest of honor. I'd love to meet you "face-to-face" or as close as we can get these days...

Romantic Suspense author Lorelei Confer is the host, and she has author guests of every genre.

This week is romantic suspense author Kendra Elliott, who has sold over 8 million books. Wow! 8 million? I can't imagine. She's hit the Wall Street Journal top ten bestseller list eleven times, and is a three time winner of the Daphne du Maurier award. Her 2017 release, A Merciful Death was a #1 Amazon overall bestseller and has been optioned for TV.

She's an International Thrillers Writers finalist and a Romantic Times finalist. Come meet her!

Wine optional. ;)

Here's Where to Meet New Authors

Tonight  at 7pm EST come hang out in a Zoom Book Club.
We meet every Wednesday night.

Click this Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 712 9191 3535

Password: X0P3Zv

If you want to attend on your phone, check out the Zoom app Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. It's free. Once you're set up, you just press a button and you're in.

See you there!

Check out the other authors in this blog hop below.

Image credit for banner:  Photo by Gorbachevsergeyfoto on Pixabay.com / Design by Kayelle Allen

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Sci-Fi Special Price Book Fair

A bundle of high-caliber authors for lovers of SF/F. All books are at a sale price.

This special event showcases all subgenres of sci-fi and may include:
hard scifi
soft scifi
space opera
time travel
urban fantasy
and more.

Join us! Special Price Book Event

A book fair exclusively for science fiction books #SciFi #Futuristic #SpaceOpera #AlienInvasion #Robots #Military #Exploration all the favorite genres

Welcome to the Sci Fi Guidebooks section of the site!

You'll find books in this area containing both Science Fiction and Non-Fiction.

Each is a guide to various aspects of my story universe and offers some material not available in the books, including a full glossary of the Kin language, Felis.


Books in this section include the Tarthian Empire Companion and An Immortal's Guide to Tarth.

Tarthian Empire Companion (non-fiction)

A World-Building Bible and Guide to Writing a Science Fiction Series, Illustrated by Jamin Allen and Kayelle Allen.

For the science fiction writer, this volume teaches you how to build believable worlds, track details of your story, organize your writing, and lay out your story bible. Novice or experienced, you will pick up tricks and tips here. This EPIC eBook Award winning writer shares organizational tips, links to marketing sites, groups supporting writers, science fiction groups, and more.

For the science fiction fan, the Companion reveals the worldbuilding magic that makes Kayelle Allen's Tarthian Empire tick. She shares every character in every book, 10k years of future history, offers inside peeks at scenes and stories, lays out a quick tour of the Empire, and dishes up a surfeit of secrets, all in one illustrated volume. Original art by Jamin Allen and Kayelle Allen.

How to write a Sci Fi series and keep track of characters: The Tarthian Empire Companion #SciFi #AmWriting Click To Tweet

An Immortal's Guide to Tarth (fiction)

A tongue-in-cheek look at what relocating to the Tarthian Empire would be like for the immortals in books by Kayelle Allen. A bit of fiction, written in a non-fiction way, the book offers guidance from Joss Avaton, one of the immortals. Provides dire warnings about who not to cross, and what to do about pesky Mundanes (namely, those annoying humans), and who among the Chosen is not to be trusted.

The role playing game of Peril is spelled out, with downloads for character sheets and rules. Includes a who's who among the immortals, and stats of the players, with never before revealed secrets about Luc Saint-Cyr, Pietas, and others.

A must have for fans of the Tarthian Empire series. This handy guide will inform, entertain, and provide peeks behind the curtain.

If you're immortal and moving to Tarth, you better read this first. Pietas says so! #SciFi #SpaceOpera Click To Tweet

Characters mentioned on this page might be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

~ Copyright ©2024 Kayelle Allen. All rights reserved ~ Kayelle Allen participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program which provides the means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com. If you purchase an item listed on the site from Amazon.com, Kayelle will earn a small commission. Other sites might be affiliate links as well. These will not result in higher prices for you. Thank you for your support!

To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join me on Ream Stories!

In this two-part discussion on time travel, I’ll share a fascinating discussion in my reader group. I love science fiction and fantasy, space opera, whether film, TV, book, or magazine. Likewise, time travel has always fascinated me. But is it sci fi or historical? I decided to ask my readers. Here is the winning response, from Jackie. We had a great discussion.

QUESTION: Is a time travel in which characters travel to the future a Sci Fi? Would one in which they traveled to the past be historical?

Time Travel (part 2): Sci Fi or Historical? #SciFi #Historical #Book


I offered a $10 gift certificate to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Amazon (winner’s choice) for the best answer. One of my readers is author Dariel Raye, who in turn asked some of her readers. I got responses from both groups. (read part 1 of this discussion)


Your description of sci/fi and historical time travel seems right. Also if its not too far into the future or past then I suppose it would just be plain old time travel. I guess one would have to know how long ago historical really is, and how far into the future is really sci/fi. Interesting time line question to think about.


Hadn’t considered that. So maybe there could even be levels of historical or futuristic. Maybe ancient history or far future? I like that!


Yeah I think there would have to be different levels. Not as simple as 1 2 3 or A B C. Maybe more like middle ages or maybe even just a simple as a year like 1800’s historical. Now future we would have to come up with different era names.


Any in mind? What would you call them?


I am not sure what I would call them. Maybe something involving destiny, or future generations, or the coming of? What do you think?


Well now that’s different. A time travel to the future wouldn’t affect the past, until you were in the future — and then your actions would be in the past. So the new future’s past would definitely be altered. Kind of makes your head spin, doesn’t it? ;)


LOL yes it does. I actually read what you wrote twice. I am reading a series now that has time travel involved, both past, present and future. So many things change and sometimes one doesn’t realize when you change one thing it can bring about a much different out come than you expected or wanted.


I love the idea of time travel. Time is moving, but so is space — the Earth will never again be physically in the same place it was when we leave a specific time. Which means if we tried to go back in time, we would also have to go back in space. So not only would time travel be traveling within time, but also everything time affects. Wear, distance, surroundings… how could we ever create something complex enough to take all that into consideration?

Which just fascinates me. I don’t think I’ve come across time travel that deals with that aspect. What about the series you’re reading now? What is it?


Wow I had not thought about that. The series I am reading did take some of those thoughts into consideration. Not only did circumstances change but so did the surroundings and also the people. They looked very different as well. I am reading a YA book series by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Its called the chronicles of Nick. Very cool with a dark humor to it. It was fun picking each others brains and trying to come up with a creative idea.

Go home. This is your last chance #SciFi #MFRWhooks


Go Home

In this scene, Tornahdo is having a quiet drink at the bar when a member of Ghost Corps shows up and tells him to go home.

Trouble follows.

Ravenstongue sauntered toward him. "Why you here?"

Tornahdo kicked back in his chair. After stretching out his legs, he crossed his ankles. "Why do you care?"

"Big ops tomorrow. Lights out in ten. Time for you to go home and go to bed."

Behind the bar, the keeper closed up shelves and battened down doors.

"Yeah?" Tornahdo flicked a hand toward the door. "I'll follow you out."

"I'm not leavin'. Didn't you hear? We passed inspection with the highest scores. Got a free night out." Ravenstongue jabbed a finger toward Tornahdo. "But you gotta go home like a good boy."

In no kingdom in the galaxy would that happen.

Ravenstongue lifted two fingers, signaling his cohorts.

The keeper ducked behind the bar while the goons flanked their wannabe boss, imbecilic grins in place.

A pair of demons usually sat on Tornahdo's shoulders. The bad demon laid out strategy while the good demon discouraged action. Tonight, the good demon flipped a middle finger toward Ravenstongue with a not-so-subtle suggestion to kick his ass.

Tornahdo took his time rising, slid his chair under the table. "What did you say?"

"I said, 'You gotta go home like a good boy.'"

Hanging his thumbs in his belt, Tornahdo gave him a slow smile. "Go back to the bar, finish your drink and we'll pretend we're all friends and leave together. This is your last chance for a peaceful end."

"Peaceful." With a scoff, Ravenstongue jerked his head toward Short Goon. "You hear that?"

"Yeah. Maybe we oughta do what--"

Ravenstongue jabbed him with an elbow.

"I mean, yeah! I heard that." He leaned closer to his boss. "We gonna?"

"No, you idiot. Shut your face and back me up."

How did these hotheads enlist? Ghost Corps must have been desperate for bodies. Literally. A fighter's corpse they could reanimate. Which was a sobering thought.

Was that what the corps thought of him?

Lights Out by Kayelle Allen

Writing a fight scene with multiple fighters #Pietas #SpaceOpera #MFRWhooks He can save mankind. After he does one important thing. Die.
Join the Ghost Corps, they said. You'll live forever, they said. You'll save mankind, they said. They didn't say that to do it, first he had to die.
When Tornahdo signs on the dotted line, he puts his life into the steady hands of the mighty Ghost Corps. Three grisly deaths and three agonizing resurrections later, he's assigned duty on the space station Enderium Six.
He's facing his most dangerous mission yet, the very reason the corps exists.
Do they expect him to win? Fat chance. Tornahdo and his team are already dead and this mission is codenamed "Lights Out." No, there's more to this than he can see.
To discover the truth, he must face an unbeatable, unkillable enemy, and this time--somehow--find a way to keep himself alive...
Lights Out is in the Science Fiction/Space Opera anthology The Expanding Universe Vol 4, edited by Craig Martelle out Sept 17, 2018

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.