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Tag Archives: Khyff Antonello

Khyff Antonello is a character in books by Kayelle Allen.

#Excerpt A Broken Heart - He refused to allow himself hope #SciFi #MFRWhooks

This is the opening scene from A Broken Heart, showing how Khyff, the elder of two Antonello brothers, found out his brother had not—as Khyff had been told—been killed at birth. If his brother was alive, that had to mean their mother had saved him... but she'd never come back for Khyff.

Excerpt A Broken Heart

Kelthia, Miraj City, Central City District
House of Leather & Lace
Sofftem 13, 4662 Tradestandard


With his last client satisfied, nothing stood between Khyff Antonello and eight full hours of free time. As usual, Khyff's master hadn't allowed him to eat until he'd met his quota. First up: shower, clean clothes, food. Not necessarily in that order. He kept a few stale crackers hidden in his room for emergencies.

"Hey, wait up."

An arm's length from the door, Khyff halted, but didn't turn around. "Yes?"

"So you're an Antonello, huh?" This client was one of the less odious. He didn't grab or cling, he was clean, and he gave generous tips. Still, the guy was paying for sex and Khyff had no choice. Being a pleasure slave meant you serviced the clients assigned, or you suffered the consequences. In Khyff's case, refusing meant returning to prison.

He would never go back there, no matter what they made him do here.

"Yeah. It's Antonello." Khyff turned back and crossed his arms. "So?"

"I never noticed before. It's right here on my receipt." The guy picked up his mobile and poked at the screen. "I mean, I've been here what... five times now? Whoa! Says here it's seven. Huh. I should have a free visit after three more."

Khyff choked back a retort. His master was giving away free visits with him? It would take hundreds of client visits to earn enough in his Freedom Savings Account so Khyff could buy himself. If his master was giving him away, it would take forever.

He jerked open the door.

"You don't look like the other one."

One step into the hall, Khyff's heart stuttered. He made a slow pivot. "What?"

"The other Antonello I know."

The world went silent. Khyff went back inside, shut the door, and leaned against it. "So I'm sure I heard right... You know another Antonello."

"Yeah. I saw the name and figured you had to be related. Antonello's not common. Not on Kelthia."

Like the client, over three quarters of the world's population was black-skinned, dark-haired, and dark-eyed. Khyff had fair skin, blond hair, and blue eyes.

Could this be a link to his mother? Did this guy know her? Khyff crushed the hope that rose within him. It had been how many years? No, he would not allow himself to hope. When you hoped, people could hurt you more. But he had to know.

"Is it a woman?" Khyff gestured toward the client. "This other Antonello."

"Guy. Fifteen, sixteen, maybe? Has a baby face. Hard to tell." The guy pulled at his own graying hair. "His is curly. Dark. But now that I think about it, he's a HalfKin. He wouldn't be related to you."

HalfKin. Half-human, half-feline humanoid Kin.

All the air left the room. Khyff fought to drag in a breath. "What's his first name?"

"Seth, I think. No, Senth. Yeah, that's it. Senth Antonello."

Light grayed around the edges.

The guy took a step forward, concern on his face. "Hey, Khyff, you okay? You look pale."

Hearing the name Senth Antonello catapulted Khyff into the past. To the point in his life when his world had unraveled, torn itself apart, and dumped him into hell. He hit the floor with a smack that stung his hands and knees and crumpled into a ball. His stomach roiled, and he clamped his jaws, forcing back nausea with sheer force of will.

"Man, Khyff! I'll get you some water." The client crossed the room to the sink. A sound of splashing followed, and he returned with a glass. "Sit up and lean on me. Here you go. Sip this."

Khyff shook so badly he could not fight off the man's touch. He let no one touch him. Not if he could prevent it. He could not bring the glass to his lips.

"Easy. Let me help you." The client took the glass and held it for him. "There. Take a sip. Okay. One more. There. That's better." He twisted around and squinted into Khyff's eyes. "Geez, I'm sorry. I had no idea. Who is this guy? Are you related?"

How many HalfKin could there be with a name like Senth Antonello? Khyff pushed himself away from the man. Never show weakness, the other brothel slaves had warned him. None of these guys are your friends. It's not personal, just business. Give what you gotta give and get out.

Still... Seven times this guy had been here, and Khyff had no idea what his name was. Never asked. Never wanted to know. It wasn't like they were dating. The guy paid for his time. Amazing he came back. But he had been kind. Had to give him that.

Khyff pasted on a smile. "Look, do you know this other Antonello?"

"Oh, sure. He's a thief." The guy grinned. "I work at the Thieves' Guild, and he's a member. Kinda famous, actually. Everybody knows him. Belongs to the Man."

"What man?"

"The Man. You know. The Harbinger."

"Never heard of him."

"You must be new on Kelthia. Don't worry about it. You'll learn. Everybody knows the Man."

Khyff gave the guy another smile. "Think you could set up a meet? I'd like to make sure it's who I think it is." He controlled his stomach by swallowing, hard. Made himself say the words. "I'd make it worth your while."

"Consider it done."

Supposedly, Senth had been killed at birth. He was the reason Khyff's mother had been missing for over a decade, and why Khyff was a slave.

So why wasn't his brother dead? And where, exactly, was their mother?

If this was an imposter, Khyff wanted answers. If Senth was alive, Khyff would make sure, once and for all, that his little brother released what the Kin had tried to steal from him at birth.

His final, gasping breath.

Thieves' Guild Academy series

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New Year, New Worlds: Fantasy & Sci-Fi #Fantasy #SciFi #BookFair

Sci-Fi Special Price Book Fair

A bundle of high-caliber authors for lovers of SF/F. All books are at a sale price.

This special event showcases all subgenres of sci-fi and may include:
hard scifi
soft scifi
space opera
time travel
urban fantasy
and more.

Join us! Special Price Book Event



Find your next read in Romance, Science Fiction, Women's Fiction, and Adventure at a multi-author Book Fair #Romance #SciFi #WomensFiction #BookFair

A Book Fair for Lovers of SF/F Romance

A bundle of high-caliber authors for lovers of SF/F Romance.

This special event showcases all subgenres of sci-fi and may include:
cyberpunk, dystopian, fantasy, hard scifi, military, post-apocalyptic, robots, soft scifi, space opera, technothrillers, time travel, and more.

Join us! Romance Book Event

Half-Human Thief Meets by-the-Book Captain (SciFi Romance) #MFRWhooks #MFRWauthor



In this scene from At the Mercy of Her Pleasure, rebel captain NarrAy Jorlan takes a second look at the young, half-human thief she's hiring.

He's Half-Human but all male...

NarrAy met Senth's penetrating gaze. How had she ever seen him as a boy?

He had a man's hands, well-groomed nails and sinewy forearms that revealed power and strength. His biceps bulged. Angular jaw, a firm mouth with lips made for kissing. A hot flutter rose within her and she tamped it down at once, refusing to let her pheromones get the upper hand.

Senth was watching her, gaze narrowed, head tilted. He gave a sniff and then eased into a smile. His proximity heightened her desire. He smelled clean, fresh and ruggedly male. A tingle signaled the imminent letdown of her pheromones and she fought to calm the spike of lust flickering through her like a torch about to combust.

Senth's faint smile revealed nothing, but he lifted his head, sniffing the air. Kin could smell emotion and desire. Could a half-breed? Might be time to find out...

Sweet Science Fiction Romance with a Kick.
A fast-paced sci fi romance with an adorable, fun-loving hero who's half-human and half-cat and a by-the-book army captain heroine. Hired to steal back a prototype taken by the imperial armada, Senth retrieves it, but his brother is kidnapped to force Senth to surrender the device. Now he has to rescue his brother, outsmart the armada, and keep the item out of imperial hands. All doable, except for one small problem. He must do it in the company of NarrAy, a genetically altered woman whose pheromones could enhance the mission or crumble it into dust with a single siren kiss.

At the Mercy of Her Pleasure by Kayelle Allen

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.