In this scene from Bringer of Chaos, Pietas and the council are on their way to the opening ceremony of the peace talks. When he passes the thirty humans who are presenting themselves as hostages for the Ultras, his empathic senses go on full alert.
30 Days of Chaos: Day 9
To celebrate the launch of Bringer of Chaos: the Origin of Pietas I’m sharing 30 Days of Chaos. Each day during April, I’ll post one excerpt from the book, along with a poster of a quote by Pietas. On the final day, members of my Romance Lives Forever Reader Group will receive a full color book containing all the quotes and posters. Unlike my website, the book posters will have only a quote and a beautiful image. Look for other giveaways at the end of this post.
Empathic Senses
As they passed Pietas, they emanated a tired resignation, as if knowing they marched to their doom.
The hair on the back of his neck prickled. “Did you feel that?” He turned, keeping them in sight.
Mahikos frowned. “Feel what?”
“Never mind.” Pietas had always absorbed far more emotion than other Ultras, even more than his twin, and around humans, he sometimes had to tamp down and ignore his empathic senses.
He entered the elevator once more, with the council blasting an even nastier sting of emotions toward him.
Last to enter, Dessy clasped her hands behind her and faced the front.
When the doors opened, Pietas stepped out. The station smelled of metal, polish, gun oil, and human sweat. Enderium Six was no longer a trading station. They’d made it a military outpost. Or worse. The site had the stink of a penitentiary, with none of its charm.
The council arrayed itself around him. Their empathic chill shifted toward a human who came into view.
Pietas surveyed the officious, gold-braid-draped mortal. “What do you want?”
He popped Pietas a salute. “Welcome to Enderium Six. I’ll be escorting you to the main chamber. I’m General–”
“Lies. What you are is some lackey dressed up in gold braid to impress me. You are no one.” He mimed a yawn, and then fluttered a hand, curling his lip. “Take me to someone important.”
“Of course. Come with me.” He headed toward the door.
Such blissful acceptance after that insult triggered warnings. Was the man under the influence of an Ultra? Pietas remained where he was.
His sister leaned in close, her mouth next to his ear. “He didn’t react. Is he stupid? Or entranced by an Ultra?”
Pietas edged toward her warmth. “I’m getting nothing false from the Council.”
“Agreed. If he’s entranced, it’s not by anyone here, but they’ll riot if we don’t go with him. What are you going to do?”
He motioned for her to wait, and as the man continued to walk away, studied him. If he was entranced, it was subtle. Pietas found no trace of another Ultra’s presence, and it would be there if he’d been influenced.
Once the human reached the door, he turned, and the realization that no one had moved crossed his face. “Is there a problem?”
“Humans do not command Ultras. You may ask if we desire to accompany you. If I decide that we shall, my people will follow me. Until we are shown the respect we deserve, we will go nowhere. In addition, you will address me as ‘my lord’ when you speak to me.”
The man made a deep bow. “Of course. Where are my manners? Forgive me, my lord. If it pleases you, will you come with me?”
“It does not please me.” Pietas spoke each word with clarity. “I am here because my people will it, but do not think to placate me, human. I will not be trifled with.”
Bowing, the human indicated the door. “Please.”
Every cell within Pietas warned against proceeding, but with the council’s firm insistence in mind, he walked beside the human. Every step he took delivered a psychic rebuke. Do not do this! He clamped his jaws to shut the rage inside him.
Bringer of Chaos: the Origin of Pietas
Immortal. Warrior. Outcasts. Traitors took everything. Except their honor.
Preorder on Amazon (Out May 1, 2016)
Read now in print on CreateSpace
Giveaway – Free Download

Download and print three PDF Bookmarks. The first features Six, the human warrior. The second is Pietas, the immortal warrior. The third is the two, back to back.
Pietas and Six
Download a free adult coloring book you can print and share. Relax and color with friends. It’s fun!