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Dessy plus Dragons equals Trouble #ChaosIsComing #scifi #quote

The return of his sister brings chaos into Pietas’sΒ life. As usual, when she shows up, there is trouble. Especially whenΒ dragons are involved.

30 Days of Chaos: Day 8

To celebrate the launch of Bringer of Chaos: the Origin of Pietas I’m sharing 30 Days of Chaos. Each day during April, I’ll post one excerpt from the book, along with a poster of a quote by Pietas. On the final day, members of my Romance Lives Forever Reader Group will receive a full color book containing all the quotes and posters. Unlike my website, the book posters will have only a quote and a beautiful image. Look for a giveaway at the end of this post.

Dessy plus Dragons

Dessy plus Dragons equals Trouble #ChaosIsComing #scifi @kayelleallen #chaos #quoteThe nameless, empathic bond between him and his twin drew Pietas, and he caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers. “Dess, have you–” He yanked back his hand, biting off the words. “Never mind.”

“It’s all right. Go ahead. Ask me.”

He held her gaze, reading the depth of her knowledge with the innate connection their bond afforded him. “Have you– No.” He turned away. “Never mind. It wasn’t important. Forget I said anything.”


The single word stopped him cold. He faced her, chin lifted. “What?”

“You heard me. Dragons. That’s what you wanted to ask, isn’t it? If I’ve been dreaming about dragons.” She unzipped her leathers down to her rounded bosom, and pulled out a fine chain dangling a dragon charm. “In the dreams, yours are teal and silver. Mine are ruby and gold.”

He returned to her, and took the pendant in hand. The golden creature sparkled, its eyes glistening as if wet with blood. “Beautiful.” He rubbed a thumb over it, and the dragon warmed to his touch. He smiled into Dessy’s pale eyes. “How often do you dream them?”

“Every night. Tas, what does it mean?”

At hearing her childhood name for him, he dropped the pendant. “Dragons are primal protectors. They symbolize defeat of the beast within and show selfless courage.”

She tucked the chain back inside her top. “How do you know that?”

“How do you not?”

She called him a rude name, and shoved him.

It broke the tension, and he laughed. “Come on, Sis. Let’s do what you came to do and be done with it. I’m busy.”

“Fine, you big spoilsport. You never let me have any fun.”

“Father wouldn’t approve if I did.”

“And we all know how much you want Father’s approval.”

One thousand nine hundred and sixteen years old, and the truth behind her teasing still stung. Pietas spun away from her and crossed the room.

Bringer of Chaos: the Origin of Pietas
Immortal. Warrior. Outcasts. Traitors took everything. Except their honor.
Preorder on Amazon (Out May 1, 2016)
Read now in print on CreateSpace

Giveaway – Free Download

Download free printable #scifi bookmarks #ChaosIsComing @kayelleallen
free bookmarks

Download and print three PDF Bookmarks. The first features Six, the human warrior. The second is Pietas, the immortal warrior. The third is the two, back to back.
Pietas and Six
Download a free adult coloring book you can print and share. Relax and color with friends. It’s fun!