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Bringing Pietas to Life #Voiceover @voicesbyzack #Cosplayer @nitsvetov #PietasFans #SciFi #MFRWhooks #MFRWorg

Bringing Pietas to Life #Voiceover @voicesbyzack #Cosplayer @nitsvetov #PietasFans #SciFi #MFRWhooks #MFRWorg

Discovering Pietas through a voice actor and a cosplayer

Bringing Pietas to Life

Watching Nik Nitsvetov perform as Pietas during the Ritual of Strength cosplay, I understood my character and saw nuances I'd never caught when I wrote the character. I'll share those insights in a later post. Because I had hundreds of images to choose from, I saw things in the background that readers never see. It opened my eyes to my character in ways I never expected.

Here's a quick video to introduce Pietas.

An interview with Pietas, the immortal king during his initial period of exile on Sempervia, from the Bringer of Chaos science fiction series.
Pietas voice actor - Zack Black
Pietas model - Nik Nitsvetov

What's your experience?

Have you ever worked with a voice actor? How did it go? Where did you find them? I'd love to hear your comments and questions. Please leave a note in the comments.

Check the links below to find more authors in this blog hop.

Pick up the first story in the Bringer of Chaos series, Lights Out, free by joining a reader group!

Origin of Pietas

Origin of Pietas: Bringer of Chaos #SpaceOpera #SciFi

Forged in Fire

Forged in Fire: Bringer of Chaos #SpaceOpera #SciFi

Lights Out

Lights Out: Bringer of Chaos #SpaceOpera #SciFi

Book Hooks - a blog hop sponsored by Marketing for Romance Writers


Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.

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Cara Hartley
Cara Hartley
4 years ago

This is very cool! I haven’t worked with a voice actor. I can’t say this is an option that I’d been aware of.
~Cie from Naughty Netherworld Press~

4 years ago

That was so cool! Loved the video!

4 years ago

I’ve loved the Bringer of Chaos series!!