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Meet VASH and its android #ChaosIsComing #scifi

In this scene from Bringer of Chaos, we meet VASH, but also one of the traitors, a man who seeks to destroy Pietas.

30 Days of Chaos: Day 13

To celebrate the launch of Bringer of Chaos: the Origin of Pietas I’m sharing 30 Days of Chaos. Each day during April, I’ll post one excerpt from the book, along with a poster of a quote by Pietas. On the final day, members of my Romance Lives Forever Reader Group will receive a full color book containing all the quotes and posters. Unlike my website, the book posters will have only a quote and a beautiful image. Look for another giveaway at the end of this post.

Meet Vash

Meet VASH and its android #ChaosIsComing #scifi @kayelleallen #chaos #quoteAt the guard gate on the space station, he waited while security forces identified him. He had been the one to terminate the Ultra ship and help imprison their council. Yet after a mere three months away, no one knew him.

How soon humans forgot their benefactors.

He reined in his thoughts. There were rumors a few telepaths had survived the purges of the Human Pure movement. Best not to reveal he was Ultra.

At last, the two guards who’d been eyeing him stepped aside for the one who returned. A tall, slender young man in a blue jumpsuit accompanied him.

“Your ID is in order, sir. May I ask you to state your full name for VASH, please?”

“VASH. That wasn’t here before. What is it?”

“Voice Analysis Security Hallmarking. It’s a system that identifies your voice. Once entered, no one can imitate it and fool security.”

“Is that necessary?”

“Some Ultras imprisoned here are natural mimics. Others are illusionists who can duplicate your external image and voice. VASH will identify your voice and brain pattern while you speak and compare it to what we already have on record. It’s a precaution.” He gestured for the young man to come. “Meet VASH-T,Β the AI who’ll be escorting you. He has full access to the station, same as you’re allowed. Go ahead and tell him your name.”

A flesh-encased android. Rheault had heard of them but never seen one. The android’s eyes had tiny, human-looking red-colored blood vessels within the white sclera, and blue irises with brown flecks.

“The skin and eyes are quite human.”

“Thank you, sir.” The android inclined his head. “Welcome to Enderium Six.”

“Can you detect emotions?”

“No, sir. Only lies.”

That settled that. “I prefer a human escort.”

“I do not take breaks,” the android responded. “I cannot be bribed, and I can protect you from an Ultra. I have the strength of one. I am immune to their illusions and empathic weaponry. Please pronounce your name for me, sir. Once I hear it, I will never forget it, or you.”

And wasn’t that the real problem?

He looked to the human security officer for help, but the man gestured for them to enter the secured part of the station.

He’d passed as human for a long time. No reason to think his hard work–and luck–wouldn’t continue. He entered the door beside the android. “I’m Rheault ap Kirin. My first name is pronounced roe, like fish eggs.”

“Pronunciation established. Thank you, Rheault Like Fish Eggs.”

Rheault chuckled. “Just the word roe. I was defining the term.”

“Thank you, sir. I have adjusted the name. You may call me Vash-T. This way, please.”

Beside Vash-T, he entered a lift.

The android placed a palm against a panel, and both his hand and the device lit up in blue. The car rose.

“Where are you taking me?”

“My supervisor said you were to inspect the ship where the Ultras are detained.” The doors opened. “Section six is this way.” He exited and turned right.

Built to hold a million Ultras, the ship’s bulk filled the sky. A gangway sealed the ship to the opening ahead. The name of the vessel showed through the vast windows.

Rheault slowed, and then halted, transfixed by the sight.

Vash-T stopped and came back. “Sir? Is something wrong?”

“Are you aware of the significance of this ship’s name?”

Vash-T glanced at the giant letters in white against the black hull. “One moment, sir, while I access historical references. Ah, yes. Shall I explain it to you?”

“I understand already.” Long-stifled emotions within Rheault fought to rise, but he drove them back. “Let’s do this, shall we?” He walked with Vash-T.

Outside, in the cold of space, spotlights traced the hull of Charon’s Boat.

Bringer of Chaos: the Origin of Pietas
Immortal. Warrior. Outcasts. Traitors took everything. Except their honor.
Preorder on Amazon (Out May 1, 2016)
Read now in print on CreateSpace

Giveaway – Free Download

Download and print three PDF Bookmarks. The first features Six, the human warrior. The second is Pietas, the immortal warrior. The third is the two, back to back.
Pietas and Six
Download a free adult coloring book you can print and share. Relax and color with friends. It’s fun!