Hiring a voiceover artist takes time and patience. I found mine on Fiverr. Here's how it went.
Hiring a Voiceover Artist
Be prepared to listen to samples and watch video reels. This can be fun. You will see many different levels of expertise.
You might get lucky and find the right person on the first try, but I had specifics in mind and that made it a bit more daunting.
If you'd like to search for a voice actor yourself, try this link. Fiverr Voice Actors
Giving a Voice to Pietas
In 2018, I worked with the Russian cosplayer Nik Nitsvetov, who is a dead ringer for Pietas. After he recreated the Ritual of Strength from the book, Origin of Pietas, I decided to find a voiceover artist who could give Pietas a voice.
I wanted someone with at least a slight English accent, as if he'd learned English from someone in the UK. And he'd been born in Wales, so that was important to pull into the sound.
Also, Pietas has a tenor voice, not too deep. He speaks properly. The immortal king is a perfectionist who demands the best of himself and others, so he had to enunciate each word without sounding like he was reading a script.
Are you thinking -- you are one crazy woman, Kayelle. Where are you going to find someone like that? And how could you afford it? Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
I decided to try Fiverr. I've been lucky at getting help there over the last few years. I recommend giving it a try if you need help on a quick project -- or a long one. I've successfully added automation to my newsletter, engaged Twitter followers (not bought them) and created more than one video, and I've hired several artists. I'll share info on those in another post.
After listening to bajillion different samples of voiceover artists, I settled with one. Got the sample back, and hired him ($60). He did a great job, but I wasn't quite satisfied. I decided to try again. The next one also cost me $60. Yet I still wasn't happy with the final product.
Should I try one more time, I wondered. You know what they say about the third time being a charm? Well it was true on this one, because I found someone who sounded EXACTLY the way I hear Pietas in my head.
Here are the three voice artists (each sample under 20 seconds). One is no longer on Fiverr. I'll provide links to the ones that are.
Each created a sample using this dialogue:
"No. I cannot imagine settling down with the same person for eternity. How mundane. It would take a special person indeed. I have, however, cohabitated with the same person for centuries and been quite happy. At least at first."
Voice talent artist Lukedact records professional voiceovers in a British accent. You can hire him here. https://www.fiverr.com/lukedact
Drywvoiceover has left Fiverr and I have no contact information for him. Here is his sample.
Zack from Zack Black Voiceovers was the perfect candidate for voicing Pietas. He is now a member of my Creative Team. You can hear him on the Ritual of Strength video, with performer Nik Nitsvetov as Pietas. Here is Zack's sample.
Is it any wonder I went with Zack? I'll be posting a video next week using Zack's voice and Nik's performance to answer a few questions. I hope to see you then.
Comments or questions about working with a voiceover actor? Pop a note in the comments. I'll be glad to help if I can.
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I’ve only been involved in one book that went to audio. The voice artist was hired from ACX. He did a great job.
I hope to do an audiobook series one day. I have none right now.
Kayelle, Zack is perfect! This is such an interesting post. You’ve given me something to think about.
Thank you. I have several chunks of text with him. I hope to do more after the upcoming cosplay.
Fascinating post. Thank you for discussing this.
You are one ambitious lady. Glad you had a good experience
You’re so ambitious, Kayelle. And innovative!
Ambitious, yes. 🙂 And I strive for innovation. I want to stand out from the crowd. Thank you for the comments!
Fiverr is great. My voiceactor is for small pieces like videos. I haven’t hired one for an audiobook. There are probably plenty of them on Fiver though. I use Fiverr for art and other things. You can see all my choices on my creative team page. https://kayelleallen.com/creative-team/