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Tag: Review Team

A team of readers who review books. Members of the Review Team get every book at no cost, and can acquire advanced copies.

How to discuss a book with an author #Read #BookReview

Surrender Love by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #MMRomance

StoryOrigin has a new way for authors to share their work with readers
-- even before it's published.
We get feedback and you get sneak peeks.
It's a win-win.
Come try out Beta Reads with one of these books.

Review Ring of the Dragon by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Fantasy #MMRomance

What is Beta Reads

The StoryOrigin Beta Reads program is an online application that lets readers give feedback and discuss books with authors. The author posts a chapter. The reader reads it, and answers a question or two. Some authors want general feedback, and others want more detail. Overall, it's a way for readers to get deeper into the book and even ask questions.

What would I get out of it?

If you like the program, you can choose to take part in new "beta readings" of books I'm writing. That means you get to read new books even *while* they are being written. Talk about inside information!

Is it expensive?

The cost is covered by authors. Readers pay zip.

What does it take?

In this case, read a chapter of Surrender Love, and then tell me if the material is engaging, if there were typos, or anything made you go... wait, what?

Currently, there are 3 chapters in the test program. Each one has a short two-question questionnaire. I ask things like "what emotion did you feel the character was showing here" or "which character seemed more alien?"

There are no wrong answers. I'm asking for opinions.

Authors rarely get the chance to have such honest input directly from readers. I'm asking questions because I want to improve, so please tell me what you really think, including if you loved or didn't care for a specific part of a chapter.

I'm afraid of offending you.

Trust me. I've learned to deal with negative reviews (because not everyone loves everything I write), and I can take honest feedback. You won't tick me off by being true to yourself.

How long does it take?

That depends. How fast do you read? You can do one chapter, or binge on more. No more than two questions in between.

Can I download it and read it later?

One of the security features is that it can only be read on StoryOrigin. This protects unpublished work. No one may download. However it's only one chapter at a time, so it shouldn't take long. There's no rush. Look at it this way. It's a source of free books that won't clutter up your ereader, computer, or phone.

Who will see what I say?

Only me. Readers cannot see what others thought, which means it's truly a unique viewpoint. I'm the only one who has access to your answers.

Will my feedback make you change anything?

Obviously, if you find a typo, I'm going to fix it. And if more than one person has questions about a detail, I'm going to be taking a good look at it.

Anything else I have to do?

Nope. Just read and say what you think. It helps me (and any author who uses it), and gives you a chance to share your opinion.

If this works as well as I hope it does, I'll share books *as I'm writing them* and give you a chance to help shape the story.

What do you say? If you're ready to give it a try, here's where to sign up.

To read Surrender Love, click this image

He's been alone for centuries. This time, when he falls in love, will it be forever? #WriteLGBTQ #SciFi #MMRomance Read Surrender Love
He's been alone for centuries. This time, when he falls in love, will it be forever?

To read Ring of the Dragon, click this image

Antonello Brothers: Immortal - Because Romance Lives Forever #SciFi #LGBTQ #Romance
For millennia, they fight side by side. Now one king faces a lonely quest.


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No obligation other than to read and provide feedback on the site of your choosing.

Review SF titles only

How the Review Team works

Review Sci-Fi & Sci-Fi Romance