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If you're fighting immortals who always get back up, you'd better have a way to do the same thing or it's Lights Out.
But what if the enemy you hate is your only salvation?
Exiled on a planet with no one but Six, the human who guarded him, the immortal king Pietas faces the ordeal of survival. Imprisonment transformed him from superman to a man who cannot even feed himself. He must surrender his pride and accept help. Pietas and Six must come to respect one another.
If the human deserts him, Pietas will die, permanently. But this particular human is the perfect foil for Pietas, who's a seething mess of ego, angst, and self-loathing, angry at the universe in general and humans in particular.
However much Pietas might need Six, that doesn't mean he'll humiliate himself by admitting weakness.
But saving his people means depending upon the one thing Pietas swore did not existβthe honor of a human...
Pick up the first story in the Bringer of Chaos series, Lights Out, plus an illustrated look at the series free by signing up for my newsletter
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