Creating a Legend
No matter how horrific or grisly their wounds, the warriors called Ultras survived. Starvation did not stop them. Disease did not touch them. Only one thing slowed them down.
But even death didn't hold them long. Imagine having an enemy who can't die. Scary thought.
The hyper-metabolism of Ultras made reproduction impossible, with one set of twins the sole exception. Enhanced by their warrior/scientist parents to protect them, the twins mastered the skills of science and war.
The physical superiority of Ultras led to a revolt against their human masters. By the Terran year 4436 AD, they ruled the galaxy. Mankind served. Humans repented ever creating Ultras, but there was no going back.
A million Ultras roamed the Terran Crescent and the Colonies of Man, and they ruled the starways, trade, and commerce. By the end of the First Cycle of Wars, the lowest of the subservient races was human.
After a century of brutal resistance, the last pockets of beleaguered human rebels were offered a treaty. Certain it was a trap, the humans sent spokespeople who were "expendable." But the reality turned out to be far different. Instead of more oppression, the High Council of the Ultras offered humans a seat beside them as members of the council.
The trap, however, was indeed there. What humans didn't suspect was that one group of Ultras had banded together to eliminate the other. The "peace talks" were merely a way to trick the Ultra Council into being in one place at the same time.
How did they manage the coup? The answer lies in Origin of Pietas.
Pietas had been the villain in many of my books and always fascinated me. I knew there was more to him than I could see, but like a shark swimming in the deepest waters, he was always moving, and always out of sight. As I began writing Origin of Pietas, he started coming into focus. The water grew less murky, and he swam closer to the surface. Instead of the cold eyes I expected to see staring back at me, I found a person with heat, passion, and an unstoppable hunger not just for revenge, but also truth.
Pietas is bigger than life. Larger than a legend. One of the most complex characters I've ever written. Pietas is the key to every story in my universe. All of them hinge on his influence or presence.
Where should you start reading? Back where it all began, with the free book Lights Out. This link takes you straight to the book. No signup required.
Bringer of Chaos
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I’ve enjoyed the supersoldiers in the stories
Music to my ears, Janet. Thank you!
He certainly looks like a villain in the header image.
When you’re immortal, I guess you have forever to nurse your grudges and develop your neuroses!
I love it! My new “when you’re immortal” catchphrase. When you’re immortal, you forever nurse your grudges and develop your neuroses!
What a great introduction. I love the sounds of Pietas. Then again I’m a sucker for anti-heroes and villains!
Me too, Maggie!