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Sci-Fi with a Slant – The Problem with Uncle Teddy’s Memoir by Ed Charlton #SciFi #Speculative #BookFair

The Problem with Uncle Teddy's Memoir

This is officially an "epistolary novel," made of letters, email, office notes, as well as the manuscript pages of the memoir. It's not usually the way sci-fi stories are told (though the original Dracula was!).Β The memoir has the point of view of the titular alien, but the interleaving pages concern how two human friends deal with the memoir and the uncomfortable memories it stirs up.Β Originally written as a standalone novel, The Problem with Uncle Teddy's Memoir became the first volume of The Aleronde Trilogy, simply because the characters wouldn't leave me alone.

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This special event showcases all subgenres of sci-fi and may include cyberpunk, dystopian, fantasy, young adult, hard scifi, military, paranormal, post-apocalyptic, robots, sci-fi romance, soft scifi, space opera, technothrillers, time travel, urban fantasy, and more.

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