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Author Archives: Kayelle Allen

About Kayelle Allen

Kayelle Allen writes stories with immortal gamers and warriors who purr. She is the author of multiple books, novellas, and short stories, a US Navy veteran, and has been married so long she's tenured.

Years ago, I was taking a break with a friend at work, and we walked through a garden that was on the grounds. My friend commented on how pretty all the flowers were that season. My response? “Yeah, but they’re all going to die anyway.” She laughed, but then upon seeing I was serious, asked me why I felt that way.
I told her I would become terribly depressed in Spring. I couldn’t enjoy the flowers because I knew they were all going to die. The blooms represented hopelessness to me. My friend asked me a few questions, and suggested that I might not just be feeling depressed; I might actually have depression.
I discounted that at first, but eventually decided it might be a good idea to have a checkup. I made a doctor appointment, and after he asked me even more questions, he told me there were seven signs of major depression, and that I had five of them. He suggested medication and therapy. I resisted both at first. I tend to be stubborn like that — but again decided it might have merit, and called to tell him I’d changed my mind.
It took a few trials of medication, but I finally found a prescription that worked for me. I also went to counseling. What I realized in talking about my feelings was that some of my problem with Spring was that I wasn’t living in the here and now. I was worried about what might happen. So much so that I didn’t enjoy what was happening.
That changed my life. One of the major changes I made was in the way I thought about life. I started focusing on how I could help others, and spent less time focused on my problems. That in turn has guided the way I write, including the fact that I do everything I can to help other authors.
If I am working to help others then I am helping myself. Who knew a random comment about how pretty the flowers are today would lead to such a life-changing experience? I’m thankful to that friend for taking the time to listen and see past the words, into my heart. My body healed itself. My mind and heart took a little longer. Today, I no longer need medication, and I’ve taught myself to view the world in a more positive way.
I can now say Spring is truly one of my favorite times of the year, but I’ve learned to look for the beauty in every season. Spring’s message of hope, Summer’s promise of full, rich life, Autumn’s harvest, and Winter’s rest and inner quiet that in turn, gives way to the cycle of hope once more.
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Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable–or hide it forever. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.
Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable–or hide it forever. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.
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Danger Ahead…

I occasionally share a list of amusing spam emails. Here are some of the latest. Use discretion when opening these kinds of messages — and a good antivirus program. For best results, don’t open them at all! I include their titles here, but did not open any of these emails.

Dear Confidant/Scam Victim
I love this one! Apparently they believe in telling you the truth right up front. You are a victim. What a timesaver.

Confirmation! Confirmation! Confirmation!

Because I might not pay attention if they just wrote Confirmation.

FBI Seeking to Wiretap Internet
Now, when I got this it was in all caps, but I wrote it like a title to fit my blog better. Which is another way you can tell if something is spam. It SCREAMS at you. Apparently, finding the caps lock key is too much of an effort for these folks.

Kind Request
Yeah right. Their kind request is for me to download their virus-laden attachment and/or click their malicious-site URL. No thank you.

Poverty Alleviation Program
I knew this was the real thing because it came from United Nation. Not Nations, mind you, but Nation. Although what this one nation is united with, I’m not sure. Maybe it’s an internal thing. Anyway, I didn’t open it. I prefer to alleviate poverty the old fashioned way — by working.

Verification Notice
This type of notice should be considered seriously. No, really! If you just joined a website and are expecting a confirmation of some sort, it can be handy. But in my case, I got one from the Chief Justice of Nigeria. Somehow I don’t think so. Gonna pass on that one.

Your Winning no: GB8701/LPRC
Okay, my winning “no” (which is an abbreviation for number — but I digress) is right there. If you want to contact Australia Lottery Inc and claim it, be my guest. But I’m passing on that one too. Kind of hard to be a winner in something I’d never heard of, and hadn’t played.

Use caution online

USPS notification #1880453, #5216533, #2116200

Three notifications for me in one day, all from ISPS Inc. Gee, they must be afraid I’ll miss the packages they tried to leave for me. Maybe I should open this email and download the goody they sent me so I can claim it. I haven’t had a virus in a while. On second thought, think I’ll pass…

And there you have it. More spam spam and more spam from the wonderful world of email.

Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable–or hide it forever. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.

My husband and me, 2011.

Today My Husband Won’t
By Kayelle Allen
Today, my husband won’t leave his socks on the floor, or miss the hamper.
He won’t pull out a towel and mess up the way the others are folded.
He’s not going to run over the newspaper as he comes down the driveway.
He won’t leave the garage door open, or back the car into the grass on that tight corner.
My husband won’t watch the early news instead of talking to me.
He won’t ignore the family for a ball game.
He’s not going to fall asleep watching the late news.
There won’t be a magazine or book open in his lap.
He won’t complain about traffic on the freeway tonight.
He won’t sing off key in the shower.
He’s not going to putter around in the garage.
He won’t work overtime and end up being late for dinner.
It won’t be because he’s a perfect husband.
Nor because he’s turned over a new leaf.
Today, my husband won’t do any of these things…
Because my husband is now in Heaven.
I miss him.
Hug your husband today.
My husband is alive and well. I wrote this because I try to keep in mind every day that my spouse, like me, has a finite number of days on the earth. I want to enjoy every single one of them with him, while he’s here. Never take your loved ones for granted. We have only this moment, right now, right here. Hug your husband. Think twice about complaining about what he says or does. You have so few moments together. Make each of them count.
Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable–or hide it forever. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.
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Today’s post is in honor of my late brother-in-law, William “Bill” Hinkle.
Bill passed away on June 6, 2013
Poem by David M Beske
(read as part of Bill’s eulogy)
To my friend
William Clyde Hinkle
He had a very special way
Of brightening up your darkest day
Gentle and kind
Yet firm and strong
Painting “William C Hinkle” by Thomas Finley
A superstar person
I can?t believe that you?re gone
Working with you
Indeed was a pleasure
Seven years as my foreman
You were more like a mentor
I truly will miss you
Wow what a great friend
Someone I could talk too
Again and again
But now that you?ve left us
Far far behind
The Lord must have a plan
You were one of a kind
We?ll keep you close
In our hearts my dear friend
Until I see you in heaven
Take Care
The End
David M. Beske
Cherry Hinkle, Bill’s widow, is an author and ufologist well-known for her extensive research. She and Bill spent many hours researching and visiting sites. The couple lived in the Las Vegas area and the desert was often cruel to plants, but Bill was famous for bringing them back from the brink. After his death, a simple willow stick included in a spray of flowers at his funeral sprouted a green sprig.

Kayelle Allen is an award-winning, multi-published author. Her heroes and heroines include badass immortals, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable–or hide it forever. She is known for unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.
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The Last Vhalgenn

The Last Vhalgenn

Apparently it isn’t as easy to create a blog as I thought. I’ve studied this process for a bit. I have created more than a half dozen blogs on Blogger, so it’s not like I’ve never made one before. This is the only blog I’ve done like this one.

I attached it to my website as part of my domain name instead of attached to Blogger, Blogspot, or WordPress. I am using a wordpress program to create the blog posts, but this is embedded on my main website. I’ll need to reassign my RSS feed to Triberr, transfer my old posts from Blogger and do other things to set up the site. What would have taken me 30 minutes tops on a Blogspot site has taken me more than three hours on this thing.

I wanted to create a post to test the waters and see how things look, so expect things to be a bit different when you come back.

Placing an image is completely alien from what I’m used to. I’ll have to work on making the process smoother. I can see where learning a few tricks might be helpful. I tried placing the cover for my new book, Keeper of My Pleasure on the right, then on the left, and made sure it had alt text and a caption. I sure hope it’s readable.

What do you think of the way this blog is laid out? Any suggestions for widgets to add? I’m open to suggestion and happy to try new things. I’ll definitely need to include it in Networked Blogs, and figure out how to get a widget on here for followers.

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A Romance for Christmas

A Romance for Christmas

January 9, 1324, Marco Polo slipped the bonds of this world and drifted into history. He explored Asia, established trade routes with China, and launched a summer game loved by millions.

To celebrate his life and his game, we are launching Marco Polo day on Twitter. The rules are simple. Follow the players listed below from your Twitter account. When one of them yells MARCO you hit reply and @ them with POLO. First to respond will win an ebook. If you’re not following, you can’t win.

This Marco Polo game is also found on Voirey Linger’s website. Mine is a copy of hers, used with permission. See it here:  http://voireylinger.com/2014/12/marco-polo-day-2015/

The Fine Print

Marco Polo Day on Twitter is a collection of individual contests. Each MARCO! tweet is a separate contest. Participating authors are wholly responsible for running their individual contest and fulfilling the prize requirement. Winners shall receive one digital copy of a book from the author. Titles available are at the sole discretion of the author and may not be substituted for a cash or physical prize. Prize value is not to exceed $10 (US).

Unstoppable Heroes is not responsible for prize distribution except in those contests run on the Twitter account of @kayelleallen I’ll be giving away a copy of A Romance for Christmas. Click the cover to learn more about the book.

Participating Authors

Kayelle Allen – @kayelleallen

SM Butler- @SuzanButler

Dee Carney – @dee_carney

Sam Cheever – @samcheever

Shae Conner – @shaeconner

Hailey Edwards – @haileyedwards

AM Griffin – @AMGriffinbooks

Arlene Hittle – @arlenehittle

Kelly Jameison – @KellyJamieson

Babette James – @BabetteJames

Anne Kane – @AnneKane

Marguerite Labbe – @MargueriteLabbe

Voirey Linger – @voireylinger

Karen Stivali – @karenstivali

Holley Trent – @HolleyTrent

Maggie Wells – @Maggiewells1

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