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💖👬 Love knows no bounds, and neither do our tips for dating a gay immortal 😏 #ImmortalLove #ScifiRomance #LoveBeyondLimits #LoveIsLove #MFRWhooks

Complete Set Tales of the Chosen Series #MMRomance #SciFi #WriteLGBTQ

So you want to date a gay immortal. After you find one, what should you consider? Here are ten tips.

  1. Go out because you like him as a person, rather than to find The One. Face it, how many times are you going to get a date with an immortal? Even if it doesn’t work out, this will be a date to remember. Enjoy it just for the experience.
  2. Practice safe dating. Your immortal may enjoy death-defying endeavors on dates, but unlike him, you won’t live forever. Wear a seat belt, a helmet, and unless he’s immune to everything, sterile, and can prove it, use a condom.
  3. If he’s bi, accept it. If he’s lived centuries, he might have tried almost anything. It’s true that he may not have found Mr. Right yet and you may be The One. It’s also possible he’s simply in touch with his polyamorous inner lover and enjoys a wide variety of relationships. Bottom line, don’t get your heart broken — pay attention to the signs.
  4. If your gay immortal is a shapeshifter, were-creature, or undead, these attributes can add an entirely new level to your relationship. But be sure you’re ready for sex with a guy who’s really (and I do mean really) a beast.
  5. Don’t offer your guy flowers, candy, or other trinkets on the first date. Immortals are used to giving gifts, but some are uncomfortable with getting them. However, after a few dates, if you bring him flowers, he’ll be surprised and likely touched that you took time to think of him. Flowers on a first date are expected — but flowers on the fourth are not. Surprise him.
  6. Speaking of gifts, if you want something that will stun your gay immortal, why not give him the stars? Literally. Go to and you can adopt a star for him, get a certificate, and present it to him. If he’s from the future, he might even share memories of having visited there. Plus the money goes to help scientists with research.
  7. Get your sleep. Immortals tend to “stay up all night” if you get my drift, and you’ll want to be well rested to take advantage of that.
  8. Be on time. He might not be, depending on what era he’s from (future, past, and present sometimes run together for an immortal), and that’s something to deal with if necessary, but don’t keep him waiting. He’s spent enough time alone as it is.
  9. Dress comfortably, but well. The first date is definitely the time to break out sexy underwear. Whether you want to show it to him on the first date is another matter. But wearing it will give you a feeling of looking and feeling your best.
  10. Use the law of attraction to win his heart. This can be true with any guy, but for an immortal, it’s vital. What is this law? “You get back what you give out.” Project a positive, energetic vibe. If you try to please him and he responds in kind, you may have a winner. However, If you give and give, and he only takes and takes… that has nothing to do with his being a gay immortal. He’s just a jerk. Move on.

So, what are your tips for dating a gay immortal? If you do, share it in the comments.

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Tales of the Chosen Series #MMRomance #SciFi #WriteLGBTQ

Tales of the Chosen Series #MMRomance #SciFi #WriteLGBTQ

Tales of the Chosen Series #MMRomance #SciFi #WriteLGBTQ

Complete Set Tales of the Chosen Series: All Books in the Erotic Gay Sci-Fi Series

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Lisabet Sarai
11 months ago

Kind of a niche topic… ;^)

But a fun post nevertheless. Happy Valentine’s Day, Kayelle!

Maggie Blackbird
11 months ago

What a great post LOL. Loved it! I don’t think I could date an immortal, though!

11 months ago

Great dating advice. One day, I’ll go back and re-read the series.

Naughty Netherworld Press

I loved this!
I actually have a gay Greek gods story waiting in the wings. I need to get it formatted and published.