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Who wants a drab holiday? Not these two droids #SciFi #Humor #MFRWhooks @SpecFicWriters Anthologies

Joy to the Worlds #SciFi #Speculative #Holiday 11 authors

NOTE: This book will be out of print after Dec 31, 2022.
It is available in eBook and print.


Joy to the Worlds

A Speculative Fiction Holiday Anthology
Genre: Scifi, Space Opera, Holiday

Includes imaginative holiday flash fiction from:

Andrew Abarca – Kayelle Allen – RC Beckett
Matthew Cushing – LV Ditchkus – Cheryl Fallin
RD Henry – Paul Martz – Bruce I Schindler
JK Washer – Samone Yuen

Drab Droids by Kayelle Allen

When a worker droid gets decked out for Christmas by his humans, his robot peer struggles to make sense of the "unauthorized" peripheral.


Excerpt (very short but this is a short story) ^_^

Vf-7 rolled into the hall outside his department. Upon viewing his droid colleague, 2-Xs, Vf-7 halted.

2-Xs lifted one clawed appendage toward strands of silver fluttering atop his head and turned in a slow circle. "Do you like it?"

"I see no reason to like or dislike it. What manner of peripheral is this?" Vf-7 rolled all the way around 2-Xs, eye-stalks set to capture. He shot the image through his recognition patterns, but no data matched the slender contours. "This item is not recognized."

"My humans gave it to me." 2-Xs turned around again.

What did these circular movements indicate? Vf-7 queried the company's intranet but found no data.

"Well? What do you think?"

Vf-7 snapped all his appendages into place. "I was not created to think independently."

About the Anthology

Take your pick of maniacal Christmas bots, unexpected visitors from other worlds, omnipotent in-laws over for dinner, or a time travel mission gone terribly wrong.

Or perhaps you prefer festive androids, an unusual champion of might, genetic breakthroughs, or a celebration of a traditional nativity on a future colony.

Will you suffer holiday misery or enjoy the seasonal festivities? Do the spirits of Christmas bring loneliness and heartache, or cheer and laughter?

Whether you simply endure December or fully celebrate the holidays, this anthology of thirteen yuletide tales is sure to satisfy your speculative fiction craving and make your winter a little brighter.

Available on Amazon

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Droid art by R Henry

You'll find these characters mentioned in many books in my story universe.
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Any of my characters mentioned on this page may be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

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She wants cheesecake for breakfast, please #Excerpt Package Deal #Romance #SciFi #MFRWhooks

She wants cheesecake for breakfast #Excerpt Package Deal #Romance #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Hacking Planet Fun
MM Sci-Fi Romance

This happy ever after story focuses on the staff of the Thieves' Guild Academy, and introduces a classroom of tiny precocious thieves.

Kam, Master of the Academy on the planet Kelthia, deals with a school full of fledgling thieves, con artists, and hackers, and doesn't need attitude from students, faculty, or staff.

When he rejects a half-feline half-human prodigy for unmanageable behavior, his ex, Brinn, fosters the girl himself.

Brinn handles the unruly child well, and Kam grudgingly agrees she shows great potential as a future thief. Missing Brinn, Kam seeks to win him back. But when the child comes under suspicion as having hacked Planet Fun, an empire-renowned anti-gravity theme park, Kam must decide whether to trust his well-honed instincts, or his long-divided heart...

In this scene, Brinn and his co-teacher, Hahlibeth, are about to have breakfast with Dresden, the little girl they have taken in as a foster child.

Excerpt from Hacking Planet Fun

While Brinn sipped his coffee, the house droids served Hahlibeth scrambled eggs with potatoes, bacon, and fresh orange juice. But when approached, Dresden pushed her plate away. "I'd like cheesecake for breakfast, please."

The house droid serving her turned to Brinn.

"Cheesecake is not a good breakfast."

The girl didn't pout or argue. She opened her napkin and placed it on her lap. "May I please have milk?"


"May I have hot tea with sugar?"

For someone who'd always asked can I, she'd switched to the more proper may I quite fast. "Sure. I don't see why not."

"How about graham crackers?"

"I suppose that's all right."

"And may I have cream cheese for my crackers?"

Where was she going with this? Brinn met Hahlibeth's gaze, but she was clearly staying out of it. "All right. That too."

"Are eggs okay?"

"Of course."

"Thank you. Then please tell the droids to bring me tea without sugar, and then mix all those other things into cheesecake and bring me a piece."

Package Deal

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Divorced, widowed, adopted, blended or fostered -- each family has its own unique tale. Join these authors as they tell stories of amazing single dads who find love in unexpected places. Laugh, cry, get a little hot, and maybe even throw your phone. Don't say we didn't warn you.

Join these amazing authors as they show off these amazing single dads! Featuring Stories by: Kayelle Allen, Rae Tina, Rhylie Matthews, L.P. Guleva, C. E. Lashua, Jenni Lynn, and Kaci Rose.

This is a multi-author anthology. Stories may come with a trigger warning and end on a cliff-hanger please be aware before reading.

Welcome to Book Hooks!
Book Hooks is a weekly cooperative meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Door slam: halfway to good-riddance and don’t-come-back #SingleFather #Anthology Amazing single dads who find love #MFRWhooks

Single dads who find love in unexpected places #Excerpt from Package Deal an anthology by BBB Publishings #BBBpublishings #Anthology

Package Deal

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Divorced, widowed, adopted, blended or fostered, gay or straight -- each family has its own unique tale. Join these authors as they tell stories of amazing single dads who find love in unexpected places. Laugh, cry, get a little hot, and maybe even throw your phone. Don't say we didn't warn you.

Join these amazing authors as they show off these amazing single dads! Featuring Stories by: Kayelle Allen, Rae Tina, Rhylie Matthews, L.P. Guleva, C. E. Lashua, Jenni Lynn, and Kaci Rose.

This is a multi-author anthology. Stories may come with a trigger warning and end on a cliff-hanger please be aware before reading.

My story in Package Deal, a BBB Publishings anthology, is Hacking Planet Fun, a sci-fi MM romance.

Kam, Master of the Thieves' Guild Academy on the planet Kelthia, deals with a school full of fledgling thieves, con artists, and hackers, and doesn't need attitude from students or faculty. When he rejects a half-feline half-human prodigy for unmanageable behavior, his ex, Brinn, fosters the girl himself.

Brinn handles the unruly child well, and Kam grudgingly agrees she shows great potential as a future thief. Missing Brinn, Kam seeks to win him back. But when the child comes under suspicion as having hacked Planet Fun, an empire-renowned anti-gravity theme park, Kam must decide whether to trust his well-honed instincts... or his long-divided heart.

A twist on academy stories, the male-male science fiction romance Hacking Planet Fun focuses on the staff, and introduces a classroom of tiny precocious thieves who will steal your heart.


In this scene, Kam had gone to Brinn's household to inform him of a meeting Brinn had missed, but he was also checking up on the little girl Brinn is fostering. Each man has feelings for the other, but neither will bend enough to be honest about his feelings. I'll let this excerpt speak for itself.

Once the others were out of sight, Kam relaxed.

Brinn glared. "Is this an official inspection?"

"The Academy does require a check-in, and since I wanted to tell you about the board meeting, I said I'd handle it."

"As you can see, we have things under control." Brinn jammed his arms across his chest.

The tension in Brinn's posture had eased when he'd been interacting with Dresden about the pet mowt, but now it returned, full force.

"She seems really sweet." Kam adjusted his collar. "I'm glad for her. And for you."

"Why would you be glad for me?"

"Because you need to get back to work. I think helping this little girl might do it for you."

"Just what do you mean by that?"

Why was he so touchy about everything? And what had Kam said now?

"Look," Brinn headed for the door, and Kam followed. "Thanks for telling me about the meeting. Don't worry. We'll take care of your mowt. Send a text when you're back and we'll bring him to you." Brinn opened the door.

"Thanks." He stuck out his hand, and Brinn shook it. "See you in a couple days."

Kam hadn't even gotten off the front steps before the door slammed. Okay, maybe not a full slam, but more than a quiet close. The kind of close when unwanted company finally left. Halfway between good-riddance and don't-come-back.

Could Brinn not let down his guard for one minute? No matter how many times or how many ways Kam found to be in the man's circle, Brinn remained indifferent.

Shutting Kam out. Kam was probably reading more into Brinn's actions than he needed to.

But, knowing Brinn, maybe not.


Brinn caught the door before it slammed. He might be irritated, but he didn't want Kam picking up on it. Still, it closed pretty hard.

What was he worrying about? Kam was clueless anyway.

Or maybe he wasn't. With that constant stony-faced expression of his, who could tell? Maybe there was more going on beneath the surface.

Why should he even think about the man? It wasn't like they had anything going on. They'd had a few nights together after completing a huge project. That was it. They'd each been too wrapped up in other projects to continue the relationship. Hadn't they?

So why did his heart race every time he and Kam were in the same room? It wasn't like Kam had any interest. The man found every tiny reason to be in Brinn's business. Questioning his motives. Asking him questions. Finding fault with his answers.

Like coming all the way out here to tell him about a meeting. Come on. No, Kam was checking up on him. Of all the nerve.

Okay, maybe Brinn was reading more into it than it was worth.

But, knowing Kam, maybe not.

Package Deal

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Divorced, widowed, adopted, blended or fostered, gay or straight -- each family has its own unique tale. Join these authors as they tell stories of amazing single dads who find love in unexpected places. Laugh, cry, get a little hot, and maybe even throw your phone. Don't say we didn't warn you.

Join these amazing authors as they show off these amazing single dads! Featuring Stories by: Kayelle Allen, Rae Tina, Rhylie Matthews, L.P. Guleva, C. E. Lashua, Jenni Lynn, and Kaci Rose.

This is a multi-author anthology. Stories may come with a trigger warning and end on a cliff-hanger please be aware before reading.

Welcome to Book Hooks!
Book Hooks is a weekly cooperative meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.