NOTE: This book will be out of print after Dec 31, 2022.
It is available in eBook and print.
Joy to the Worlds
A Speculative Fiction Holiday Anthology
Genre: Scifi, Space Opera, Holiday
Includes imaginative holiday flash fiction from:
Andrew Abarca – Kayelle Allen – RC Beckett
Matthew Cushing – LV Ditchkus – Cheryl Fallin
RD Henry – Paul Martz – Bruce I Schindler
JK Washer – Samone Yuen
Drab Droids by Kayelle Allen
When a worker droid gets decked out for Christmas by his humans, his robot peer struggles to make sense of the "unauthorized" peripheral.
Excerpt (very short but this is a short story) ^_^
Vf-7 rolled into the hall outside his department. Upon viewing his droid colleague, 2-Xs, Vf-7 halted.
2-Xs lifted one clawed appendage toward strands of silver fluttering atop his head and turned in a slow circle. "Do you like it?"
"I see no reason to like or dislike it. What manner of peripheral is this?" Vf-7 rolled all the way around 2-Xs, eye-stalks set to capture. He shot the image through his recognition patterns, but no data matched the slender contours. "This item is not recognized."
"My humans gave it to me." 2-Xs turned around again.
What did these circular movements indicate? Vf-7 queried the company's intranet but found no data.
"Well? What do you think?"
Vf-7 snapped all his appendages into place. "I was not created to think independently."
About the Anthology
Take your pick of maniacal Christmas bots, unexpected visitors from other worlds, omnipotent in-laws over for dinner, or a time travel mission gone terribly wrong.
Or perhaps you prefer festive androids, an unusual champion of might, genetic breakthroughs, or a celebration of a traditional nativity on a future colony.
Will you suffer holiday misery or enjoy the seasonal festivities? Do the spirits of Christmas bring loneliness and heartache, or cheer and laughter?
Whether you simply endure December or fully celebrate the holidays, this anthology of thirteen yuletide tales is sure to satisfy your speculative fiction craving and make your winter a little brighter.
Available on Amazon
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Droid art by R Henry
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