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Here is Cameron Cooper’s new #SciFi The Iron Hammer Boxed Set #SpaceOpera #Speculative #MFRWhooks

#SciFi The Iron Hammer Boxed Set by Cameron Cooper #SpaceOpera #Speculative #BookFair

Danny Adela, once known as the Imperial Hammer, now called the Iron Hammer, fights for survival of the Carinad worlds.

The underdog Carinad forces face an enemy who knows nothing but war, whose culture is built upon the glory of battle. As the Slavers fall upon the vulnerable Carinad worlds, Danny and her allies work to find a way out of the no-win scenario they face…
Space Opera Science Fiction Omnibus

The Iron Hammer series:
1.0: Galactic Thunder
2.0: Stellar Storm
3.0: Planetary Parlay
4.0: Waxing War
5.0: Ruled Out
6.0: Stranger Stars
7.0: Federal Force
7.1: Insanity is Infectious
8.0: Redline Rebels

All eight novels of the Iron Hammer space opera series and a bonus short story.

20% off Direct from the Author. Use coupon code 3YPVPF4E at checkout.

Buy direct to get the deal

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Lisabet Sarai
1 year ago

But where’s the hook?!