Like jigsaws?
Take time with these beautiful images while chilling out.
The Pietas portrait takes you directly to the Pietas puzzle.
To play, click the image. Each puzzle opens in a new window.
You can choose number of pieces (easy 24 to hardest at 300).
The default size is 35.
Puzzle Time!
A 24-piece puzzle takes about 2 minutes to complete.
Pieces click together when matched.
All puzzles are free to play.
Which one will puzzle you?
Kikk - Kin Pebble Game
The Kin play this with their claws, and it's similar to Parcheesi.
Full directions included in the downloadable PDF.
Kikk Pebble Game PDF
Rules and Items Needed
Board with two lines of eighteen spaces on each side, and one space between the top holes, all evenly spaced (total thirty-seven playable spaces). (Layout provided on printable pdf)
Differently colored markers.
Two d6* dice. (*traditional six-sided die)
How to Play
Object Get to the top of the board, across, and back to the bottom first.
Played vertically.
Markers of different color are placed on spaces on the board.
The Kin traditionally played this game on a wooden board with holes, and pebbles that had to be removed with claws.
Humans playing versus Kin use a stylus-type device.
Each player starts at the bottom on the right side, and moves upward, to the left, and down.
Play Instructions
Roll two dice to determine number of positions moved. Move the number of spaces indicated on the dice.
Snake eyes (1/1) - lose a turn (no move).
Doubles 2 sixes (6/6) - take another turn.
2 Doubles in a row, start over at beginning.
Landing on another player's spot requires the player already there to return to the beginning.
Kikk Markers
Use differently colored pebbles, markers from other games, old buttons, or coins.
Enjoy the game!
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