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The Tarthian Tour Company asks, "Where do you want to wake up tomorrow?"

Location: Sanity System, Outer Rim Territory
Moons: None, planet stripped of resources
Suitability for Humans: Not suitable; extreme resource depletion
Primary Occupants: Miners and support staff, transient citizens
Historical Significance: Once resource-rich; now a mining colony
Notable Features: Habdrills, The Virtual Dome, mineral scars

Sanity IV

Sanity 4, Gone Forever

Sanity IV is situated in the Outer Rim Territory of the galaxy, forming part of the Sanity system. Its location within the gravitational well of the system makes it an advantageous point for spacecraft navigation and hyperspace jumps. The nearest inhabited worlds are significant trading hubs, making Sanity IV an important link in the supply chain of raw materials needed throughout the empire. However, its strategic allure is tempered by the fact that it is an uninhabitable wasteland, stripped bare of its natural resources.

Sanity IV currently has no moons, as the mining and resource extraction processes have stripped it of physical satellites. Any pre-existing moons might have been destroyed or repurposed during the extensive mining cycles. The remnants of Sanity IV's moons now exist as fragments within the asteroid belt surrounding the planet, further illustrating the extensive resource harvesting that has taken place.

Sanity 4, Gone ForeverThe planet is deemed entirely unsuitable for human habitation due to the complete depletion of natural resources. With its surface stripped and minerals extracted, any potential for agriculture or sustainable living has vanished. The inhospitable conditions of the planet, coupled with the absence of water, atmosphere, and other essential life-supporting elements, render it a barren shell reminiscent of its once thriving ecosystem.

Sanity IV is populated by miners and various support staff, though none are permanent residents. Instead, the inhabitants claim citizenship of an independent entity known as Miner City, which consists of floating domed habitats called habdrills. Each habdrill serves as a self-sustaining district for approximately 10,000 workers. These miners and workers move from one habdrill to another as part of a transient workforce, reflecting a nomadic lifestyle where they contribute to the ongoing extraction efforts from the planet.

Sanity 4, Gone ForeverHistorically, Sanity IV was a resource-rich planet that supported life and thriving ecosystems. The myth that its predecessors, Sanity I, II, and III, self-destructed in a civil war is a narrative that has been debunked; instead, these planets have been depleted like Sanity IV and now exist as asteroids. The name "Sanity" originates from a slang term in a miners' song, symbolizing their pride and culture but now serves as a stark reminder of what has been lost in the relentless pursuit of resources.

Nim, the wandering artist of the Tarthian Empire shared his rendering of the planet habdrills.

Sanity IV's most prominent architectural features are the habdrillsβ€”cylindrical, self-contained habitats suspended in orbit. These structures are designed to be transported to different planetary bodies and can anchor themselves to the surface, creating a floating colony of sorts. Additionally, the planet houses The Virtual Dome, an entertainment and sports arena that provides constant broadcasts of live feeds to the mining colonies and beyond, via Imperinet, the Imperial Internet. Additionally, the vast mineral scars left on the planet's surface tell a story of rampant exploitation, with not even fragments of its lost natural beauty remaining to mark the sacrifices made for economic gain. The planet itself is gone, turned into nothing more than rubble, reflecting the toll of industrialization.

The gravity well in the Sanity system makes it an ideal jump point. Occasionally, an errant asteroid interferes with navigation. It is a myth that jumping into Sanity IV's space can trigger space time disruptions. If that were true, events would repeat at random intervals. This has never been observed. If that were true, events would repeat at random intervals.

Sanity IV serves as a cautionary tale of resource mismanagement while simultaneously functioning as a key node in the empire's vast network of mining, trade, and commerce. Its rich historical context juxtaposed with its current state highlights the duality of progress and destruction in a galaxy that thrives on the extraction of resources.

Sanity 4, Gone Forever
[Sanity 4 hand drawn art by Jamin Allen]

Tarthian Tour Companyβ€”where do you want to wake up tomorrow?

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Tarthian Tour Company art by Jamin Allen and/or Kayelle Allen
Some artwork includes compilation imagery courtesy of Depositphotos, and/or Pixabay