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Creating armor for an immortal king @nitsvetov #cosplay #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Creating armor for an immortal king @nitsvetov #cosplay #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Creating Armor

Nik Nitsvetov will cosplay Pietas in armor hand-made for the Chaos is Coming Cosplay. Creating armor for a king - quite a feat to list on your cosplayΒ  resume. Nik has done an amazing job.

Last year Nik performed as Pietas from the Bringer of Chaos series for the Ritual of Strength. But before Pietas was king, he was a rookie a plebe in the Discord. Even the mightiest river has a beginning. Playing the immortal king as a rookie teenager in training ought to be fun to watch.

I've enjoyed watching Nik creating armor designed by Nano-Core specifically for this cosplay. The final style is somewhat different because taking a brand-new design and transforming it into wearable armor -- that's a lot of work. Nik had free reign to alter as needed to suit the cosplay. When you are creating armor, you need a bit of leeway!

Watch the live stream of this cosplay on Instagram November 23, 2019 at 8:00 am Eastern (4:00 pm Russia).

Enter your email below to get an email reminder.

Chaos is Coming Cosplay Reservation

Follow Nik

Nik Nitsvetov is a photographer and award-winning cosplayer who often serves as judge at conventions. A gamer and anime fan, he often cosplays characters from popular series. He lives in Russia and is a strong supporter of Russian Cosplay. His personal photography ranges from cosplay to portraits and often includes animals and nature. You will find him online through various social media.
World Cosplay

Pick up Lights Out free by joining a reader group!
Origin of Pietas is 99 cents thru November

Origin of Pietas

Forged in Fire

Lights Out

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Sneak peek at the Pietas armor @nitsvetov #cosplay #SciFi #MFRWauthor #MFRWhooks

Chaos is Coming - Sci Fi Cosplay

Nik Nitsvetov models the Pietas armor he hand made for the Chaos is Coming Cosplay. His sense of humor is on full display.

Last year Nik performed as Pietas from the Bringer of Chaos series for the Ritual of Strength. You can see the video of him performing below. This November, he will be cosplaying Pietas as a younger version of the immortal king. Before he led his people, Pietas was a plebe in the Discord. After all, even the mightiest river has a beginning.

The live stream will be on Instagram the weekend of Nov 23/24.

The costume and weapons are finished and now we're awaiting a final time and date for the studio where the cosplay will be performed.

Nik lives in Russia, 7 hours ahead of us, so when it's 4pm here, it's 11pm there. Best way to know the time? Try I've linked this to show Moscow time, which is where Nik will cosplay Pietas.

Enter your email below to get an email when the date and time are confirmed.

Chaos is Coming Cosplay Reservation


Ritual of Strength

Pietas ap Lorectic
Immortal King featured in
Bringer of Chaos
Model:Β Nik Nitsvetov
Voice:Β Zack Black

Follow Nik

Nik Nitsvetov is a photographer and award-winning cosplayer who often serves as judge at conventions. A gamer and anime fan, he often cosplays characters from popular series. He lives in Russia and is a strong supporter of Russian Cosplay. His personal photography ranges from cosplay to portraits and often includes animals and nature. You will find him online through various social media.
World Cosplay

Pick up Lights Out free by joining a reader group!

Origin of Pietas

Forged in Fire

Lights Out

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Chaos is Coming – a Sci Fi Cosplay @nitsvetov #cosplay #SciFi #MFRWauthor


Chaos is Coming - for sure. Pietas is almost ready to go live.

When I asked Nik to cosplay Pietas, he not only agreed, he offered to make the costume and weapons. I paid for the materials, but it was all his skill that went into making it. Check out the shoes! He made these by hand so they'd fit the uniform.

Chaos is Coming - a Sci Fi Cosplay @nitsvetov #cosplay #SciFi #MFRWauthor

Chaos is Coming - a Sci Fi Cosplay @nitsvetov #cosplay #SciFi #MFRWauthor

Chaos is Coming - a Sci Fi Cosplay @nitsvetov #cosplay #SciFi #MFRWauthor

Chaos is Coming - Sci Fi Cosplay

Pietas, from the Bringer of Chaos series - as close to live as a character can get - at a cosplay live on Instagram the weekend of Nov 22/23. I'm calling it the Chaos is Coming Sci Fi Cosplay.

Nik Nitsvetov has finished the costume and weapons.Β  His work with foam, glue, and paint is nothing short of magic. Wait till you see the final costume! I'll be sharing pictures over the weeks leading up to the cosplay.

Nik lives in Russia, 7 hours ahead of us, so when it's 4pm here, it's 11pm there. Best way to know the time? Try I've linked this to show Moscow time, which where Nik will do the new Chaos cosplay.

A word about the uniform -- that banner showing the combat uniform was the prototype for Nik to use as a launchpad. I commissioned the uniform from Nano-Core, who also designed the weapons. Everything about this cosplay will be one of a kind, including the character.

Chaos is Coming Cosplay Reservation

A new Bringer of Chaos Cosplay coming soon @nitsvetov #cosplay #MFRWauthor

Follow Nik

Nik Nitsvetov is a photographer and award-winning cosplayer who often serves as judge at conventions. A gamer and anime fan, he often cosplays characters from popular series. He lives in Russia and is a strong supporter of Russian Cosplay. His personal photography ranges from cosplay to portraits and often includes animals and nature. You will find him online through various social media.
World Cosplay

Origin of Pietas


To save his people, a genetically enhanced warrior must do the one thing he detests... trust a human.
Origin of Pietas


An exiled, immortal king and his not-quite human friend join a ginormous panther "kitty" and the most dysfunctional family since forever.
Forged in Fire

Forged in Fire

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Meet the bad guys from For Women Only by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance #MFRWhooks #MFRWorg

Meet the bad guys from For Women Only by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #Romance #MFRWhooks #MFRWorg


In this scene from For Women Only,
Empress Rheyn Destoiya is planning
a pleasant evening when her twin brother,
Pietas, instigates a riot among her
Praetorian Guard and takes her assistant

After the Empress settles everyone down and is alone with her brother, she lets Pietas know she is not the least bit pleased. There's a reason a reviewer said this book had "complex, scary and slightly disturbing bad guy sidekicks." This scene takes place in her palace office.

For Women Only Excerpt

"Why the drama, Pietas?"

"Your assistant wouldn't let me see you without an appointment."

"You insufferable..." She palmed the weapon fastened beneath her desk, then withdrew it and aimed at his head.

Pietas laughed, but he raised his hands. "I should've known you'd be armed."

With her other hand, she picked up his gun and aimed it at him. "Ambidextrous, remember?"

He started to put his hands down and she thumbed his weapon to full. His hands went back up. "Fine, Dessy. But I had to see you, and he wouldn't let me in. You know how I hate waiting."

"For that, you made my favorite your hostage and instigated a riot among my Praetorian?"

He shrugged.

She sighed and clicked the safety into place on both weapons. "What do you want?"

"I haven't seen you in twenty years, and that's all you have to say to me?"

"It's been eleven years, and according to the rules of Peril, I shouldn't have seen you for at least ten more. And you had no right to interfere with anyone I claim as mine. Don't you ever touch Alitus again. If you do, I'll kill you in every way you hate." She tapped the desk. "And I know them all, my dear brother. Is that clear?"

He twisted his mouth. "Fine. I won't touch your pet."

"Or allow anyone within your control or influence to do so. So help me, Pietas, promise me or I'll--"

"Yes, yes. I promise. Don't be tedious. I get the point." He dropped his huge frame into a wingback chair and hung one leg over an arm of it. "Besides, you're impossibly nasty when anyone touches your pets."

She snorted and slid his gun toward him. "Fine. Now tell me what you want."

Pietas model: Nik Nitsvetov

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

A new Chaos Cosplay coming soon @nitsvetov #cosplay #MFRWauthor

A new Chaos Cosplay coming soon @nitsvetov #cosplay #MFRWauthor


At a convention,
upon seeing this life-sized
banner of Nik
(from his first Chaos cosplay)
the question people asked was,
"Is that a real person?"
Yep. Sure is!

A new Chaos Cosplay

The date hasn't been set yet, but the newest Chaos cosplay is happening soon. Nik Nitsvetov has been working on the costume and the weapons.

Once he has them finished, we'll determine a date. Trust me, you won't want to miss this. Last year it was live on Instagram and I hope it will be live again this year.

Nik lives in Russia, 7 hours ahead of us, so when it's 4pm here, it's 11pm there. Best way to know the time? Try I've linked this to show Moscow time, which where Nik will do the new Chaos cosplay.

This cosplay features Pietas, from the Bringer of Chaos series.

Follow Nik

Nik Nitsvetov is photographer and award-winning cosplayer. A gamer and anime fan, he often cosplays characters from popular series. He lives in Russia and is a strong supporter of Russian Cosplay. His personal photography ranges from cosplay to portraits and often includes animals and nature. You will find him online through various social media.
World Cosplay

Chaos Cosplayer Reservation

A new Bringer of Chaos Cosplay coming soon @nitsvetov #cosplay #MFRWauthor

Origin of Pietas


To save his people, a genetically enhanced warrior must do the one thing he detests... trust a human.
Origin of Pietas


An exiled, immortal king and his not-quite human friend join a ginormous panther "kitty" and the most dysfunctional family since forever.
Forged in Fire

Forged in Fire

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

The Bringer of Chaos has a panda bear @nitsvetov @zackblackvo @Nano_Core #cosplay #MFRWauthor

The Bringer of Chaos with a panda bear @nitsvetov #cosplay #MFRWauthor



but this is a picture
of the same person.
Left: Nik Nitsvetov with a panda bear
Right: Nik as Lord Pietas
Click the picture to open a larger image

Panda Bear -- Bringer of Chaos

That cutie with the adorable smile on the left is Nik Nitsvetov holding a stuffed panda bear. He picked it up in China when he was there to judge cosplay at an international convention in January of this year.

On the right is Nik in September of 2018, cosplaying my immortal king Pietas, who is also known as the Bringer of Chaos.

Yes, that really is the same person.

Unbelievable, isn't it?

That, my friends, is what talent looks like. Panda bear and all.

In 2018, he cosplayed Pietas as the king, performing the Ritual of Strength. This year, he'll be cosplaying him as the soldier. Nik is creating the uniform and weapons he'll carry, designed by concept artist and digital weaponsmith Nano-Core.

If you click the links in the names above, you'll be taken to the tribute page for each person, right here on my site. No more panda bear pictures, but I'll see what I can do in the future.

Take a minute and watch the video below of Nik performing the Ritual. The voice actor is Zack Black, who sounds exactly -- exactly -- like I hear Pietas when I write him.

Want to see Nik cosplay as Pietas, live on Instagram? Pop your email into the box on the right and I'll let you know when the date is set. This email won't be used for other purposes.

Chaos Cosplayer Reservation

Origin of Pietas


To save his people, a genetically enhanced warrior must do the one thing he detests... trust a human.
Origin of Pietas


An exiled, immortal king and his not-quite human friend join a ginormous panther "kitty" and the most dysfunctional family since forever.
Forged in Fire

Forged in Fire

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

How to Watch Nik @Nitsvetov perform as the Bringer of Chaos #PietasFans #Cosplay #SciFi

How to Watch Nik @Nitsvetov perform as the Bringer of Chaos #Cosplayer #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Meet the Bringer of Chaos Cosplayer: Nik Nitsvetov

When I first saw Nik Nitsvetov, he was portraying Sephiroth from Final Fantasy. But the expression on his face close up was pure Pietas. It was months before I discovered he had an Instagram account. I signed up so I could follow him. When he opened a Twitter account, I followed him there.

My mother was an artist who was admired by those who saw her work. She always longed to have more of her art seen and appreciated, so I understand how important it is to support artists. When I find artists I admire, I find ways to encourage them to create and do everything possible to enable their abilities. Most of the time, a simple note of appreciation does wonders.

When Nik began his Patreon account, I was the second person to support him. I'd have been first if I'd known about it sooner, but it took months for me to get up the courage to ask if he'd cosplay Pietas for me. When he wanted to know more, I was both shocked and excited. I couldn't wait to figure out how all this would work. He performed as the Bringer of Chaos cosplayer in September 2018.

Not only did I get amazing photographs of him (they are all over this site), I also got to see part of it live on Instagram.

If you're not sure whether I'm a fan of Nik's, you seriously have not been paying attention. I even created a tribute page for him on this site.

Chaos Cosplayer #2

This year, Nik is creating another cosplay as Pietas, but this one will be the immortal king as soldier. Nik is hand-making the uniform and has been sharing snippets of it on Instagram. Follow Nik to see all the details.

Want an update and advance news when the cosplay will occur? You can make your Chaos Cosplayer Reservation now. Add your email and you'll get advance notice about the cosplay. I anticipate it sometime in August 2019. I'm not sure if there will be others in the future, so please do sign up so you'll know what to expect. (You can opt to receive other emails later. This will be used just for the Chaos Cosplayer Reservation.)

Any of my characters mentioned on this page may be found in multiple books in my story universe. Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

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To experience art, sci-fi, romance, and space opera with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you'll swear you've met them, join my newsletter.

Mask? Hey, Bringer of Chaos. What’s up with that? #scifi

The Bringer of Chaos heroΒ wears a black mask painted on his face. It covers his eyes, up to and over the eyebrows. Why?

What’s with the mask?

When I started writing about Pietas, the hero of Bringer of Chaos: the Origin of Pietas, I had no idea he wore a mask. The mask had never been part of my plan. But one day I was searching for a picture of an angel for a graphic design project, and came across this fascinating image of a fallen angel and a horned demon. Since the angel was male and had long blond hair, I was immediately intrigued. Often, angels are portrayed as sweet females who look heavenward with a devoted expression. They seem about as dangerous as milk. However, in Bible stories, one of the first things angels say when they appear is “Fear not.” Why would they say that unless they inspired some kind of fear themselves? And the only named angels have male names. So, yes, I was fascinated to see a male angel. I clicked on the picture to get a better look.

Lo, and behold (sorry, I couldn’t resist that) the person looking out from the image seemed to be staring straight into my soul. I zoomed in to get a better view, and in that instant I knew I was looking at Pietas, despite the mask. He seemed to be saying “What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for you.” Look at this face! Arrogance personified. Those teal blue eyes pierce. He’s a dead ringer for Pietas.

Mask? Hey, Bringer of Chaos. What's up with that? #scifi

The photo shoot was a series of images between the one-winged angel and a horned female demon. The angel was being subjected to various bad things by the female, yet portrayed as sensual, rather than defeated. He was enjoying the attempted subjugation, but he wasn’t submitting. How like Pietas.

The problem was, why was Pietas wearing a mask? At that point, I decided it didn’t matter. I liked the image. I bought it and put it aside for later. It would be inspiration for the real character when I wrote him. However, I kept going back and looking at the picture, and thinking “What’s with the mask?”

Pietas is the Gamemaster of Peril, a real-time role-playing game my immortals use as a means of both passing the time and also as a means of manipulating human society. In their various roles within Peril, the immortals introduce certain aspects into society and culture to direct mankind. Why? Peril, in itself, is a mask. It hides the real reason the immortals are among humans. Are they there to subjugate the human race, and turn it to their own collective will? Pietas, as the leader, directs every aspect of it. A little scary, isn’t it? Doesn’t it ring true in today’s society, where we hear conspiracy theories and stories about the illuminati, and secret, powerful groups directing mankind?

When I realized the mask had something to do with the role Pietas held in Peril, I went back and bought more images. The model’s name is Nik Nitsvetov, and he’s Russian. I would love to find images of him in other poses with and without the mask. I think I have everything he’s ever done. [editor’s note: Nik has since done a private cosplay as PietasΒ – see images in sidebar]

I’m writing books about Pietas. The first takes place in the distant past of my universe and is an origin tale about my immortals. His love story is very sketchy right now. I think I know who Pietas falls in love with, and in the current universe, that person is not a fan of his at all. In fact, that person is trying to undermine his authority and recruit his people away from him. Not a good way to start a relationship. Again, how like Pietas. He never does things the easy way.

Below is an excerpt in which he applies the mask. This is the first time he does it in Bringer of Chaos. The second time, it’s with an entirely different flair and for different reasons. Both scenes pack emotional wallops.

Mask Ritual

Early on the first morning of the peace talks, Pietas entered his round bathing room. Starlight filtered through the portal overhead. Sleek silver walls reflected the cool light.

He remained at the door, content to savor its calming glow. Its beauty did not dispel the worry niggling at his mind. Not given to trusting premonitions and omens, he grounded himself with meditation. Once he centered himself and calmed his spirit, Pietas took a deep, purifying breath, and with slow deliberation, exhaled.

“Time to begin. Lights.”

The room brightened.

His platinum hair streaming down his bare chest, he lifted his hands, palms up as if praying.

On the planet Kaffir, warriors used this ritual to summon spirits. He used it to affirm his own superior strength and prowess.

Before a copper fire pit, he plucked one blond hair, and fed it to the fire. It singed and melted.

“As fire has victory over life, so I have victory over my enemies.”

He passed a hand through the flame, and hissed at the searing heat, relishing the pain. He cupped his hand over the flame’s source, and held it until the fire went out. The burns on his palm cooled, and the skin healed. Of all the elements, fire alone had power to linger on an Ultra’s skin. He welcomed it as a symbol of victory.

“I am powerful, as fire is powerful.”

Pietas thrust both hands forward, clutched his fists, and yanked them back.

“I own the wind. I prevail over the breath of my enemies.”

In the bathing area, he took six steps down into a waist-deep pool.

“Water submits to my presence the way enemies submit to my will.”

He cupped water in his hands, lifted it, and let it pour down his arms.

“The blood of my enemies trickles into the pool of time, is absorbed, and forgotten.”

He pushed wet fingers through his hair, and released it.

“My mind is clear. I do not waver.”

He submersed, and rose, head thrown back, face lifted to the sparkle of stars above.

“My body submits to my will. No pain defeats me. No fear touches me.”

He swept his hands down his chest to his loins, and the tops of his thighs.

“My will is absolute.”

A scratching sound alerted him to the presence of his silver-skinned android servant. The creature entered, and Pietas fixed him with a hard glare. “Why did you interrupt me?”

“Your guest is here, my lord, in the living area.” He offered Pietas a towel.

“Leave it.” He waved the android away.

After exiting the pool, Pietas brushed off the water and wrung out his hair. He pulled out a tray holding half a dozen clasps. He chose a silver dragon studded with six turquoise stones, twisted his wet hair, and fastened it up, out of the way.

He dried his face, gathered a brush, and picked up a pot of black face paint. Leaning in close to a freestanding mirror, he outlined a bandit’s mask from beneath his eyes to over his dark eyebrows, and filled it with black.

He’d worn the mask in battle ever since defeating the First Division, a human special-ops group formed to fight Ultras. It came about because Pietas had slain an enemy, and blood splashed across his eyes. Thinking the blood belonged to Pietas, the Ultra troops had rallied to him and slaughtered the humans. The blood dried almost black.

Stories of how their “bandit king” had conquered the First Division filled the night. The name stuck. To his troops, he was First Conqueror, War Leader of the Ultras.

Pietas turned his head side to side, surveying the effect.

His body would reject foreign matter on his skin. The Ultra metabolism protected from every perceived attack, even harmless face paint. He closed his eyes and sprayed sealant over the mask to delay its disappearance by a few hours.

Satisfied with his looks, Pietas pulled on a pair of loose white lounging pants. With a deep, cleansing breath, he opened the door. Damp, shirtless, barefoot, he padded into the adjacent room.

Read the first chapter
Free on KindleUnlimited
Heat level: PG13
Genre: action adventure, science fiction, space opera, military science fiction, space marine, genetic engineering
Publisher: Romance Lives Forever Books
Wordcount: 52,492 (186 pages)