Creating Armor
Nik Nitsvetov will cosplay Pietas in armor hand-made for the Chaos is Coming Cosplay. Creating armor for a king - quite a feat to list on your cosplay resume. Nik has done an amazing job.
Last year Nik performed as Pietas from the Bringer of Chaos series for the Ritual of Strength. But before Pietas was king, he was a rookie a plebe in the Discord. Even the mightiest river has a beginning. Playing the immortal king as a rookie teenager in training ought to be fun to watch.
I've enjoyed watching Nik creating armor designed by Nano-Core specifically for this cosplay. The final style is somewhat different because taking a brand-new design and transforming it into wearable armor -- that's a lot of work. Nik had free reign to alter as needed to suit the cosplay. When you are creating armor, you need a bit of leeway!
Watch the live stream of this cosplay on Instagram November 23, 2019 at 8:00 am Eastern (4:00 pm Russia).
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Follow Nik
Nik Nitsvetov is a photographer and award-winning cosplayer who often serves as judge at conventions. A gamer and anime fan, he often cosplays characters from popular series. He lives in Russia and is a strong supporter of Russian Cosplay. His personal photography ranges from cosplay to portraits and often includes animals and nature. You will find him online through various social media.
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Hi Kayelle,
Cool armor! We have shared your posts on Excerpts and Promotions Facebook Page.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Armor is amazing. How long did it take to make?
He worked on it piece by piece multiple weekends. Plus it had to be designed. Nano-Core spent weeks putting it together as well. Overall, we all spent about 6 months.
He (and you!) are really into cosplay! Do you feel it helps with sales?
The armor kind of begs a question, though — if he’s immortal, why would he even need armor to protect himself?
Yes, we are into it. Him especially. Does it help with sales? I’ll let you know long term, but yes, it has had a small impact for the good. I do it for more reasons than that, however. Finding someone who looks like and can act like the character who has been in your imagination for over 50 years is worth the time and expense.
As for being immortal and needing armor — just because you can come back from the dead doesn’t mean you want to do it. It’s horrifically painful to go through rebirth. None of them wants to experience it.
It must be really exciting to see your characters come to life like that. Fantastic armor!
It really is, Kate. The cosplay is tomorrow and I’ll be surprised if I can sleep at all tonight. lol