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“Just part of the circus that is my life” #MMRomance #SciFi #MFRWhooks

"Just part of the circus that is my life" #MMRomance #SciFi #MFRWhooks

In this scene, due to an injury Izzorah suffered previously, he is taking pain medication. It makes him a little high. He and Luc have ventured outside towards a long black hoversine, and a thousand of Izzorah's fans are waiting. When he and Luc appear, a cheer goes up.


Izzorah hung back and Luc waited beside him. "They're all friends, Izzorah. This is a party. Wave." Luc raised his hand and Izzorah lifted his.

The cheer was deafening.

Izzorah smiled, but his chest rose and fell rapidly, his lips a faint blue.

"Relax, Izzorah. Focus on me. Deep breath in. Let it all out."

Izzorah sucked in a gulp of air, blew it out.

"Good. Now, do it again. In... out. You're doing well. Wave again."

Izzorah did so. "Wow." He rubbed his eyes. "This pain pill is making me see things. The sky is full of colors."

"You're not hallucinating. Those are balloons. Someone's handing them out."

"Someone's handing out balloons?" Izzorah sounded incredulous. "Are you sure? That's crazy."

"Don't let it rattle you. It's part of the circus that is my life, although, thankfully, there aren't usually balloons."

Antonello Brothers: Immortal - Because Romance Lives Forever

Click covers for the buy link. Click text for the website page and excerpts.

#SciFi #WriteLGBTQ #Romance

a cuddly cinnamon roll hero who purrs, and an alpha male who has met his emotional match, this #MMRomance #SciFi

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Becky Flade
2 years ago

I love Luc’s last line!

Daryl Devore
Daryl Devore
2 years ago


Janet m walters
2 years ago

What a fun excerpt. Love baloons.

Amber Daulton
Amber Daulton
2 years ago

I love that name–Izzorah. It’s very different.
Thanks for sharing!

Cie from Naughty Netherworld Press

I suppose there are worse things than balloons.