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The thought made her claws itch #Excerpt A Stolen Heart #SciFi #Romance #MFRWhooks

In this scene from A Stolen Heart, Luc Saint-Cyr is in his hoversine (a cross between a limo and a hover) on his way into the city. He'd made a list of things to deal with and plans to hand it over to his new liaison, Shohn Lexius.*

During the ride into Miraj City, Luc pulled out his mobile and scrolled through the list he'd uploaded from the paper in his pocket. He forwarded one item to his assistant, and added a few notes to his own to-do list. The mobile buzzed in his hand.

Shohn Lexius.

He answered, voice mode. "What's up?"

"A bit of intel. I know we're meeting later, but this will only take a minute. I think you'll want to hear it."

He put the device on holophone and his Kin liaison shimmered into view. Catlike ears were up and forward, a sign of curiosity and attention.

"Sir, I anticipated you'd want a background check on"-- She looked at something off-screen --"Senthys Antonello."

"What are you? A mind reader?"

"Oh, no, sir." Shohn picked up a note-reader. "I try to anticipate what'll be needed next. What's the next logical step. Prepare for it best I can."

"Do you have relatives needing work? I could use a dozen more like you."

Inclining her head, she lowered her ears in a Kin thank you. "I'm one of a kind."

"You can say that again."

She gave him a curious look. "Idiom?"

"Means I agree." He gestured toward her. "So you know I took custody of the boy."

"Sir, I know your shoe size, what sort of pickles you like and the thread count on your sheets. You signed papers for him at the Guild. It wasn't hard."

In his other lives, no one had known squat about happenings within Guild walls. "You scare me a little, Ms. Lexius."

One ear flicked back. "Is that good?"

"I'll let you know." He set his mobile on handsfree and dropped it into a pocket. "What do you have?"

"I dug up the name of the place where the boy lived from birth until he was bought by the Guild. He--"


"He was purchased in a group of thirty children. Twenty-seven humans plus him."

"That's twenty-eight."

"There were thirty total, but two are unaccounted for. Not sure who they were or whether they were human." She tapped a screen. "Looks like they were counted when they left the children's shelter where Senthys was reared, but I have no record of them reaching the Guild. No record of names, either. Just the count."

"Were they sold before the Guild got them?"

"No record."

The more he learned about the doings of his Guild, the less it felt like the one he knew. His Guild had been honorable. Like a family. This felt more and more like a faceless organization. Since when did family sell its most vulnerable members?

"But sir, I'm looking into it. That two children can disappear makes my claws itch. If they're safe, I want to know and if they're not-- Well, I'll let you know either way."

*Shohn Lexius is in all the Antonello Brothers books and is the heroine in book five, Crystal Clear Truth.

Antonello Brothers

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#SciFi #Romance

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Lisabet Sarai
2 years ago

It’s so interesting to re-read this bit. This was my first introduction to Shohn. After finishing Crystal Clear Truth (review coming soon, I promise) I feel I know her much more thoroughly.

2 years ago
2 years ago

Nice post and I loved the story

Linda McLaughlin
2 years ago

Love the title of the post. Shohn looks like a fascinating character.