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Tag: Kayelle Allen Characters

posts with insights about characters

He feared this would get much worse #Excerpt #SciFi #MFRWhooks

This will get much worse #Excerpt #SciFi #MFRWhooks

In this scene from Alitus - Tales of the Chosen, the hero gets news he feared would come.

Betters are enhanced humans whose pheromones can addict and whose voices put a human in thrall.

Now regulated by the imperial government, they must wear an electronic veil that alters their voices and removes their pheromones. Protests have broken out around the Empire. As the Minister of Imperial Intelligence, Alitus must be kept apprised of the situation.


"Alitus." Byrin beckoned to him. "Her Majesty sent word. She needs you immediately."

He joined Byrin, who walked with him toward the elevator. "What's wrong?"

Byrin used the call button. "Three Betters protested outside Parliament by burning their veils. When police moved in, things got out of hand. Seven of them were killed."

Alitus stepped into the elevator, holding the doors open. "I thought you said there were three Betters."

"The Betters were working together to prevent the police from moving them. When their pheromones combined, it killed seven of the cops."

The impact of that event would have far-reaching consequences. "One Better alone can kill. We've seen that. Ganged up? Byrin, this is going to get much worse." He stepped back from the door.

"There's a full-fledged riot going on down there." Byrin put out his hand to stop the doors from closing. "Hey."

Alitus met the man's grim gaze.

"Watch your back."

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Tales of the Chosen

Pick up Wulf for $0.00 -- This book is permafree on all retailers.
Then pre-order Alitus and Jawk to claim the entire Tales of the Chosen series.

These books are in the same universe as the Antonello Brothers, and Antonello Brothers: Immortal books.
Click the cover for a universal buy link. Click the title for the book page on this website.

You'll find these characters mentioned in many books in my story universe.
Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Book Hooks is a weekly cooperative meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

He hid in plain sight #Excerpt #SciFi #MFRWhooks

He hid in plain sight #Excerpt #SciFi #MFRWhooks

In this scene from Alitus - Tales of the Chosen, the hero is making his first public appearance in a veil, a head-to-shoulders garment similar to a burqa.

Betters are enhanced humans whose pheromones can addict and whose voices put a human in thrall.

Now regulated by the imperial government, they must wear an electronic veil that alters their voices and removes their pheromones.


Alitus tilted back his head and set a hand atop the veil to keep it from slipping.

Prentice, the android servant and bodyguard of the Empress, towered over everyone.

"What do you want?"

"Her Majesty asked me to watch over you." Though never far from the Empress, Prentice did not make his presence obvious. Easy to forget he was there.

"You've watched me. Tell her I don't need a watchdog. I will do my duty."

"Is the veil heavy? You keep lowering your head."

"No." Alitus adjusted the hang across his shoulders and pulled it away from his body in front. "It's hot. I can hardly breathe."

"Perhaps you should turn it on."

"What?" Alitus held the veil against his face so he could better see. "It's hard to hear."

"Touch the inner brim above your right ear."

Alitus stroked one finger along the edge and found a series of small bumps.

"Press them from front to back to increase the cooling effect."

Bracing himself for a breeze, Alitus touched the first bump. Instead, the humidity lessened. He took the first deep breath he'd been able to draw since donning the garment. "Thank you."

"The bumps about a finger's width above them adjust visibility. Did no one show you how to operate it?"

"No. I didn't know there was anything else to it." Alitus touched the upper controls; the room's brightness increased by half. He tapped the others in sequence until his view of the veil disappeared. "Is this still opaque?" He held up a hand. "I can see every stitch in my glove."

"You'll be able to see in any lighting, but no one will be able to see you."

"Great. I'll be invisible."

Prentice leaned toward him. "Almost like an android."

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4) Sign up for AuthorAlarms and the app will send you one email when I have a new book. (You can add and remove authors on this cool little app.)

Tales of the Chosen

Pick up Wulf for $0.00 -- This book is permafree on all retailers.
Then pre-order Alitus and Jawk to claim the entire Tales of the Chosen series.

These books are in the same universe as the Antonello Brothers, and Antonello Brothers: Immortal books.
Click the cover for a universal buy link. Click the title for the book page on this website.

You'll find these characters mentioned in many books in my story universe.
Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Book Hooks is a weekly cooperative meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Weekend read: A new Sci-Fi Anthology #MFRWhooks #SciFi #Anthology

Weekend read: A new Sci-Fi Anthology #MFRWhooks #SciFi #Anthology

For Sci-Fi Lovers!

This anthology is a collection of twenty new science fiction stories written by fourteen authors in four countries. All are members of the Science Fiction Novelists Facebook group, as are the two professional editors.

Be prepared for adventurous wonder.
· Bits of terror
· Aliens
· Twisted reality
· Dystopian dust
· Whispers of fantasy, and
· Hard science.
Gun play? Yes, there's some of that too.

Pick it up at any location you prefer:
The internet is both a wonderful and, at times, horrible place, a thing that can evoke the full spectrum of human emotion.

However, we all know of a few places that bring out the positive points in being human without social vitriol and hyperbole. For us, that place is Science Fiction Novelists Facebook group, where science fiction writers congregate, challenge, share, and compare. A place where no one cares whether Star Wars is better than Star Trek. Movies are not our thing; writing, imagining, and hope for mankind are—though a few of us may have destroyed the universe a few times.

As the group’s administrators, we challenged our members to submit short stories for this anthology. It is our first, and hopefully not the last.

Science Fiction Novelists

Join the group:

Authors with Amazon Pages

Kayelle Allen, Claudia Blood, Caleb Fast, Marc Neuffer, EJ Runyon


Pick up Lights Out


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You'll get Lights Out, plus Lights Out: Behind the Scenes
Start your Immortal Journey by becoming a Citizen of Tarth.

Behind the Scenes of Lights Out

free space opera

If you prefer Science Fiction, Space Opera, and Fantasy, subscribe to this newsletter.

free space opera

If you prefer Romance themes in Science Fiction, Space Opera, and Fantasy, subscribe to this newsletter.

Each newsletter gets the opportunity to read my books for free. I also share news about exclusive contests and giveaways, and provide members-only links. You can unsubscribe at any time.

For the Citizen's Journey, you'll get one email each week for six weeks from the Empress of Tarth* with inside secrets and info unavailable anywhere else. Once you qualify as a citizen, you can start your Immortal Journey. In that series, you'll get emails each week for six weeks from the immortal king, Pietas*, himself.


*It's really just me. WiFi between here and Tarth is killer expensive. 😉

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

The Road to Immortality Starts Here #SciFi #MFRWhooks #Immortals

Take the first step toward immortality with the Citizen's Journey

Start Your Immortal Journey

Become a Citizen of Tarth. Sign up for my newsletter and begin now.

You'll get Lights Out, plus Lights Out: Behind the Scenes to start you on your way.
Each week for six weeks, you'll get a message from the Empress of Tarth* with inside info and tips about the Tarthian Empire.

Once you become a citizen, you'll be qualified to begin your immortal journey, which brings you inside info from Pietas* himself.

Start here:

About Lights Out


Read Lights Out by Kayelle Allen

Join the Ghost Corps, they said. You'll live forever, they said. You'll save mankind, they said. They didn't say that to do it, first he had to die.

When Tornahdo signs on the dotted line, he puts his life into the steady hands of the mighty Ghost Corps. Three grisly deaths and three agonizing resurrections later, he's assigned duty on the space station Enderium Six.

He's facing his most dangerous mission yet, the very reason the corps exists.

Do they expect him to win? Fat chance. Tornahdo and his team are already dead and this mission is codenamed "Lights Out." No, there's more to this than he can see.

To discover the truth, he must face an unbeatable, unkillable enemy, and this time--somehow--find a way to keep himself alive...

Get this book plus a starter set of four illustrated books, free when you join one of Kayelle Allen's reader groups. Includes exclusive members-only cover featuring Six's dragon tattoo.

Hear the blurb for Lights Out read by the author, Kayelle Allen.

* It's really just me. WiFi between here and Tarth is killer expensive! Pretend, okay? 🙂


Check out the other authors in this weekly blog hop!

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.


5 Myths About How Cats View Humans #humor #MFRWhooks #SciFi

5 Myths About How Cats View Humans #humor #MFRWhooks #SciFi


I write Science Fiction Romance, and many of my stories involve the Kin, a feline humanoid species who are at once quite human and quite catlike. It occurred to me that discussing myths about how cats view humans might be helpful in understanding how the Kin view humans.

Here are my top five myths.

Myth #1: Cats don't like humans.

Cats like humans very much. They think humans are useful domestic animals. If possible, I'm told, every cat should own at least one.

Kin like humans too, but because humans fight so hard for independence, it's difficult to own one. Besides, unlike Kin who use only natural cleansers, humans tend to groom themselves with scented soaps and lotions, and the smell is-- well... the smell.

Myth #2: Cats don't listen to humans.

Cats listen. They occasionally blink to show they've registered human words. Now and then a cat will twitch its tail in response. Listening does not imply cats care what humans are saying. That is an entirely different matter.

Kin listen to humans. It's just that with the placement of Kin ears on the upper parts and sides of their heads -- the human voice enters on one side, and goes right out the other.

Myth #3: Cats don't pay attention to humans

Far from true. Cats completely understand the meaning of focus, and nothing comes between them and their quarry when hunting -- unless they want it to.

The Kin focus extremely well, but are capable of switching focus in an instant, giving the impression they are not paying attention.

Myth #4: Training is difficult with cats.

False. Most cats can have a human trained within 48 hours.

A Kin needs far less time.

Myth #5: Cats expect humans to feed them.

This is mostly true. However, many cats are capable of rustling up a mouse or other pest for dinner if forced to fend for themselves. That said, this is no excuse to abandon them.

Kin have no need of anyone to feed them. They have opposable thumbs and can manage quite well in the kitchen. That said, if you live with one of these fascinating creatures, you learn quickly there is no snooze button on a Kin who wants breakfast.

5 Myths About How Cats View Humans #humor #MFRWhooks #SciFi

Surrender Love

An Immortal Alpha Male / Submissive Alien MM Science Fiction Romance Novel

With his heart freshly broken, does he dare to love again?

Luc is a 12,000-year-old immortal alpha male, and the most powerful man in an intergalactic empire of 22 planets. When his mortal lover walks away, the smart thing is to move on and forget, but how can he bear his loneliness, life after life?

When Izzorah landed on Tarth five years ago, he'd been nothing but a feline-humanoid alien from the backwoods of a distant world, but he made himself into a rock star. When Luc rescues Izzy from a terrible situation, the adorable Kin hero, who has an almost superpower ability to smell every subtle change of emotion, falls for the heartbroken leader.

This might be the soulmate Luc has hoped for. The one person to whom he can surrender his heart. But to bring his beloved closer means revealing every damning secret, every twisted truth, and every hidden lie.

Surrender Love is a heart-melting Sci-Fi Romance novel sure to induce an insatiable desire for sequels, which fortunately, are on their way.

Want to read the advance copy?

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Preorder Now Available

Amazon - will be in Kindle Unlimited and in print Feb 20, 2021

Read a sample of Surrender Love (no sign-up necessary)

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Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

New Year, New Worlds: Fantasy & Sci-Fi #Fantasy #SciFi #BookFair

New Year, New Worlds: Fantasy & Sci-Fi #Fantasy #SciFi #BookFair

Sci-Fi Special Price Book Fair

A bundle of high-caliber authors for lovers of SF/F. All books are at a sale price.

This special event showcases all subgenres of sci-fi and may include:
hard scifi
soft scifi
space opera
time travel
urban fantasy
and more.

Join us! Special Price Book Event

Chestnuts aren’t the only things getting roasted #Excerpt A Romance for Christmas #MFRWhooks #ChristmasRomance

The Ugly Christmas Sweater, T-shirt version


Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...

Scott's parents adore one another, and he loves watching them banter. But this year, it's not just the chestnuts getting roasted.


In his old room, Scott stripped out of his police uniform and put on sweatpants and slippers. On his bed was the loose T-shirt with a blond-haired elf on the front that his mother had given him the year before. The elf was shirtless, wearing red boxer shorts with holly on them, and he was licking a candy cane while dangling a round ornament on one finger of his other hand.

Upon seeing the shirt when Scott unwrapped it, a cousin had started singing, "Don we now our gay apparel..." and had broken into riotous laughter. That didn't stop the family from insisting he wear it. He was sure he'd asked Mary to give it to Goodwill, so how it had shown up again this year he couldn't explain. Yet, there it was. It could only have come from one person.

"The things we do for our mothers." Scott slipped it on over his head and headed for the kitchen.

He leaned against the door jamb, enjoying the sight. His mother was chopping things for the stuffing and adding them to her biggest bowl. His dad sat at the end of the counter, reading a Popular Science magazine. Neither seemed to pay attention to the other, but while his mother was cooking, Dad always kept her company. She'd crochet in a wooden rocker in the garage while he worked on the boat he was building. As if they couldn't bear to be parted from one another, even though they didn't talk much. Maybe they didn't need words.

Scott had thought he and his wife would be the same, but he and Mary had shared a different lifestyle. Both were often busy, and sometimes saw each other only in passing. He'd worked nights, and she'd worked days. She'd had a downtown office, working as an architect for government housing. Time spent outdoors had given her a great tan, but exposed her to hazardous toxins no one had known were in the old buildings being demolished. When she fainted at work, the company sent her in for a check up. After the diagnosis, the project had been shut down immediately, but cancer took a quick toll. Mary was gone in six months. A government investigation into the cause was still ongoing.

Scott now had sole custody of a four-year old daughter and a job that took him into danger every day. He'd shifted to the downtown beat and day shift because it seemed safer, and he could still do what he loved doing: Helping people.

"Well," his dad said, not looking up from his magazine, "Are you going to help your mother or stand there in that dumb elf shirt?"

His mother braced both hands on the counter. "That shirt cost more money than any three pairs of your pants."

"Did not. I paid a pretty penny for these pants."

"Pants were cheaper back in 1982."

His dad snorted, and went back to his reading.

A Romance for Christmas

On Amazon, when you purchase the paperback for a friend, you can get a Kindle version for yourself at no cost. Once you buy the paperback, go to the Kindle version of the book and refresh the page. It will tell you the book is available at no cost. Merry Christmas!



Image credits: In my honest opinion, this elf is the cutest thing ever!
Created by author/artist Janet E Jones


Thank you for popping in today. Here's the link to the free Christmas cookbook and the free peek inside the book. Both are in Adobe Reader (PDF).

This is not a contest -- everyone who wants one may download it. No sign ups required.
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Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
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Sneak peek at the Pietas halberd cosplay @nitsvetov #cosplay #malecosplay #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Sneak peek at the Pietas halberd cosplay @nitsvetov_cos #cosplay #malecosplay #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Pietas - Halberd Cosplay

Nik Nitsvetov will recreate Pietas in a special cosplay in a  live stream on Instagram the weekend of Oct 10, 2020.

The costume and weapon are finished and we're awaiting a final time for the studio where the cosplay will be performed.

Nik lives in Russia, 7 hours ahead of us, so when it's 4pm here, it's 11pm there. Best way to know the time? Try I've linked this to show Moscow time, which is where Nik will cosplay Pietas.

Enter your email below to get an email when the date and time are confirmed.

This is the scene Nik will cosplay live. Julia will photograph the event. You're getting it out of context, because to give more would give a huge spoiler.


Pietas walked into sight, dragging a massive steel halberd inlaid with turquoise stones, a cross between a battle axe and a sword.

The pointed tip screeched along the steel floor.

The image of Pietas in black, knowing he represented Luc, affixed itself in Luc's mind.

With that bright silver and turquoise halberd at his side, the forbidding darkness of his masked king channeled awe straight through him.

-- A Stolen Heart

Follow Nik

Nik Nitsvetov is a photographer and award-winning cosplayer who often serves as judge at conventions. A gamer and anime fan, he often cosplays characters from popular series. He lives in Russia and is a strong supporter of Russian Cosplay. His personal photography ranges from cosplay to portraits and often includes animals and nature. You will find him online through various social media.
World Cosplay

Check the links below to find more authors in this blog hop.

Pick up an original short featuring Pietas, Lights Out, free by joining a reader group!

You'll find these characters mentioned in many books in my story universe.
Download a printable book list and check them off as you read.

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
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Witness the transformation: Pietas morphs into the Bringer of Chaos @nitsvetov @voicesbyzack #SciFi #Cosplay #MFRWhooks #PietasFans



When cosplaying Pietas, Nik Nitsvetov revealed aspects of the character's transformation I had never considered. Here are before, during, and after shots as Nik transformed Pietas into the Bringer of Chaos.

Pietas transforms

Watching Nik cosplay Pietas opened my eyes to how the character himself might have envisioned the change from "normal" to "superhero." To be clear, the ritual changes nothing but mindset, but it is effective. It's a clear way for Pietas to accept the mantle of leadership in the face of battle. Watch the video to see the full transformation with music and a voiceover by voice actor Zack Black.

Step 1: Before the Ritual

Witness the transformation: Pietas morphs into the Bringer of Chaos @nitsvetov_cos @voicesbyzack #SciFi #Cosplay #MFRWhooks #PietasFans



Watch the transformation: Pietas morphs into the Bringer of Chaos @nitsvetov_cos @voicesbyzack #SciFi #Cosplay #MFRWhooks

The Ritual of Strength tranforms Pietas into the War Leader of the Ultras -- a fighting machine known as the Bringer of Chaos. He earned the title because his strongest Sempervian gift is Chaos, the ability to create chaotic feelings with no outside source. In battle, it mind-dazes an enemy. But with a lover, his gift renders a partner helpless, inundating them with overwhelming pleasure.

He has worn a mask in battle ever since defeating the First Division, a human special-ops group formed to fight Ultras. It came about because Pietas slew an enemy, and blood splashed across his eyes. Thinking the blood belonged to Pietas, the Ultra troops rallied to him and slaughtered the humans. By the end of the battle, the blood had dried almost black. Stories of how their "bandit king" had conquered the First Division filled the night. To his troops, he was now the conqueror of the First Division, and they gave him a new title to celebrate: First Conqueror, War Leader of the Ultras.

Look at the facial expressions as Pietas lifts the mask into place, hiding his true self and preparing to morph into the Bringer of Chaos.

Step 2: Ritual

Watch the transformation: Pietas morphs into the Bringer of Chaos @nitsvetov_cos @voicesbyzack #SciFi #Cosplay #MFRWhooks

Watch the transformation: Pietas morphs into the Bringer of Chaos @nitsvetov_cos @voicesbyzack #SciFi #Cosplay #MFRWhooks

The expression of utter confidence while Pietas is wearing the mask reveals how much performing the ritual affects him. In the left image, he's removing a small knife used in the ritual. The story behind this knife -- I bought it at OutlantaCon a few years ago. It was made from hand-forged metal, a handle of hand-carved wood, and sheathed in hand-tooled leather. One of a kind. In the story (a Bringer of Chaos book not out yet), Six makes this knife and gives it to Pietas. He has used it for thousands of years and it's so fragile he now keeps it in a glass case. He never parts with a gift from a friend if there is any way possible to keep it.

In the second photo, Nik performs the scene where Pietas makes a small cut in his skin, symbolically shedding blood for his people. He heals instantly, but the point is he is ready to die for his people. Look at those eyes. Nik transformed as much as Pietas.

Step 3: After the Ritual

Watch the transformation: Pietas morphs into the Bringer of Chaos @nitsvetov_cos @voicesbyzack #SciFi #Cosplay #MFRWhooks

Watch the transformation: Pietas morphs into the Bringer of Chaos @nitsvetov_cos @voicesbyzack #SciFi #Cosplay #MFRWhooks

When the ritual is complete, Pietas removes his mask. In Origin of Pietas, he paints on the mask with soot from a fire, and right after, he and Six are caught in a downpour. When Six sees Pietas's face, he bursts into laughter and says Pietas looks like a "weapon of mascara destruction."

On the first photo, notice the focus in those eyes as Pietas begins the transformation back to his usual self. The next picture shows him with the mask off and a partial smile. I love that photo. It's the backdrop for my email program. My interpretation of this image is that Pietas is happy to return to his (somewhat) normal life and be who he really is.

Witness the Next Live Cosplay

Sign up below and you'll be the first to know when the next Pietas cosplay takes place. The date will be between now and October 15th.

Check the links below to find more authors in this blog hop.

Pick up the first story in the Bringer of Chaos series, Lights Out, free by joining a reader group!

Origin of Pietas

Origin of Pietas: Bringer of Chaos #SpaceOpera #SciFi

Forged in Fire

Forged in Fire: Bringer of Chaos #SpaceOpera #SciFi

Lights Out

Lights Out: Bringer of Chaos #SpaceOpera #SciFi

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog.
It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors.
Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

Summertime Sci-Fi Romance #SciFi #Romance Books to read and fall in love with

Summertime Sci-Fi Romance #SciFi #Romance Books to read and fall in love with

Sci-Fi Book Fair for Books $5 and under

A bundle of high-caliber authors for lovers of SF/F.

This special event showcases all subgenres of sci-fi and may include:

hard scifi
soft scifi
space opera
time travel
and more.

Join us! SF Book Event