In this scene from Alitus - Tales of the Chosen, the hero gets news he feared would come.
Betters are enhanced humans whose pheromones can addict and whose voices put a human in thrall.
Now regulated by the imperial government, they must wear an electronic veil that alters their voices and removes their pheromones. Protests have broken out around the Empire. As the Minister of Imperial Intelligence, Alitus must be kept apprised of the situation.
"Alitus." Byrin beckoned to him. "Her Majesty sent word. She needs you immediately."
He joined Byrin, who walked with him toward the elevator. "What's wrong?"
Byrin used the call button. "Three Betters protested outside Parliament by burning their veils. When police moved in, things got out of hand. Seven of them were killed."
Alitus stepped into the elevator, holding the doors open. "I thought you said there were three Betters."
"The Betters were working together to prevent the police from moving them. When their pheromones combined, it killed seven of the cops."
The impact of that event would have far-reaching consequences. "One Better alone can kill. We've seen that. Ganged up? Byrin, this is going to get much worse." He stepped back from the door.
"There's a full-fledged riot going on down there." Byrin put out his hand to stop the doors from closing. "Hey."
Alitus met the man's grim gaze.
"Watch your back."
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Tales of the Chosen
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Then pre-order Alitus and Jawk to claim the entire Tales of the Chosen series.
These books are in the same universe as the Antonello Brothers, and Antonello Brothers: Immortal books.
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