Connect with Nik Nitsvetov (Pietas performer)
Nik Nitsvetov is photographer and award-winning cosplayer. A gamer and anime fan, he often cosplays characters from popular series. He lives in Russia and is a strong supporter of Russian Cosplay. His personal photography ranges from cosplay to portraits and often includes animals and nature. You will find him online through various social media.
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From Origin of Pietas
In this scene, Pietas, who is grievously ill and unable to fend for himself, has asked the human, Six, to go find the other immortals, but he's refused. How dare a lowly human defy him?
"How can you not do this, Six? What if my family and the council members are in the same shape I was in? Trapped, helpless, and injured?"
"No, no, and no." Six sat cross-legged by the fire, filet knife in hand, scraping scales off a fish. The fire sparked as the scales hit. "I'm not looking for your people. Look," he gestured at him with the knife, "you promised not to kill me. Not them. And to clarify, when it comes down to who ain't killing who, I promised not to kill you. Them? They're another story."
A hint of heat tingled against Pietas's face, and then a deeper warmth. Were his empathic senses returning, or was that the fire? "You are afraid." It sounded more accusatory than he'd intended.
Six glared at him. "Of course I am! You think I'm an idiot? I'm the only human on Sempervia. You know what a bunch of Ultras are gonna do if a human walks into camp? Nope." He spread his hands, the dead fish flopping as he did. "Not going. You get better, and I'll go with you, but I ain't going alone."
"I can't believe you."
"Sorry to disappoint." In one slice, he split the fish and then gutted it. He tossed the guts into the flames.
"You evince no sorrow whatsoever."
Six speared him with a dark look. "Evince? That some swear word in your language?"
"It's standard Etymis everyone speaks, ghost. It means to express. Empaths read the emotions that others evince."
"Fine. I don't evince any sorrow. Not one bit sorry about not taking on such a harebrained mission. Look what happened to the last one I accepted." He threaded the fish onto a long stick. "I might be dead, but I'm an animated dead, thank you. I intend to stay that way."
Pietas shut his eyes, jaws clenched. If he could heal faster by focusing anger, he'd have shot straight to good-as-new.
While Six worked on a second fish, Pietas considered what other tacks to try. The ghost was all about duty. "I'm accustomed to obedience from my men."
Six's mouth twisted into a wry grin. "Two things I'm starting to regret right now." He continued scraping the fish.
Pietas prompted him. "Such as?"
"One, that I didn't go AWOL when I heard about the mission to capture you."
Curiosity won over, and Pietas broke the silence. "And the second?"
Six looked him straight in the eyes. "That you got your voice back."
Bringer of Chaos
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