In this scene, Senth and Khyff are about to meet with Senth's father, Luc Saint-Cyr, at an infamous club in a bad part of town, when they run into a little snag. Seems Senth's "baby face" means no one takes him seriously.
Good thing his father -- known as the Man -- has a reputation that opens doors. And Senth has a real talent for liberating items...
The Bouncer
As Senth approached The Ghost, the club's beefy Kin bouncer put out a hand. "Hold up, kid. You--" She motioned toward Khyff -- "Wait over there. Now..." She motioned Senth aside. "You got ID?"
Senth opened his cloak, revealing the lining with its unmistakable Thieves' Guild insignia, a skeleton key inside a slashed circle. He gave his Sen'dai's hand sign, two fingers held at the level of his waist.
"Ffffftt!" The bouncer made an apologetic shrug. "Sorry. Why didn't you say you were the Man's right up front?"
"His shouldn't have to." Senth brushed a hand down the front of the cloak. "And I'm no kid."
"Sorry, sir." She opened the door for both of them and bowed.
Once inside, Khyff held out one palm, and Senth slid his down it, hooked his fingers as Khyff did, and with hands clasped, gave one downward shake.
"C'mon, Bro." Khyff led the way past the darkened foyer.
Inside, music pulsed like a living entity. Throbbing bass tickled Senth's chest, and he coughed. Drums pounded. Colored lights swept the cavernous room. Strobes flashed across the congested dance floor, highlighting bobbing heads and upflung arms. Light glinted off human bodies slick with sweat, while bared and damp Kin furskin stuck out in points, laden with glitter.
"Stay close," Khyff shouted over the pounding music, standing next to Senth. He headed for the rear and left no chance to argue.
Senth skirted around the crammed dance area, liberating loose credit stubs clipped to belts. In this place, it wouldn't take long for the pockets of his cloak to bulge.
He tried not to stare at the half-naked slakes along the wall, but their clothing and attitude declared their availability. A pair of male and female slakes bent over a low railing, their pants around their ankles. Androgs handled their bodies like merchandise.
Khyff nudged him. "Comparison shoppers."
Senth frowned. "Not funny."
"Try being the one hanging over the railing." Khyff jerked his head to the side.
Antonello Brothers
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Vivid excerpt! I haven’t read this one, but obviously I should.
LOL Who am I to argue? 🙂 Thanks, Lisabet.
I could picture this so clearly. It felt like I was there!
Thank you, Kate!