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“Is this stupid chip even working?” #Excerpt from Lights Out #SciFi #PietasFans #MFRWhooks

Lights Out: Bringer of Chaos, futuristic military sci-fi #SciFi #MilSF #SpaceOpera

Is this stupid chip even working? #Excerpt from Lights Out #SciFi

Excerpt: Is this chip even working?

In this scene, Tornahdo is aboard the starport Enderium Six, awaiting assignment. All he's been told is he'll be providing security during peace talks aboard the station. He's locked in his room, with no outside contact, and no idea what's next or when it will happen. An "anti-emo" chip has been inserted into his brain, supposedly to help him control emotions. The enemy has the psychic ability to control the emotions of others, and this chip is designed to prevent that. So when he's called to the armory to report for duty, he's eager to go.


In the armory, Tornahdo and eleven others donned the black body armor and helmets of the Ghost Corps and followed a woman into the next chamber. There, she left them with instructions to await a briefing.

The teamwork in the regular army had no place in Ghost Corps. Isolation was the point of being a ghost. After his previous run-in, Tornahdo had less reason to interact.

The unlit room where they waited closed in as if the walls pulled together and the ceiling sank. The longer they waited, the thicker the air. Warm, heavy with sweat and the tart bite of fear, every breath choked the senses.

More than one ghost pulled at his collar. Tension arced through the room, lightning skating over a metal fence.

Was the chip even working?

After half an hour of waiting, no one had spoken.

Great. Probably another test.

Bringer of Chaos

Bringer of Chaos Bundle 1 - Science Fiction and Space Opera #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

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Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Pick up the first story in the Bringer of Chaos series, Lights Out, plus an illustrated look at the series free by signing up for my newsletter

Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

Bringer of Chaos #SciFi #SpaceOpera #PietasFans

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Tina Donahue
Tina Donahue
6 months ago

Very descriptive excerpt. 🙂

Maggie Blackbird
6 months ago

I like how the atmosphere in the room changes to tension the longer they have to wait. Well done.

Lisabet Sarai
6 months ago

I feel incredibly uncomfortable reading this scene. Which I am sure was your intent, Kayelle!

Kate Hill
6 months ago

You’ve definitely got me wondering if the chip is working. A great excerpt!