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Shamrock |
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Shamrock |
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A Woolybooger. |
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No Sex. |
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Just Plain No. |
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A Mind Map of my Work in Progress. |
I’ve discovered (the hard way) that unless I have a solid plot my book ideas fizzle. I am not a pantser. I recently got a program called Freemind that is “mind map” software. You start with a central idea, and keep clicking to create new “bubbles” or trains of thought, writing down a bit to capture the idea and then moving to the next point. I’m not an “outliney” kind of person either, so making one never worked for me. But for some reason, this program helps me capture my racing thoughts fast enough that I can get them down before they’re gone. When I get an idea it springs whole into my head and I can’t put it on paper fast enough.
Click either image in this post to see them in a larger size.
Want to try the product? Go here to download it. Let me know what you think! http://freemind.sourceforge.net
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Relaxing on the Weekend. |
Finish this sentence. It’s the weekend, and I… Depending on what weekend and what’s going on in my life, it could be anything from “have a class to attend” to “will be in class.”
Weekends are my busiest times. My Yahoo groups are jumping Saturdays and Sundays. On Romance Lives Forever, it’s promo weekend, so I’m approving messages and/or reading them. My moderator, Jean Paquin, takes care of most moderating duties for me (and God bless her abundantly for it). But I do check the group frequently and respond when I see messages in queue.
Marketing for Romance Writers gets a lot of attention as well. Many authors have day jobs and therefore are busy online on the weekends. They drop into MFRW for a quick piece of advice, or they read a message that asks for help and they take a minute to respond. It’s a wonderful group, and the volunteer staff is terrific. I love each of them for their caring attitudes and service.
This weekend, I’m updating my website and working on a book trailer. Next weekend I have a class to attend. I’m learning how to create and play a role-playing game. This is research for a book series. The game I play is called Imagine, and I’m fortunate that the player group I hang out with meets in the basement of the Imagine creator’s house. Talk about a unique learning opportunity! And of course, I’ll be writing.
What do you do on the weekends?
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Good Writing. |
Flash fiction is a short piece, often less than 500 words. I have three flashes from a challenge I did with fellow authors that I’m sharing today, each under 100 words. I hope you enjoy them. Each is a complete scene or story.
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Share Your Book Details. |
Welcome to the monthly share feature. On or about the 24th of each month, I’ll be asking fellow authors to share their blurbs and buy links in the comments section of my blog.
This month, the focus is on M/M. If you have a book of the male-male persuasion (in any genre), feel free to share it here.
We’d like to see:
Book title:
Buy Links:
Readers are welcome to leave questions or comments. We’d love to hear from everyone.
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I’m a Writer. |
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Bread Pudding. |
Would you like an easy recipe for your Mardi Gras party or dinner menu? How about a simple bread pudding even the kids will enjoy? This one is an old favorite, and it’s served with a sweet butter topping and cinnamon sugar. Good down home cooking.
Pietas ap Lorectic was introduced in the book For Women Only. He’s a physically beautiful immortal male who appears young, despite being over twelve thousand years old. He and his twin sister were the only naturally conceived and born Ultras.
The name Pietas comes from the word “pieta“, meaning “representation.” A famous statue by Michelangelo called “The Pieta” represents a dramatic event in Christendom. Another word for “pieta” is “creation.” Pietas was considered (at his birth to two supposedly infertile immortals) to be the highest creation, the epitome of success. His mother, Helia hid her pregnancy from all but a close circle of others, fearful of what might happen if humans discovered she was fertile.
Unknown to Helia, she carried twins. A female child was delivered only minutes after Pietas, and she was considered a delight, and a good omen. She was named Dessy from the root word decet (dess-say) meaning good or proper. We know her today as Empress Rheyn Destoiya, or the Conqueror. She detests being called Dessy. Pietas makes a point of calling her that to irritate her.
Pietas and Dessy’s father is Mahikos. Those who’ve read Surrender Love had an opportunity to meet him. Helia will appear in an upcoming book.
Other names for Pietas in human history are Marauder, Impaler, Hammer of God, Soul Ripper, Destroyer of Worlds, Slayer of Innocents, and Hound of Hell. He is mentioned in the Tales of the Chosen series, and Surrender Love. There is a love-hate relationship between Pietas and Luc Saint-Cyr, whom Pietas insists on calling by his Sempervian name, Cyken.