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Other Worldly News from Spec Fic Writers @SpecFicWriters members include Paul Martz @PaulSkewMatrix Lynde Iozzo @LyndeIozzo + Review Adar @realjosephmawle #Adar #TROP #SpecFic #SciFi

Other Worldly News from Spec Fic Writers @SpecFicWriters members include Paul Martz @PaulSkewMatrix Lynde Iozzo @LyndeIozzo + Review Adar  #Adar #TROP #SpecFic #SciFi

Available onlineβ€”The winter issue of "Other Worldly News" from Speculative Fiction Writers. Access is free and contains news about members of the group, speculative fiction writers and books, and opportunities for writers and readers. Our members who publish in many of the speculative fiction sub-genres including: science fiction, fantasy, horror, dystopian, weird west, fairy tales and more.

This month's highlights:

Meet Our Member: Lynde Iozzo teaches at-risk youth in an alternative high school. A teacher 17 years but a writer since childhood, for her reading and writing were escapes from troubles at school and elsewhere. "In your head, you know there's a better world" where she could envision that improvement.

Four Steps to Revising My Opening with a Critiki Bar Hangover: Paul Martz introduces us to an overview of a productive critique session combined with cocktails.

Other Worldly News from Spec Fic Writers @SpecFicWriters members include Paul Martz @PaulSkewMatrix Lynde Iozzo @LyndeIozzo + Review Adar @realjosephmawle #Adar #TROP #SpecFic #SciFi

Well-Loved Bits, Books, Videosβ€”Kayelle Allen reviews the character Adar from the Amazon Original series, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

Flash Fiction, "A Diabolical Memory": A special holiday gift for spec fic enthusiasts (Fred Lanigan).

What is speculative fiction?

The speculative fiction genre combines settings beyond our current world, and can include futuristic or supernatural elements. "SpecFic" takes the imagination to new worlds. This newsletter is created by writers in a spec fic critique group based in Denver, CO, but with members in multiple states and Canada.

To read the issue, or to get it regularly, go here

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