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Meet the Hero of Crystal Clear Truth #SciFi #Romance #MFRWhooks

Crystal Clear Truth - a slow-burn, forced proximity scifi alien romance set in the far future, in an empire full of treachery and secrets

Crystal Clear Truth is supposed to be the final* book in the Antonello Brothers series.

I said that when I wrote book #2 also, so there's that.

This excerpt introduces the hero, Joe Townsend.

In this excerpt, we meet him at the start of his journey in Crystal Clear Truth.
*Subject to character approval 😉

Meet Joe - Crystal Clear Truth

Tarthian Empire, Kyrenie
Fenris City, Taskya District
Birit 53


The barren house echoed the void inside. Empty places looked back, demanding a reaction. But Joe Townsend the third had nothing left to give.

From the moment he'd learned of his folks' accidental death, life had screamed past him like a banshee. The never-ending whirlwind of people needing around-the-clock decisions sucked his energy dry. He leaned against the inside of his parents' front door and slid down.

Today, he'd said his formal goodbyes at their memorial. He'd smiled like a wooden soldier at the unending I'm-so-sorrys and the non-stop oh-poor-Joe-how-are-you-doings.

How did they think he was doing?

Life had plunged him into a lightless, inescapable world of sympathetic platitudes.

How could he move forward when everywhere he looked, the past held him fast?

How could he move forward when every step led him further away from the people he'd loved most?

How could he move forward and lever past this pain?

There had to be a better way to handle heartbreak. A saner way.

Joe stood and dusted himself off. He would throw himself into his work. That's what his dad always--

A fresh ache swept over him.

"Whatever you can't change, accept and work through, Son. Focus on what you can do, what you have to do, and don't waste time looking back."

Joe braced an arm across his stomach. Would he ever think of his father's words of wisdom again without this foreboding sensation of loss? This sense that part of himself was missing? Or of his mother and her strength? Her abiding belief in him, encouraging him, guiding the way?

Dragging his feet, Joe staggered through the house, back to the room that had been his when he lived here as a boy, now stripped bare. His parents had put the house on the market and accepted an offer weeks prior to their deaths. They'd put everything in storage, preparing to move. The new owners would arrive tomorrow.

Nothing remained of the place Joe had once called his haven.

There was no home to go to. Starting tomorrow, this place would be someone else's. Not his parents'. Not his. Not anymore.

This sterile room symbolized everything he'd lost.

He couldn't think about this tonight. Couldn't think about work, even work he'd been preparing for his whole life.

Joe had longed for the opportunity to work at his father's side. The pride he'd felt when appointed had rivaled the thrill of collaborating with him. The joy of raw discovery, uncovering new truths while pushing the frontiers of knowledge to the nth degree.

Now, he was taking his father's place instead. Trying to fill shoes he would never be worthy to wear.

Right this moment, success was a meaningless distraction.

Exhausted, he curled up in the middle of the floor, surrounded by nothing but loss. He'd spend one last night in this empty shell of a place he'd once considered home.

Come morning, he'd walk away forever.

Antonello Brothers

Click covers for the buy link. Click text for the website page and excerpts.

#SciFi #Romance

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3 years ago

He sounds depressed. Hope he recovers soon