No fear touches me.
There's a difference between feeling fear and being controlled by fear. In this scene, Six offers a bit of advice. At the beginning of the previous book, nothing the Ghost Corps soldier said made it past Pietas's iron will. How could a mortal know more than he did? But over the journey across the planet, step by step, Pietas has opened his heart. Now that they are finally entering the camp where the other immortals live, Pietas must face the one person who's hurt him more than any other. His father.
Excerpt from Forged in Fire
Fists clenched, Pietas halted. His heart raced. His breath came too fast. Too shallow. I am bigger than any fear. I am unbeatable. I am unstoppable.
"Yes, you are." Six touched the middle of his back.
Pietas jerked away from him. "You aren't supposed to hear me, ghost."
"Then stop thinking so loud."
His iron discipline kept swear words from spewing out his mouth, but if ever one fit, it was now.
Six grinned. "Same to you, Ultra."
Exasperated, he turned to go.
"Hey." Six touched his arm. "Can I give you some advice?"
He tightened his jaw, faced the man, and waited.
Six stuck his thumbs under the straps of his pack. "After I signed the paperwork to become a ghost, I went home. Visited family. My abuela had died, but I hung out with my cousins. I said I was going on a long-term mission, so they put together a going away party. My birth mother showed up."
The ghost related few stories of his personal life, so Pietas paid close attention. "What happened?"
"I hadn't seen her in years. Maybe ten or more. Didn't want to see her. She'd abandoned me. Why should I talk to her? But I kept hearing my abuela's advice. 'Value family. They're your treasure.' I didn't want to believe that for a minute, but I couldn't get it out of my mind."
"You talked to her."
"I did. But before I went, I reminded myself of a few things my abuela taught me. Be aware of your emotions." He counted on his fingers as he listed them. "Don't respond to emotional chaos. Set boundaries. Don't let anyone steal your joy. Forgive those who do you wrong."
"How can one forgive when one can't forget?"
"Forgiveness doesn't mean you forget. You should never forget. To forget would mean they could hurt you again."
"Then how can one forgive?"
"You forgive because no matter what they did, or whether they deserve to be forgiven, you recognize that you deserve peace."
Pietas clasped his hands and brought them to his mouth, voiceless.
Once, when he'd trained with Armand and Philippe, he'd missed a blocking opportunity and Armand hit him in the chest. Philippe followed through not two seconds later. The twins hadn't intended to hurt him, but the double punch laid him out on the floor, unable to breathe, unsure his heart was still beating. Helpless.
Six's words hit him the same way.
How he ached to believe them.
The Ritual of Strength series Video: Ritual of Strength performed by Nik Nitsvetov I am powerful, as fire is powerful. I own the wind. I prevail over the breath of my enemies. Water submits to my presence the way enemies submit to my will. My enemies trickle into the pool of time. My body submits to my will. No fear touches me. My will is absolute. I prevail over every circumstance. I face every foe. (+Origin of the Ritual) I vanquish every enemy. I overcome. I am indomitable. I am invincible.
My thanks to the performer, Nik Nitsvetov, and photographer Belyaeva Yuliya
Bringer of Chaos
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Tweeted 🙂
Thank you!
There’s so much wisdom in this post.
“Don’t let anyone steal your joy.”
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Lisabet. 🙂
superbly done, powerful. Tweeted.
Much appreciated 🙂
Interesting excerpt