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Meet Kayelle + get your game on at @OutlantaCon March 19-22 #SciFi #MFRWhooks #MFRWauthor


UPDATE (Mar 16, 2020)

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Atlanta mayor has banned all meetings with over 250 people. OutlantaCon has been canceled until 2021. The con will refund all attendees and provide everyone with a full ticket for next year, no matter if they bought a one-day pass or a full weekend.

Hope to see you next year!


OutlantaCon is now an Atlanta tradition in the Spring. Come meet me and hang out!

The Science Fiction convention will celebrate its 12th anniversary in 2020. For the last decade, the convention has been offering a fun welcoming place for queer geeks to gather in Atlanta, Georgia, where they can show their love for everything from anime to horror. At Outlantacon, geeks can take advantage of a range of great programming including: writers and comics track, fandom track, activism track, world wide short film festival, a constantly full game room, and live entertainment with game shows including the nation wide convention favorite: Project Cosplay.

The convention has grown over the years to create an inclusive and inviting environment for our LGBTQ+ folks and their allies to play and thrive.

Join us at the Atlanta Marriott Buckhead Hotel and Conference Center. It's a 30k square foot conference space with innovative spaces and personalized service.  Book your hotel room . Convention cost for the weekend is $50 for the entire 4 days of OutlantaCon. You know you want to meet me and hang out!

Hope to see you March 19-22, 2020.

Visit the site to check out the cool cosplays and events from previous years.

OutlantaCon 2020

Two events not to miss: The Match Game. This hilarious take on the old favorite never fails to get laughs. // OutlantaCon Squares. Remember Hollywood Squares? This is our version and it's guaranteed to crack you up! I'm in one of the  boxes on this, so come see it!

I'll be teaching panels too. We can meet afterward and talk.

From Book to Cosplay: Live Action Cosplay for your book.

In 2018 and 2019, I worked with Russian cosplayer Nik Nitsvetov to recreate pivotal scenes from my Bringer of Chaos science fiction series. I'll discuss planning and presentation, plus offers tips on how to record the action.

Save Your Own Cat - Plotting in Fiction

Save the Cat is a plotting concept used by Hollywood and writers everywhere. Some say it's the new Plotting Bible. But what is it and why should writers care?

Get Naked: Stripping Down Your Story

Witness a live critique group in action and discover the value of editing and beta readers. Members of my local critique group (Canton Writers Circle) will present with me. I have published five books during my time with CWC. I consider these fellow writers not only my posse but also my very closest friends. Come meet everyone!

Special Price

For the convention weekend only, I'll have a special sale going on. You can get print copies of my books, but spend $10 on a 16GB flashdrive and get every one of my books! The drive also has videos, downloadable and printable coloring books, and much more.

Plus I'll have giveaways to hand out, including the patch worn by the warrior Pietas. "We Are War"

I'll be easy to find. Come into the vendor room and look for Pietas!

See you March 19-22...

Are you going to @OutlantaCon? March 19-22 #ATL #SciFi #MFRWhooks

OutlantaCon is coming. Are you?

<--- Pietas Cosplay from 2018

Life-sized banners of Pietas.

He is 7' tall! (I'm 5'4")
Model is Nik Nitsvetov

Pietas Cosplay from 2019 --->

I'll have a booth in the Vendor's Room this year and will be showing off the gorgeous new banners of Pietas.

Come get your picture taken next to one of them! Where would you reach compared to me?

Your picture will help me as I write future stories. I'll be able to picture people of various heights next to the hero.

(Pictures taken at AnachroCon 2020 in Atlanta)

Are you going to @OutlantaCon? March 19-22 #ATL #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week for you the reader to discover current works in progress or previously published books by possibly new-to-you authors. Thank you for stopping by. Please say hello or leave a note in the comments.

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4 years ago

Sounds wonderful, Kayelle… I hope it doesn’t get canceled.

“Save the Cat”… wish I could be in on that session!

Dee Knight
Dee Knight
4 years ago

Whoa! Those posters will definitely bring people to your table! Wish I could be there.

4 years ago

I’ll be thinking about you

4 years ago

I’m curious about “save the cat” and think that selling flash drives with all your books pre-loaded on them is a marvelous idea.

Becky Flade
Becky Flade
4 years ago

This looks like a ton of fun!!!! Good luck

Ed Hoornaert
4 years ago

Good luck at the con. The book festival this weekend in Arizona was cancelled because of Covid19, unfortunately.

4 years ago

Wow, love those posters. Should attract a lot of readers. Good luck at the con, lots of things being cancelled around here due to Covid19.